• Re: Etymological question -- "waller" a hole

    From Osumcat404@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 21 04:17:56 2024
    The dictionary online as well as a Wikipedia tells me it's a US slang pejorative. Meaning precisely what is said about although I've never heard it used in reference to pigs or anything other than like a mechanical use but not on purpose usually as a way
    of saying this needs to be replaced because for whatever reason it won't hold or whatever the intended use it's now wallored out so therefore we need to replace.

    For full context, visit https://www.polytechforum.com/metalworking/etymological-question-waller-a-hole-592425-.htm

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  • From Osumcat2404@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 21 04:17:56 2024
    It doesn't always mean intentional I've never heard it using this way My mother is a mechanic and a machinist and she talks about it when there is a washer that doesn't work anymore because it's been used too much or when a sink won't quit dripping
    because the washer's walleted out or even a boat the threads can be rollered out to the point that it's no longer of good use I've never heard of it use intentionally I've heard of it used when it's time to replace. My husband is also a mechanic My
    family is from above and below the Mason-Dixon line but I do think it's mainly a southern thing

    For full context, visit https://www.polytechforum.com/metalworking/etymological-question-waller-a-hole-592425-.htm

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  • From Clare Snyder@21:1/5 to 5c952a4be033b134e695e64c6410b71f@ex on Sun Jan 21 16:18:17 2024
    On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 04:17:56 +0000, Osumcat2404 <5c952a4be033b134e695e64c6410b71f@example.com> wrote:

    It doesn't always mean intentional I've never heard it using this way My mother is a mechanic and a machinist and she talks about it when there is a washer that doesn't work anymore because it's been used too much or when a sink won't quit dripping
    because the washer's walleted out or even a boat the threads can be rollered out to the point that it's no longer of good use I've never heard of it use intentionally I've heard of it used when it's time to replace. My husband is also a mechanic My
    family is from above and below the Mason-Dixon line but I do think it's mainly a southern thing

    It's southern slanf for wallow - as in a Hog Wallow - a mud-hole dug
    out or yallowed out by a hog. Used to describe a hole that has been
    enlarged unintentionally by being a loose fit - wallered out

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)