• My funny but true Willie Johnson story

    From Gunner Asche@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 10 13:11:26 2023
    Greetings all,

    As you may already know I was forced into a lateral move a few months back. My new digs have many challenges including truly crap Internet access which is why I've barely posted lately. Nobody wants to talk to me much here although they do like to
    interact with me. But not in a good way if you know what I mean. <grrrr> It helps if I distract myself by reminiscing about my amazing life. You guys used to love my stories so I thought I'd share a particularly fun one from the old days.

    I've mentioned before that I was very accomplished as a youngun, banging my babysitter when I was 11, marching with MLK, and traveling with big name performers like Janice Joplin etc. But you haven't heard about my life before that, when I was a roadie
    with Willie Johnson and the Howlin Wolfs. Willie was really famous back then and I have fond memories of those days on the road. At the time I wasn't keen on all the gospel numbers though. Maybe I shoulda paid more attention! Coulda wouda shoulda. <grin>
    But I did dig the blues and Willie and the Wolfs sure could belt them out. In between my regular duties of changing tires by loosening wheel nuts with my bare fingers etc, I jammed with the Wolfs on my banjo. Willie said I had potential but of course
    those dreams went by the wayside when I switched to being a Ranger, sniper, paramedic, teachings gangsters how to shoot yada yada <shucks> Anyway there was this one time when Willie caught a glimpse of my daily carry 1911. He was razzing me about how it
    looked so worn and shitty and that a boy of my talents really should get a gold plated model like Elvis had. I joked right back that my piece would look better if he'd stop wearing shades indoors, and that if I ever got as fat as Elvis then I'd spring
    for gold plating. LOL

    That's all I have time for now, the higher ups are banging on my back door so to speak. Will write again when I can.

    Simper Fedilis

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  • From Richard Smith@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 11 10:02:31 2023
    Good to see you back.
    Best wishes, Rich S

    PS was it you who said in passing something like

    "... spent all summer working to pay to replace all the windows after
    we thought it a good idea to stub-out an oxy-acetylene torch, fill a
    bin-bag with the gas and put a light to it. ..."

    The mind's-eye sees two temporarily deafened gormless youths looking
    around dazed at a workshop with every window gone.

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