• Re: Comcast Selling Off MSNBC as Ratings Tank.

    From deuke@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 13 23:02:04 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, rec.food.restaurants, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 13 Nov 2024, J Carlson <j_carlson@gmx.com> posted some news:vh2qfk$2as88$1@dont-email.me:

    On every date, oozing scarlet red maxipad, whose mouth waters at the
    thought of his mommy's warm mackerel-reeking snatch, tried — and
    *failed* — to bullshit:

    In news:vh1g1o$22quk$1@dont-email.me, Siri Cruise
    <chine.bleu@www.yahoo.com> typed:

    Ball Bearings wrote:

    It's not over yet for Disney either. They keep churning out loser
    after loser.

    Movie productions are never over. They fire expendable VPs for
    clunkers and hire new trained monkeys.

    You think they have political or artistic goals. They do not. They
    are California capitalists which means their goal is profits. They
    got the machinery to do so. And as soon as they find the next hot
    genre, they will flood with it, you will pay, and the profits will

    If this company or that company dies, so what. Capitalism is
    ruthless. New companies will hire the now available production
    staff. Profits are the only worship.


    Hollywood is *not* collapsing, o oozing scarlet red maxipad (whose
    mouth waters at the thought of his mommy's warm mackerel-reeking
    snatch). You are, as always, full of shit.

    It's already collapsed.

    The hollyweird wokesters keep remaking classic movies and replacing key
    actors with niggers who really just plain don't "fit" the role in the
    first place.

    These are stupid people who believe insulting their established market
    audience will sell regardless because of the name and it's a "remake".

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