• Re: San Francisco Bay boaters forced to fight off 'pirates' as seafarin

    From Thanks Newsom@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 23 03:18:30 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, ba.politics, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 12 Apr 2023, Pride <nowomr@protonmail.com> posted some news:u178u9$2af8$4@dont-email.me:

    Residents living on houseboats and yachts in the San Francisco Bay
    resorted to physically fighting off seafaring bandits who are ransacking
    their ships, former harbor master Brock de Lappe said.

    Another woman said she rescued a man whose sailboat drifted into the bay without a motor or any way to get back to shore after one of the
    "pirates," which is what the resident call the burglars, cut his boat line during an argument.

    "The open shoreline of the (Oakland-Alameda) estuary is littered with
    sunken wrecks and derelict, end-of-life vessels, and crime has risen to
    truly intolerable levels," de Lappe said during a municipal meeting.

    "Multiple vessels have been stolen and ransacked. Victims have had to
    resort to personally confronting the criminals to recover their property without the benefit of police support. Is this appropriate activity for a 79-year-old senior?"

    Since the summer, burglars have been using small boat homes to raid yachts
    and houseboats in the Oakland-Alameda Estuary, which is populated by
    marinas with over 3,000 slips, to steal anything of value.

    Then they either sink the ships or dump whatever is left of the boats
    miles away in the Oakland Harbor or along its shorelines.

    Several residents in the area shared personal anecdotes about the dire situation during Wednesday's San Francisco Bay Conservation and
    Development Commission's (BCDC) enforcement meeting.

    "I have asked the BCDC if there is any other issue that currently poses a greater threat to San Francisco Bay," de Lappe said. "I was told no. This
    is the top problem."

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-francisco-bay-boaters-forced-fight-off- pirates-seafaring-bandits-ravage-community

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