• CGM Grand Final Results

    From John Metcalf@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 17 00:34:13 2022
    The results for the "Tiny Survival" Grand Final of CGM. Max processes were reduced every round with the lowest scoring warrior knocked off.

    Congratulations to Roy, inversed and Steve who claimed 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

    # Author Warrior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    1 Roy van Rijn Almost a Book 171.0 155.7 138.3 141.5 135.3 139.2 147.7 158.1 166.7 172.3 171.7 180.3 182.1 205.3 201.2
    2 inversed Double Shock 180.4 175.6 167.2 149.4 166.1 163.8 159.2 156.2 155.5 160.9 157.1 153.3 148.2 125.3 96.7
    3 inversed I_Alpha Centauri 172.8 164.0 154.9 168.0 143.4 143.2 143.2 148.5 147.5 153.7 156.8 148.8 143.0 117.5
    4 Steve Gunnell Switch To Zero Wins 168.0 156.4 143.7 142.0 137.5 138.9 145.2 146.6 149.3 141.0 144.8 137.0 114.1
    5 Steve Gunnell Yet Some Always Fail 181.3 170.4 157.4 157.4 151.7 153.8 157.9 155.1 151.9 145.2 132.3 120.4
    6 Sascha Zapf Seek and Destroy 160.5 145.1 147.6 145.7 145.2 143.6 141.4 135.8 131.9 133.5 122.2
    7 Dave Hillis Evolving Threat 173.1 160.5 148.2 144.7 142.9 142.2 141.3 135.0 130.6 125.2
    8 Wayne Sheppard SDC 152.1 136.0 137.5 134.7 140.0 142.4 136.4 135.9 129.4
    9 S.Fernandes Tiny Dread Pirate 153.3 143.4 143.6 138.6 137.8 136.8 134.4 129.9
    10 Sascha Zapf Laststanding 152.0 145.0 148.3 145.8 145.8 139.0 129.6
    11 Wayne Sheppard Scanny Boy 147.5 136.6 143.6 140.4 138.2 134.2
    12 Roy van Rijn Myrmidon 147.0 136.8 136.7 132.6 133.4
    13 John Metcalf Infernal Machine 140.3 135.6 124.7 126.8
    14 S.Fernandes R.O.U.S. 153.0 138.0 123.0
    15 Dave Hillis rdrc: Banshee Compla 135.0 123.9
    16 John Metcalf Curiosity 92.4 94.7
    17 RainRat Evolved173 66.6
    18 RainRat Evolved317 56.9

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