• Re: Trump may be guilty of obstruction of justice (2/2)

    From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to Bill on Sun Jul 10 12:48:03 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the
    deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    Duh. I didn't post that Trump had the metal detectors shut down...I
    posted that he asked they be shut down. Language arts aren't in your
    skill set.

    * I just want to find 11,780 votes... *

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to KeyserS├╢ze@whitehouse.com on Sun Jul 10 17:14:53 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    Armed insurrection? Seems as if the only armed aggression was the Capital

    Ignorance is your savior.

    The Cap Po had machine guns. The rioters had a few pointy flag sticks. >>>>>> That is unarmed.
    The only homicide came at the hands of the Cap Po.

    Testimony at the hearings says some of the TrumpTrash was armed with >>>>> firearms. It's too bad the police didn't shoot a few dozen of the

    "Testimony" at that witch hunt seems to be a lot of gossip that
    wouldn't last 10 seconds in a courtroom but the congress lets it go on >>>> for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the
    deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is >> the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    Duh. I didn't post that Trump had the metal detectors shut down...I
    posted that he asked they be shut down. Language arts aren't in your
    skill set.

    I realized what you said. I would not ask, as he had no say. He asked
    if they wanted the DCNG. They said no. So on one hand he is asking for no magnetometer and the other asking if they need the DCNG. You may have an English degree, but other than that you specialize in lies and ripping off others.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mr. Luddite@21:1/5 to Bill on Sun Jul 10 13:25:31 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the
    deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    This was at his rally .... not at the Capital Building.

    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to Bill on Sun Jul 10 13:17:45 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    to avoid answering the original question posed.  Permit me to rephrase
    it for your benefit:

    "If Trump organized an armed insurrection on Jan 6th as Wayne and Harry
     claim why did he offer National Guard troops to assist >>>>>>>>>>>  Capital Police four days prior?"

    I haven't seen any documentation that Trump seriously made such an >>>>>>>>>> offer, especially in light of his urging on his thug followers to >>>>>>>>>> engage in armed insurrection of the capital and the hanging of Mike Pence.

    Armed insurrection? Seems as if the only armed aggression was the Capital

    Ignorance is your savior.

    The Cap Po had machine guns. The rioters had a few pointy flag sticks. >>>>>>> That is unarmed.
    The only homicide came at the hands of the Cap Po.

    Testimony at the hearings says some of the TrumpTrash was armed with >>>>>> firearms. It's too bad the police didn't shoot a few dozen of the

    "Testimony" at that witch hunt seems to be a lot of gossip that
    wouldn't last 10 seconds in a courtroom but the congress lets it go on >>>>> for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the >>>> deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is >>> the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    Duh. I didn't post that Trump had the metal detectors shut down...I
    posted that he asked they be shut down. Language arts aren't in your
    skill set.

    I realized what you said. I would not ask, as he had no say. He asked
    if they wanted the DCNG. They said no. So on one hand he is asking for no magnetometer and the other asking if they need the DCNG. You may have an English degree, but other than that you specialize in lies and ripping off others.

    Would that qualify me to run a Trump charity?

    * I just want to find 11,780 votes... *

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mr. Luddite@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 10 13:24:41 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    authorization, and experts said she doesn’t have the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authority
    to do so in
    the first place.

    A Vanity Fair report said Trump made a passing remark to his >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acting defense
    secretary about potentially needing 10,000 National Guard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troops, not
    20,000. But there’s no evidence the comment was treated >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a formal

    The ultra-liberal fake news rag Vanity Fair is not proof. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's
    your go-to source?
    There's no wonder you are so ill-informed.

    Where is your written, official proof Shithead Trump formally >>>>>>>>>>>>> authorized
    national guard intervention?

    Read, dipshit. This is much closer to 'proof' than any >>>>>>>>>>>> bullshit you've


    A news report, shit for brains, is not written, official >>>>>>>>>>> proof of a
    government action. Might work for you and your moron buddies, >>>>>>>>>>> but
    not in
    the real world.

    Your moron buddies do not have a clue how the chain of command >>>>>>>>>> works
    if you think the president "formally requests" anything from >>>>>>>>>> the DCNG.
    Maybe that is what happens when you successfully dodge the draft. >>>>>>>>>

    I wasn't the one making such a claim; I stated Trump made no such >>>>>>>>> formal request. And it isn't my fault that you were too
    lazy to get and keep a student deferment.

    You have successfully obscured this discussion with semantics in >>>>>>>> order
    to avoid answering the original question posed.  Permit me to >>>>>>>> rephrase
    it for your benefit:

    "If Trump organized an armed insurrection on Jan 6th as Wayne
    and Harry
        claim why did he offer National Guard troops to assist
        Capital Police four days prior?"

    I haven't seen any documentation that Trump seriously made such an >>>>>>> offer,  especially in light of his urging on his thug followers to >>>>>>> engage in armed insurrection of the capital and the hanging of
    Mike Pence.

    Armed insurrection?  Seems as if the only armed aggression was the >>>>>> Capital

    Ignorance is your savior.

    The Cap Po had machine guns. The rioters had a few pointy flag sticks. >>>> That is unarmed.
    The only homicide came at the hands of the Cap Po.

    Testimony at the hearings says some of the TrumpTrash was armed with
    firearms. It's too bad the police didn't shoot a few dozen of the

    "Testimony" at that witch hunt seems to be a lot of gossip that
    wouldn't last 10 seconds in a courtroom but the congress lets it go on
    for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    These stories sure get screwed up and misleading.

    Yes, apparently Trump requested that people be allowed in without
    going through a magnetometer but this was at his *rally* ... not
    at the Capital building. Trump was reportedly upset because
    having to go through the magnetometers was limiting the number
    of people at the rally.


    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mr. Luddite@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 10 13:26:51 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    election.  The illegality continues as he solicits >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> millions in
    donations under the false pretext that the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> election was
    stolen from him.

    Wayne said:

    "Let's try to remember that this discussion is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about Trump,
    misdeeds are current and ongoing."

    Given the record so far of his presidency, the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion
    *should* be about Biden.  He's running out of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people to blame.

    Because, of course, when the Obama-Biden Admin came >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to an
    end, Biden
    asked his supporters to come to D.C., and plan and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commit an
    insurrection against the House of Representatives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and find
    leaders and execute them.

    Biden couldn't draw a big enough crowd to even scare the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> impotent Cap

    If Trump organized an armed insurrection on Jan 6th as >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wayne
    and Harry
    claim why did he authorized and offer National Guard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troops to
    Capital Police four days prior?

    There is no record of former President Donald Trump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> officially
    20,000 National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol ahead >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the
    Jan. 6,
    2021, attack.

    There is no evidence that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> denied such an
    authorization, and experts said she doesn’t have the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authority
    to do so in
    the first place.

    A Vanity Fair report said Trump made a passing remark >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to his
    acting defense
    secretary about potentially needing 10,000 National Guard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troops, not
    20,000. But there’s no evidence the comment was treated >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a formal

    The ultra-liberal fake news rag Vanity Fair is not >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proof.  That's
    your go-to source?
    There's no wonder you are so ill-informed.

    Where is your written, official proof Shithead Trump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> formally
    national guard intervention?

    Read, dipshit. This is much closer to 'proof' than any >>>>>>>>>>>>>> bullshit you've


    A news report, shit for brains, is not written, official >>>>>>>>>>>>> proof of a
    government action. Might work for you and your moron >>>>>>>>>>>>> buddies, but
    not in
    the real world.

    Your moron buddies do not have a clue how the chain of >>>>>>>>>>>> command works
    if you think the president "formally requests" anything from >>>>>>>>>>>> the DCNG.
    Maybe that is what happens when you successfully dodge the >>>>>>>>>>>> draft.

    I wasn't the one making such a claim; I stated Trump made no >>>>>>>>>>> such
    formal request. And it isn't my fault that you were too
    lazy to get and keep a student deferment.

    You have successfully obscured this discussion with semantics >>>>>>>>>> in order
    to avoid answering the original question posed.  Permit me to >>>>>>>>>> rephrase
    it for your benefit:

    "If Trump organized an armed insurrection on Jan 6th as Wayne >>>>>>>>>> and Harry
      claim why did he offer National Guard troops to assist >>>>>>>>>>   Capital Police four days prior?"

    I haven't seen any documentation that Trump seriously made such an >>>>>>>>> offer,  especially in light of his urging on his thug followers to >>>>>>>>> engage in armed insurrection of the capital and the hanging of >>>>>>>>> Mike Pence.

    Armed insurrection?  Seems as if the only armed aggression was >>>>>>>> the Capital

    Ignorance is your savior.

    The Cap Po had machine guns. The rioters had a few pointy flag
    That is unarmed.
    The only homicide came at the hands of the Cap Po.

    Testimony at the hearings says some of the TrumpTrash was armed with >>>>> firearms. It's too bad the police didn't shoot a few dozen of the

    "Testimony" at that witch hunt seems to be a lot of gossip that
    wouldn't last 10 seconds in a courtroom but the congress lets it go on >>>> for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the
    deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown?  How could he shut them down,
    it is
    the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    Duh. I didn't post that Trump had the metal detectors shut down...I
    posted that he asked they be shut down. Language arts aren't in your
    skill set.

    You are also perpetuating the myth that this happened at the
    Capital Building. It didn't.

    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to KeyserS├â┬╢ze@whitehouse.com on Sun Jul 10 14:00:38 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    Armed insurrection? Seems as if the only armed aggression was the Capital

    Ignorance is your savior.

    The Cap Po had machine guns. The rioters had a few pointy flag sticks. >>>>>> That is unarmed.
    The only homicide came at the hands of the Cap Po.

    Testimony at the hearings says some of the TrumpTrash was armed with >>>>> firearms. It's too bad the police didn't shoot a few dozen of the

    "Testimony" at that witch hunt seems to be a lot of gossip that
    wouldn't last 10 seconds in a courtroom but the congress lets it go on >>>> for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the
    deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is >> the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    Duh. I didn't post that Trump had the metal detectors shut down...I
    posted that he asked they be shut down. Language arts aren't in your
    skill set.

    You say it but you have no actual citations for that gossip. Maybe you
    should go testify. Nancy loves salacious gossip and treats it like
    sworn testimony.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to califbill9998remove8@gmail.com on Sun Jul 10 13:58:54 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the
    deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked
    that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is >the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    At this point Harry is just repeating crap he read on some democrat
    blog. You are right. The executive branch has absolutely nothing to do
    with Capitol security. That buck stops at Nancy's desk.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com on Sun Jul 10 19:40:43 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    if you think the president "formally requests" anything from the DCNG.
    Maybe that is what happens when you successfully dodge the draft.

    I wasn't the one making such a claim; I stated Trump made no such >>>>>>>>>>>>> formal request. And it isn't my fault that you were too intellectually
    lazy to get and keep a student deferment.

    You have successfully obscured this discussion with semantics in order
    to avoid answering the original question posed.  Permit me to rephrase
    it for your benefit:

    "If Trump organized an armed insurrection on Jan 6th as Wayne and Harry
     claim why did he offer National Guard troops to assist >>>>>>>>>>>>  Capital Police four days prior?"

    I haven't seen any documentation that Trump seriously made such an >>>>>>>>>>> offer, especially in light of his urging on his thug followers to >>>>>>>>>>> engage in armed insurrection of the capital and the hanging of Mike Pence.

    Armed insurrection? Seems as if the only armed aggression was the Capital

    Ignorance is your savior.

    The Cap Po had machine guns. The rioters had a few pointy flag sticks. >>>>>>>> That is unarmed.
    The only homicide came at the hands of the Cap Po.

    Testimony at the hearings says some of the TrumpTrash was armed with >>>>>>> firearms. It's too bad the police didn't shoot a few dozen of the >>>>>>> insurrectionists.

    "Testimony" at that witch hunt seems to be a lot of gossip that
    wouldn't last 10 seconds in a courtroom but the congress lets it go on >>>>>> for days.
    How many people are charged with carrying a firearm?
    How many firearms were actually seen?
    Who was shot?
    Who did all of the shooting?

    Those are not the issues. The issues include the facts that some of the >>>>> deranged trumpsters were armed with firearms, trump knew it, he asked >>>>> that the magnetometers be shut down, and he did not object to Pence
    being hanged. At some point you boys are going to have to face the
    reality of trump.

    Proof he had the magnetometer shutdown? How could he shut them down, it is
    the Pelosi and Congress who control their area.

    Duh. I didn't post that Trump had the metal detectors shut down...I
    posted that he asked they be shut down. Language arts aren't in your
    skill set.

    I realized what you said. I would not ask, as he had no say. He asked
    if they wanted the DCNG. They said no. So on one hand he is asking for no >> magnetometer and the other asking if they need the DCNG. You may have an
    English degree, but other than that you specialize in lies and ripping off >> others.

    Would that qualify me to run a Trump charity?

    Maybe, definitely a Clinton charity.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)