• [Tiny] Resinoid

    From John Metcalf@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 9 19:24:55 2022
    Resinoid is a clear/imp for the tiny hill which uses a pair of mov/dat
    clears based on Gymnosperm Trickery and a paper-launched spiral similar
    to Yukikaze. The clear constant and paper boot distance have been
    optimized using Randy.

    It's currently in second place on SAL and only loses to a handful of
    published warriors (listed below):

    Name Author %W %L %T Score
    interlocking John Metcalf 49 24 27 174.3
    Tiny Tiny Bombers John Metcalf 42 17 41 167.9
    after the storm John Metcalf 47 44 9 149.1
    clock strikes twelve John Metcalf 42 36 23 147.9
    little goonie David Moore 42 38 20 147.0
    476 Sascha Zapf 37 33 30 140.8
    WingShot 0.66 Ben Ford 31 29 39 132.9
    Will-o'-the-Wisp John Metcalf 18 8 74 126.7
    TL5 (Tiny Lord 5) Neo 15 9 76 121.9
    livewire voodoo M^2 18 15 67 120.2

    Here's the code, which can also be found on the tiny-Koenigstuhl:

    * https://users.obs.carnegiescience.edu/birk/COREWAR/TINY/hill_rec.html

    ;name Resinoid
    ;author John Metcalf
    ;strategy dual resin with silk-launched imps
    ;assert CORESIZE==800

    mov {100, 760
    mov {220, 410
    mov <780, 360
    mov <480, 460

    bpos equ resin+700

    spl 1, <192
    spl 1, >419

    mov {resin, {cboot1
    mov {resin+4, {cboot2
    mov {paper, {pboot

    cboot1 spl bpos+400, }386
    cboot2 spl bpos, {399
    pboot jmz.f *193, >249

    ; silk-launched imps

    istep equ 267

    paper spl @0+4, istep+1
    mov }paper, >paper
    spl >0, }istep*2
    imp mov.i #-1, istep

    ; clear inspired by GT

    resin spl 0+4, {resin-4
    clear mov 1, <1
    mov <0, <345
    djn.f clear, {resin-4


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