• Re: BREAKING NEWS: Legal Scholars Confirm That Trump Is Eligible To Run

    From Borgman@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 3 22:26:33 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, rec.sport.tennis, talk.politics.guns
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    On 03 Jan 2024, David Hartung <junk@nogood.com> posted some news:mjmdnfUk_tI2QQj4nZ2dnZfqn_ednZ2d@giganews.com:

    On 1/3/24 15:10, David Hartung wrote:
    On 1/3/2024 12:34 PM, scooter lied:

    "David Hartung" <junk@LCMS_shitbags.org> wrote in message
    On 1/3/2024 10:40 AM, scooter lied:

    "David Hartung" <junk@LCMS_shitbags.org> wrote in message
    On 1/3/2024 9:03 AM, Robert Peters wrote:
    On 1/3/2024 11:17 AM, Real American 1944 wrote:
    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It
    says any American citizen can run for president, with four big >>>>>>>> exceptions.

    Article II of the Constitution lays down the first three.
    Anybody can run for
    president as long as they are at least 35 years old, are a
    citizen and have lived in the United States for at least 14

    After the Civil War, members of Congress added a fourth test.
    Not wanting
    this country to fear that federal officials might again attempt >>>>>>>> to overthrow
    the government, they added the 14th Amendment which, among
    other provisions,
    disqualifies as a candidate for any federal office anybody who >>>>>>>> swore to
    uphold the Constitution and then sought to overturn it.

    The language of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is clear: “No >>>>>>>> person shall…hold an office, civil or military, under the
    United States…who, having
    previously taken an oath…to support the Constitution of the
    United States,
    shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the
    same, or given
    aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

    Then Congress added an important final clause: “But Congress >>>>>>>> may by a vote of
    two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

    Which leaves only three questions. First: Did Donald Trump
    “engage in
    insurrection” and/or “give comfort to” those who did?
    Absolutely. Even though
    not yet convicted of doing so (which the Constitution does not >>>>>>>> require),

    So much for due process.

    Bullshit. Due process has been followed. You don't know what due
    process is or means. Fuck off.

    Ok, in which Criminal Court has he been convicted of insurrection

    Section 3 of the 14th amendment does *not* require a criminal
    conviction, scooter.

    No, but the 5th amendment sure does.

    No, scooter, it does not. The fifth amendment has no bearing on
    section 3 of the 14th amendment, scooter.

    The fifth amendment is kind of like a Swiss army knife for you, isn't
    it, scooter? You think you can make it do anything and everything.
    You've said the fifth amendment is what means some gun control is
    allowed. Anything else you'd like to try to make it cover, scooter?

    I'm a fucking idiot, scooter.

    I don't have a law degree.

    You're missing a bunch of brain cells too!

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