• Abortion planning at 16?

    From John H@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 11 09:12:07 2022
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of
    college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to John H on Mon Jul 11 10:08:18 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >educators?


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get
    the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods.
    You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up
    handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to gfretwell@aol.com on Mon Jul 11 11:19:48 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get
    the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods.
    You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up
    handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to John H on Mon Jul 11 12:25:08 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get
    the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods.
    You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up
    handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.
    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is
    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the
    morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wayne.beardsley@gmail.com@21:1/5 to gfre...@aol.com on Mon Jul 11 09:38:24 2022
    On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 12:25:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfre...@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get
    the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.
    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.
    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is
    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.


    The "life begins at conception crowd" are out of touch with reality and impossible to reason with. Each one of them should be required to adopt an unwanted inner city minority child and raise them to adulthood.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com on Mon Jul 11 14:14:51 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:38:24 -0700 (PDT),
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 12:25:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfre...@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of
    college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get
    the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods.
    You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up
    handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.
    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.
    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is
    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the
    morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.


    The "life begins at conception crowd" are out of touch with reality and impossible to reason with. Each one of them should be required to adopt an unwanted inner city minority child and raise them to adulthood.

    There is so much in the way of free or almost free contraception out
    there. If nothing else, maybe the dumping of Roe will cause some of
    those minority (Wayne's word, Harry, not mine!) females to do a bit of thinking.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to gfretwell@aol.com on Mon Jul 11 14:09:07 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get
    the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to John H on Mon Jul 11 15:09:40 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got
    the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to John H on Mon Jul 11 19:04:49 2022
    John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:38:24 -0700 (PDT),
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 12:25:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfre...@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>> college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>> educators?


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>> banned and I get raped and then I donÂ’t have the option to have an >>>>>> abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>> the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>> You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>> a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up
    handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.
    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.
    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is
    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the
    morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.


    The "life begins at conception crowd" are out of touch with reality and
    impossible to reason with. Each one of them should be required to adopt
    an unwanted inner city minority child and raise them to adulthood.

    There is so much in the way of free or almost free contraception out
    there. If nothing else, maybe the dumping of Roe will cause some of
    those minority (Wayne's word, Harry, not mine!) females to do a bit of thinking.

    Abortion is sad, but I am all for easy abortion in the first trimester. I like the SCOTUS ruling as I see this court actually looking at the Constitution. Reign in the Excessive Federal over reach. You want
    abortion, then elect state government who supports abortion.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to califbill9998remove8@gmail.com on Mon Jul 11 16:31:45 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 19:04:49 -0000 (UTC), Bill
    <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> wrote:

    John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:38:24 -0700 (PDT),
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 12:25:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfre...@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>>> college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>> educators?


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>>> banned and I get raped and then I don?t have the option to have an >>>>>>> abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill. >>>>>>
    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>> the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>>> You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>>> a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up
    handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.
    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.
    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is
    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is
    fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>> morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a
    baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.


    The "life begins at conception crowd" are out of touch with reality and
    impossible to reason with. Each one of them should be required to adopt >>> an unwanted inner city minority child and raise them to adulthood.

    There is so much in the way of free or almost free contraception out
    there. If nothing else, maybe the dumping of Roe will cause some of
    those minority (Wayne's word, Harry, not mine!) females to do a bit of

    Abortion is sad, but I am all for easy abortion in the first trimester. I >like the SCOTUS ruling as I see this court actually looking at the >Constitution. Reign in the Excessive Federal over reach. You want >abortion, then elect state government who supports abortion.

    The feds could certainly pass a federal law granting abortion rights
    if they could get it out of the Senate. The democrats are willing to
    trash the filibuster to do it. I assume if they did, the next piece of legislation that would come out of a GOP congress would be the
    "Hearing Protection Act".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to gfretwell@aol.com on Mon Jul 11 17:36:29 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your
    extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each
    other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against
    the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got
    the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with
    fingers and toes.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 3452471@gmail.com@21:1/5 to gfre...@aol.com on Mon Jul 11 16:35:10 2022
    On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 3:09:53 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfre...@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfre...@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jher...@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one
    so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?
    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got
    the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.
    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    I don't think that John ever said he was a "at conception" guy. so I'm
    not sure why you are beating him over the head with this? I may be wrong.

    I'm personally OK with it in the first tri, just like Bill. After that, you really are killing
    a baby. If you can't make up your mind by then, there are other problems to attend
    to. Mother's life, incest and rape get an exception.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to John H on Tue Jul 12 01:30:49 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:36:29 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one >>>>so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got
    the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>>>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with
    fingers and toes.

    This is 30 weeks. I am not sure anyone is talking about that. https://tinyurl.com/fckjvk95

    Are you really saying a chemical abortion is the same as a clinical
    one up until "X" weeks?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to gfretwell@aol.com on Tue Jul 12 08:59:03 2022
    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:30:49 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:36:29 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill. >>>>>>>
    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>>>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>>>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>>>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one >>>>>so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got
    the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>>>>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with
    fingers and toes.

    This is 30 weeks. I am not sure anyone is talking about that. >https://tinyurl.com/fckjvk95

    Is 'baby middle finger' a joke, or what.

    Are you really saying a chemical abortion is the same as a clinical
    one up until "X" weeks?

    Are you really putting words in my mouth again? I said no such thing!

    The morning after pill is operable up to 5 days after sex. So, there
    may or may not be a fetus present. The 'abortion pill' is effective
    much longer, but loses its effectiveness over time.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to John H on Tue Jul 12 12:51:56 2022
    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 08:59:03 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:30:49 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:36:29 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>>>>>>>>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>>>>>>>>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill. >>>>>>>>
    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>>>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>>>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>>>>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>>>>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>>>>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one >>>>>>so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got >>>>the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>>>>>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>>>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>>>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>>>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with
    fingers and toes.

    This is 30 weeks. I am not sure anyone is talking about that. >>https://tinyurl.com/fckjvk95

    Is 'baby middle finger' a joke, or what.

    It is a picture of a fetus with fingers and toes.

    Are you really saying a chemical abortion is the same as a clinical
    one up until "X" weeks?

    Are you really putting words in my mouth again? I said no such thing!

    The morning after pill is operable up to 5 days after sex. So, there
    may or may not be a fetus present. The 'abortion pill' is effective
    much longer, but loses its effectiveness over time.

    I guess you are just conflicted in what you do say and I am trying to
    make sense of it.
    You seem to think a clinical abortion is horrible but you are fine
    with a chemical one when the result on the fetus is exactly the same.

    Your "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds like the typical
    artillery man or bomber pilot excuse.

    "There may or may not have been innocent civilians present. I just
    lobbed some Willie Pete in there and let God sort them out".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to gfretwell@aol.com on Tue Jul 12 17:37:25 2022
    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 12:51:56 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 08:59:03 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:30:49 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:36:29 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of
    college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill. >>>>>>>>>
    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods. >>>>>>>>>You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having >>>>>>>>>a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER?

    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>>>>>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>>>>>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>>>>>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one >>>>>>>so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got >>>>>the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>>>>>>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>>>>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>>>>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>>>>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with >>>>fingers and toes.

    This is 30 weeks. I am not sure anyone is talking about that. >>>https://tinyurl.com/fckjvk95

    Is 'baby middle finger' a joke, or what.

    It is a picture of a fetus with fingers and toes.

    Are you really saying a chemical abortion is the same as a clinical
    one up until "X" weeks?

    Are you really putting words in my mouth again? I said no such thing!

    The morning after pill is operable up to 5 days after sex. So, there
    may or may not be a fetus present. The 'abortion pill' is effective
    much longer, but loses its effectiveness over time.

    I guess you are just conflicted in what you do say and I am trying to
    make sense of it.
    You seem to think a clinical abortion is horrible but you are fine
    with a chemical one when the result on the fetus is exactly the same.

    Your "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds like the typical
    artillery man or bomber pilot excuse.

    Have you heard of the word 'conception'? It's the joining of an egg
    and a sperm. Conception may or may not occur during or after sex.
    There's no 'artillery man or bomber pilot' bullshit anywhere. If you
    think "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds strange, then you
    need to do some reading:


    "There may or may not have been innocent civilians present. I just
    lobbed some Willie Pete in there and let God sort them out".

    I can compromise with the morning after pill. I said nothing about
    chemical abortions after that.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to John H on Tue Jul 12 18:30:28 2022
    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 17:37:25 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 12:51:56 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 08:59:03 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:30:49 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:36:29 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of
    college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill. >>>>>>>>>>
    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>>>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods.
    You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>>>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER? >>>>>>>>>
    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>>>>>>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>>>>>>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>>>>>>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one >>>>>>>>so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got >>>>>>the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>>>>>>>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>>>>>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>>>>>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>>>>>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with >>>>>fingers and toes.

    This is 30 weeks. I am not sure anyone is talking about that. >>>>https://tinyurl.com/fckjvk95

    Is 'baby middle finger' a joke, or what.

    It is a picture of a fetus with fingers and toes.

    Are you really saying a chemical abortion is the same as a clinical
    one up until "X" weeks?

    Are you really putting words in my mouth again? I said no such thing!

    The morning after pill is operable up to 5 days after sex. So, there
    may or may not be a fetus present. The 'abortion pill' is effective
    much longer, but loses its effectiveness over time.

    I guess you are just conflicted in what you do say and I am trying to
    make sense of it.
    You seem to think a clinical abortion is horrible but you are fine
    with a chemical one when the result on the fetus is exactly the same.

    Your "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds like the typical
    artillery man or bomber pilot excuse.

    Have you heard of the word 'conception'? It's the joining of an egg
    and a sperm. Conception may or may not occur during or after sex.
    There's no 'artillery man or bomber pilot' bullshit anywhere. If you
    think "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds strange, then you
    need to do some reading:


    "There may or may not have been innocent civilians present. I just
    lobbed some Willie Pete in there and let God sort them out".

    I can compromise with the morning after pill. I said nothing about
    chemical abortions after that.

    Yes you did.

    "The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill"

    The "abortion pill" is a chemical abortion.
    It is clear you really have such a conflicted view or simply a lack of understanding, that there is no sense continuing.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to John H on Wed Jul 13 08:18:55 2022
    On 7/11/22 9:12 AM, John H wrote:
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal educators?


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    Your holier-than-thou right-winged outlook is perhaps your most
    disgusting attribute.

    * I just want to find 11,780 votes... *

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From justan@21:1/5 to KeyserS├╢ze@whitehouse.com on Wed Jul 13 08:37:40 2022
    Keyser S?ze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    On 7/11/22 9:12 AM, John H wrote:> When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of> college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal> educators?> > https://www.reuters.com/world/us/some-us-students-re-think-
    college-plans-states-with-abortion-bans-2022-07-11/> > A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is> banned and I get raped and then I donˇ¦t have the option to have an> abortion?"> > The girl's never heard of the morning after
    or the abortion pill.Your holier-than-thou right-winged outlook is perhaps your most disgusting attribute.-- * I just want to find 11,780 votes... *

    Lets go Brandon....

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to gfretwell@aol.com on Wed Jul 13 19:19:19 2022
    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 18:30:28 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 17:37:25 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 12:51:56 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 08:59:03 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:30:49 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:36:29 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:09:40 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:09:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:25:08 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote:

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:19:48 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:08:18 -0400, gfretwell@aol.com wrote: >>>>>>>>>>
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>
    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of
    college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>>>>>>>>>>>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>>>>>>>>>>>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill. >>>>>>>>>>>
    I suppose the problem is once some of these bible thumper states get >>>>>>>>>>>the power, they will ban all of that, including birth control methods.
    You certainly would not want to take any of those pills without having
    a doctor who can monitor the results.

    Would you take an illegal street drug knowing you would wake up >>>>>>>>>>>handcuffed to the bed if it went bad and you went to the ER? >>>>>>>>>>
    The question has little bearing on anything besides one of your >>>>>>>>>>extreme conjectures.

    To me, 'bible thumping' and pro-life have little to do with each >>>>>>>>>>other. I am most definitely not a 'bible thumper', but I am against >>>>>>>>>>the killing of babies.

    A chemical abortion is just as illegal in Louisiana as a clinical one >>>>>>>>>so your whole premise is wrong.

    Is my whole premise based on Louisiana?

    Actually about a dozen states but Louisiana is the one that just got >>>>>>>the blessing from the State District Court for their new law.

    The idea that this is not a religious issue in those states is >>>>>>>>>ludicrous.

    I said nothing about 'those states'. I expressed my opinion.

    Your opposition seems pretty disingenuous too. A chemical abortion is >>>>>>>>>fine with you, the majority performed, ("The girl's never heard of the >>>>>>>>>morning after or the abortion pill") but you still think a fetus is a >>>>>>>>>baby so what is your explanation of that dichotomy?.

    That's called compromise.

    So it isn't a fetus if they chemically kill it. OK.
    BTW That is how the majority of abortions are performed.

    It *is* a fetus then. But it's not showing up on a sonogram with >>>>>>fingers and toes.

    This is 30 weeks. I am not sure anyone is talking about that. >>>>>https://tinyurl.com/fckjvk95

    Is 'baby middle finger' a joke, or what.

    It is a picture of a fetus with fingers and toes.

    Are you really saying a chemical abortion is the same as a clinical >>>>>one up until "X" weeks?

    Are you really putting words in my mouth again? I said no such thing!

    The morning after pill is operable up to 5 days after sex. So, there >>>>may or may not be a fetus present. The 'abortion pill' is effective >>>>much longer, but loses its effectiveness over time.

    I guess you are just conflicted in what you do say and I am trying to >>>make sense of it.
    You seem to think a clinical abortion is horrible but you are fine
    with a chemical one when the result on the fetus is exactly the same.

    Your "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds like the typical >>>artillery man or bomber pilot excuse.

    Have you heard of the word 'conception'? It's the joining of an egg
    and a sperm. Conception may or may not occur during or after sex.
    There's no 'artillery man or bomber pilot' bullshit anywhere. If you
    think "may or may not be a fetus present" sounds strange, then you
    need to do some reading:


    "There may or may not have been innocent civilians present. I just
    lobbed some Willie Pete in there and let God sort them out".

    I can compromise with the morning after pill. I said nothing about
    chemical abortions after that.

    Yes you did.

    "The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill"

    The "abortion pill" is a chemical abortion.
    It is clear you really have such a conflicted view or simply a lack of >understanding, that there is no sense continuing.

    The abortion pill can be used just as the morning after pill, i.e.,
    within a few days. I would not agree with waiting ten weeks and then
    taking the abortion pill.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mr Robot@21:1/5 to John H on Thu Jul 21 15:37:48 2022
    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >educators?


    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is
    banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    So, the rape part is ok. What a low-life scum you are. Get fucked.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John H@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 22 06:49:19 2022
    On Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:37:48 -0700, Mr Robot <robot@mr_robot.com>

    On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:12:07 -0400, John H <jherring@cox.net> wrote:

    When does the ease and ability to get an abortion affect our choice of >>college? Why, about 16 years-old! Are these the products of liberal >>educators?

    A great line: ""What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is >>banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an >>abortion?"

    The girl's never heard of the morning after or the abortion pill.

    So, the rape part is ok. What a low-life scum you are. Get fucked.

    Nope. Hang the rapist. Why can't she take the morning after pill? Any
    reason she should wait?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)