• I'm baaaaack!

    From Gunner Asche@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 19 12:22:55 2023
    Sorry for my absence because I know it led to some false stories. Let's just say that rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated! <grin>
    It is true that I was forced into a lateral move. And nothing could be more lateral than going from Taft to my current digs! <big grin> Fortunately everything I've lived for many decades prepared me well for my new situation. Some would call it hot but
    it's a dry heat that's a piece of cake for me! Sure there are many disgusting things here but those are also old hat for yours truly! You can trust that I'll be the last man standing because I always said I had the genes to subsist past 100, and I never

    Time for a SITREP!

    Number 1: Internet access here really sucks! There's definitely a nasty hierarchy. It's even worse than the caste system in India and as you know I'm familiar with that from my experience fighting in the Indian wars. <shucks> Anyway it took quite a while
    for me to work my way up the ladder so I could send this post. Eventually I got to the big guy and after that was a couple weeks recuperating from the experience. Once again, nothing I haven't done before but I will now be forever traumatized hearing the
    word giddyup shouted from behind. Not to mention that the saga earned me the new nickname of Iron Butt Asche. <grrr>

    B: Smokes and Monster energy drinks are not allowed here! WTF! Well, rumor is that there's a shortage and all the available supply is earmarked for upstairs so as to increase the number of incoming residents. Sucks, but I have to do my part for once in
    my er, life.

    To all the dems and socialist commies: Laugh all you want but The Great Cull is still on and I guarantee it will be better than ever! It's been years since I gutted a man but I'm ready to do thousands before and after we hang you all from lamp posts. As
    they say “justice delayed is justice served.” At least I think that's how it goes.......it's not as easy to look these things up as it used to be when I could simply pirate my neighbors' connections. Anyway so what if there's a little delay in the cull?
    It's “chin up pip pip tally ho” as my chums used to say during my days fighting in the Boar War. Turned a lot of boars into bacon during that one! Damn I really wish I'd kept my Mauser C96 from that little shindig. I curse the slivers that are still in
    my hand from that thing but it sure would come in handy now! Well balanced and fell to hand as readily as my old lady's vibrator. I do still have 1379 rounds for it back at my vast high desert ranch. If anybody wants to look for those they might be
    buried under some stuff that followed me home. <grin> Feel free to use one of my backhoe if that's what it takes.

    To all my friends and supporters over the years: follow my lead and take advantage of the supply of smokes and Monster. The sooner you get your butts here the sooner we can band together and get the Great Cull back on track. I'm looking forward to your
    arrival and will show you the ropes. It will finally be my turn to yell giddyup although that's assuming I can get my grubby hands on some little blue pills between now and then. Just another thing I miss from my glory days. Also, if one of you could
    bring along my Rensai Buddhist membership card that would be great because I've got aholes here telling me there's no such thing. It's in the footlocker along with my DD214 at my dad's place.

    It may be a while before I can post again but I'll do my best. Once you get here be sure to ask around for 'ol Iron Butt.

    Semper Fediless,


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