• =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:The_Jan._6_committee_must_spot?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?light

    From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 17:49:34 2022
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating
    the Jan. 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the authority of the United States.? The committee
    should assemble an ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly, repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count state-certified
    electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6 insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The
    former vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021, Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached
    a sufficient threshold to provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times during the Jan. 6
    insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence. Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt
    in spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper
    record against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state
    ballots in 2024.

    I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.

    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wayne.beardsley@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Justan Ohlphart on Fri Jun 17 16:01:39 2022
    On Friday, June 17, 2022 at 5:49:37 PM UTC-4, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating
    the Jan. 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the authority of the United States.? The committee
    should assemble an ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly, repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count state-certified
    electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6 insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The
    former vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021, Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached
    a sufficient threshold to provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times during the Jan. 6
    insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence. Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in
    spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper
    record against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state
    ballots in 2024.

    I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.


    Maybe not but you should read what he had to say. His conservative credentials are above reproach, and his analysis was very thoughtful - with no hysterical cries of "lock him up" or anything like that. The important thing is that Trump can never be
    allowed to hold public office again given his utter disregard for the constitution, and the obligations that go with it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mr Robot@21:1/5 to KeyserS├╢ze@whitehouse.com on Fri Jun 17 17:01:02 2022
    On Fri, 17 Jun 2022 19:17:32 -0400, Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> wrote:

    On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating
    the Jan. 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the authority of the United States.? The committee
    should assemble an ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly, repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count state-certified
    electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6 insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to
    Watergate. The former vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021, Trump?s implied threats
    to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times
    during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence. Declining to testify would permit an inference
    of Trump?s guilt in spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After
    the committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent Trump
    electors from appearing on state ballots in 2024.

    I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.

    Of course you don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable >conservative credentials.

    Yean, but Justine is an idiot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 19:17:32 2022
    T24gNi8xNy8yMiA1OjQ5IFBNLCBKdXN0YW4gT2hscGhhcnQgd3JvdGU6DQo+ICJ3YXluZWJh dHJlY2RvdGJvYXRzQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIiA8d2F5bmUuYmVhcmRzbGV5QGdtYWlsLmNvbT4N Cj4gICBXcm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlOnINCj4+IFdyaXR0ZW4gYnkgQnJ1Y2UgRmVpbiBvbiAi VGhlIEhpbGwiQnJ1Y2UgRmVpbiB3YXMgYXNzb2NpYXRlIGRlcHV0eSBhdHRvcm5leSBnZW5l cmFsIHVuZGVyIFByZXNpZGVudCBSZWFnYW4gYW5kIGlzIHRoZSBhdXRob3Igb2YgP0NvbnN0 aXR1dGlvbmFsIFBlcmlsOiBUaGUgTGlmZSBhbmQgRGVhdGggU3RydWdnbGUgZm9yIE91ciBD b25zdGl0dXRpb24gYW5kIERlbW9jcmFjeS4/IFRoZSBIb3VzZSBjb21taXR0ZWUgaW52ZXN0 aWdhdGluZyB0aGUgSmFuLiA2IGluc3VycmVjdGlvbiBzaG91bGQgZm9jdXMgb24gZGlzcXVh bGlmeWluZyBmb3JtZXIgUHJlc2lkZW50IERvbmFsZCBUcnVtcCBmcm9tIG9mZmljZSB1bmRl ciBTZWN0aW9uIDMgb2YgdGhlIDE0dGggQW1lbmRtZW50LiAgIERpc3F1YWxpZmljYXRpb24g aXMgdHJpZ2dlcmVkIGJ5IGVuZ2FnaW5nIGluID9pbnN1cnJlY3Rpb24gYWdhaW5zdCB0aGUg YXV0aG9yaXR5IG9mIHRoZSBVbml0ZWQgU3RhdGVzLj8gVGhlIGNvbW1pdHRlZSBzaG91bGQg YXNzZW1ibGUgYW4gaXJvbmNsYWQgcmVjb3JkIHNob3dpbmcgdGhhdCBUcnVtcCBlbmdhZ2Vk IGluIGluc3VycmVjdGlvbiBhZ2FpbnN0IHRoZSBhdXRob3JpdHkgb2YgdGhlIFVuaXRlZCBT dGF0ZXMgdW5kZXIgdGhlIDEydGggQW1lbmRtZW50IGJ5IGRpcmVjdGx5LCByZXBlYXRlZGx5 IGFuZCBtZW5hY2luZ2x5IGV4aG9ydGluZyBWaWNlIFByZXNpZGVudCBNaWtlIFBlbmNlIHRv IG5vdCBjb3VudCBzdGF0ZS1jZXJ0aWZpZWQgZWxlY3RvcmFsIHZvdGVzIHRoYXQgaGFkIHN1 cnZpdmVkIG1vcmUgdGhhbiA2MCBqdWRpY2lhbCBjaGFsbGVuZ2VzLCBhcyB0aGUgYW1lbmRt ZW50IHJlcXVpcmVzLiBUaGlzIG1lYW5zIHRoZSBjb21taXR0ZWUgbXVzdCBzdWJwb2VuYSBQ ZW5jZSB0byB0ZXN0aWZ5IGluIHByaW1lIHRpbWUuIFBlbmNlIGlzIHRvIHRoZSBKYW4uIDYg aW5zdXJyZWN0aW9uIHdoYXQgUHJlc2lkZW50IE5peG9uP3MgdGFwZXMgd2VyZSB0byBXYXRl cmdhdGUuIFRoZSBmb3JtZXIgdmljZSBwcmVzaWRlbnQgaXMgdGhlIHNtb2tpbmcgZ3VuLiBI ZSBoYXMgZGlyZWN0LCBpbmNvbnRyb3ZlcnRpYmxlIGtub3dsZWRnZSBvZiBUcnVtcD9zIGlu Y2Vzc2FudCBjYWpvbGVyeSB0byBpZ25vcmUgdGhlIDEydGggQW1lbmRtZW50IHRvIHRod2Fy dCB0aGUgcGVhY2VmdWwgdHJhbnNmZXIgb2YgcHJlc2lkZW50aWFsIHBvd2VyLk9uIEphbi4g NSwgMjAyMSwgVHJ1bXA/cyBpbXBsaWVkIHRocmVhdHMgdG8gUGVuY2UgcmVhY2hlZCBhIHN1 ZmZpY2llbnQgdGhyZXNob2xkIHRvIHByb3Zva2UgdGhlIHZpY2UgcHJlc2lkZW50P3MgY2hp ZWYtb2Ytc3RhZmYgdG8gYWxlcnQgU2VjcmV0IFNlcnZpY2UgdGhhdCBUcnVtcCBtaWdodCBi ZSBhIHNlY3VyaXR5IHJpc2sgZm9yIFBlbmNlLiBQZW5jZSBiZXRyYXllZCBUcnVtcD9zIGhp Z2gtb2N0YXZlIGJhZGdlcmluZyBieSByZWZ1c2luZyB0byBsZWF2ZSB0aGUgQ2FwaXRvbCBt dWx0aXBsZSB0aW1lcyBkdXJpbmcgdGhlIEphbi4gNiBpbnN1cnJlY3Rpb24gYW5kIGluc2lz dGluZyB0aGF0IENvbmdyZXNzIGNlcnRpZnkgdGhlIHZvdGUgdGhhdCBkYXkuICAgVHJ1bXAg c2hvdWxkIGJlIGdpdmVuIGFuIG9wcG9ydHVuaXR5IHRvIHJlYnV0IHRoZSBldmlkZW5jZSBz aG93aW5nIGNvcnJ1cHQsIHVuY29uc3RpdHV0aW9uYWwgbW90aXZlcyBpbiBtZW5hY2luZyBQ ZW5jZS4gRGVjbGluaW5nIHRvIHRlc3RpZnkgd291bGQgcGVybWl0IGFuIGluZmVyZW5jZSBv ZiBUcnVtcD9zIGd1aWx0IGluIHNwaXRlIG9mIHRoZSBGaWZ0aCBBbWVuZG1lbnQgcHJpdmls ZWdlIGFnYWluc3QgY29tcHVsc29yeSBzZWxmLWluY3JpbWluYXRpb24gYmVjYXVzZSB0aGUg U3VwcmVtZSBDb3VydCBoZWxkIGluIEJheHRlciB2LiBQYWxtaWdpYW5vIHRoYXQgZ3VpbHQg bWF5IGJlIGluZmVycmVkIHdoZW4gdGhlIGFtZW5kbWVudCBpcyB1c2VkIGluIG5vbmNyaW1p bmFsIHByb2NlZWRpbmdzLkFmdGVyIHRoZSBjb21taXR0ZWUgYXNzZW1ibGVzIGEgcHJvcGVy IHJlY29yZCBhZ2FpbnN0IFRydW1wLCBDb25ncmVzcyBzaG91bGQgdm90ZSBieSBjb25jdXJy ZW50IHJlc29sdXRpb24gdG8gZGVjbGFyZSB0aGUgZm9ybWVyIHByZXNpZGVudCBkaXNxdWFs aWZpZWQgZnJvbSBob2xkaW5nIGFueSBvZmZpY2UgdW5kZXIgdGhlIFVuaXRlZCBTdGF0ZXMg cHVyc3VhbnQgdG8gU2VjdGlvbiAzLiBUaGUgZGVjbGFyYXRpb24gd291bGQgcHJldmVudCBU cnVtcCBlbGVjdG9ycyBmcm9tIGFwcGVhcmluZyBvbiBzdGF0ZSBiYWxsb3RzIGluIDIwMjQu DQo+IA0KPiBJIGRvbid0IGNhcmUgd2hhciBCcnVjZSBGZWluIHRoaW5rcy4NCj4gDQpPZiBj b3Vyc2UgeW91IGRvbid0LiBGZWluIGlzIGEgQ29uc3RpdHV0aW9uYWwgbGF3eWVyIHdpdGgg aW1wZWNjYWJsZSANCmNvbnNlcnZhdGl2ZSBjcmVkZW50aWFscy4NCg0KLS0gDQoqIExvY2sg dXAgVHJ1bXAgYW5kIGhpcyBmYW1pbHkgb2YgZ3JpZnRlcnMuICoNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to KeyserS├╢ze@whitehouse.com on Fri Jun 17 21:09:06 2022
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:> "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>> Wrote in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the
    author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald Trump from office under Section 3 of the
    14th Amendment. Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the authority of the United
    States under the 12th Amendment by directly, repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the
    committee must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6 insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible knowledge of Trump?s incessant
    cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021, Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that Trump
    might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity
    to rebut the evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence. Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination because the Supreme Court
    held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare the former president
    disqualified from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you don't. Fein is a
    Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *

    What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so
    impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.
    What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how
    they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are
    standing in judgement over.
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 20:48:00 2022
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    On Friday, June 17, 2022 at 5:49:37 PM UTC-4, Justan Ohlphart wrote:> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com> > Wrote in message:r > > Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan
    and is the author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald Trump from office under Section 3
    of the 14th Amendment. Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the authority of the United
    States under the 12th Amendment by directly, repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the
    committee must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6 insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible knowledge of Trump?s incessant
    cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021, Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that Trump
    might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to
    rebut the evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence. Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held
    in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare the former president
    disqualified from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state ballots in 2024. > > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks. > ===Maybe not but you should read what he
    had to say. His conservative credentials are above reproach, and his analysis was very thoughtful - with no hysterical cries of "lock him up" or anything like that. The important thing is that Trump can never be allowed to hold public office again
    given his utter disregard for the constitution, and the obligations that go with it.

    Don't need to. The fact that you quote him tells me the jist of
    what he said.You are the one who seeks justification for your
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Keyser Soze@21:1/5 to Justan Ohlphart on Sat Jun 18 02:23:01 2022
    Justan Ohlphart <me@yourservice.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>> Wrote
    in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was
    associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the
    author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our
    Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.
    6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald
    Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
    Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the
    authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an
    ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the
    authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,
    repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not
    count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60
    judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee
    must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6
    insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former
    vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible
    knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to
    thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,
    Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to
    provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that
    Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s
    high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times
    during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the
    vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the
    evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.
    Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite
    of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination
    because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be
    inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the
    committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote
    by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified
    from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.
    The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state
    ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you
    don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative
    credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *

    What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so
    impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.
    What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how
    they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are
    standing in judgement over.

    Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a
    politician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.

    Lock Trump Up

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com on Sat Jun 18 05:00:32 2022
    waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Friday, June 17, 2022 at 5:49:37 PM UTC-4, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy
    attorney general under President Reagan and is the author of
    ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution
    and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan. 6
    insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald
    Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
    Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the
    authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an
    ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the
    authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,
    repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count >>> state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial
    challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee must
    subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6
    insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former
    vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible
    knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to
    thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,
    Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to
    provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service
    that Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s
    high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times
    during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the
    vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the
    evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.
    Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in
    spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory
    self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v.
    Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in
    noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper record
    against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare
    the former president disqualified from holding any office under the
    United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent
    Trump electors from appearing on state ballots in 2024.

    I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.

    Maybe not but you should read what he had to say. His conservative credentials are above reproach, and his analysis was very thoughtful -
    with no hysterical cries of "lock him up" or anything like that. The important thing is that Trump can never be allowed to hold public office again given his utter disregard for the constitution, and the obligations that go with it.

    Unfortunately, he has no less a regard for the constitution as most of the politicians in Washington DC have. The DC Rulers have ignored the Federal limits in the Constitution for many years.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to Soze on Sat Jun 18 05:00:33 2022
    Keyser Soze <keysersoze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    Justan Ohlphart <me@yourservice.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>> Wrote
    in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was
    associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the
    author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our
    Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.
    6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald
    Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
    Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the
    authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an
    ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the
    authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,
    repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not
    count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60
    judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee >>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6
    insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former
    vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible
    knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to
    thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,
    Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to
    provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that >>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s
    high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times
    during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the
    vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the
    evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.
    Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite >>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination
    because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be >>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the >>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote
    by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified
    from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.
    The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state
    ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you
    don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative
    credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *

    What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so
    impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.
    What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how
    they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are
    standing in judgement over.

    Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a
    politician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.

    If he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide his
    college transcripts.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to Bill on Sat Jun 18 05:08:01 2022
    Bill <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:> On Friday, June 17, 2022 at 5:49:37 PM UTC-4, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com> >> Wrote in message:r >>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"
    Bruce Fein was associate deputy>>> attorney general under President Reagan and is the author of>>> ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution>>> and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan. 6>>> insurrection
    should focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.>>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble
    ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count>>> state-certified
    electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial>>> challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee must>>> subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to
    Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s
    implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service>>> that Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the
    Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to
    testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in>>> spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory>>> self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v.>>> Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in>>>
    noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper record>>> against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare>>> the former president disqualified from holding any office under the>>> United States pursuant to Section 3.
    The declaration would prevent>>> Trump electors from appearing on state ballots in 2024. >> >> I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks. >> > > ==> Maybe not but you should read what he had to say. His conservative> credentials are above reproach, and his
    analysis was very thoughtful -> with no hysterical cries of "lock him up" or anything like that. The> important thing is that Trump can never be allowed to hold public office> again given his utter disregard for the constitution, and the obligations
    that go with it.> Unfortunately, he has no less a regard for the constitution as most of thepoliticians in Washington DC have. The DC Rulers have ignored the Federallimits in the Constitution for many years.

    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to Soze on Sat Jun 18 05:26:36 2022
    Keyser Soze <keysersoze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    Justan Ohlphart <me@yourservice.com> wrote:> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>> "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>> Wrote>> in message:r>> Written by
    Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>> associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>> Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.>>
    6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>> authority of the United States.? The committee
    should assemble an>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not>> count state-
    certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to
    Watergate. The former>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>> thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>> Trump?s implied
    threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol
    multiple times>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>> Declining to testify
    would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>> because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal
    proceedings.After the>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified>> from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>> The
    declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his
    family of grifters. *> > What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.> What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how> they rush to judge without
    any knowlege of who or what they are> standing in judgement over. Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, apolitician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.-- Lock Trump Up

    You are either lying or dumb as a bag of rocks. Sometimes It's
    really hard to tell which.
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to Bill on Sat Jun 18 05:23:36 2022
    Bill <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keysersoze@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart <me@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.
    beardsley@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>>
    Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?
    insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly
    and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time.
    Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart
    the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence.
    Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>> evidence
    showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in Baxter
    v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president
    disqualified>>> from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>>> don't. Fein is a
    Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.>
    What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a
    human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 08:29:27 2022
    T24gNi8xOC8yMiA1OjA4IEFNLCBKdXN0YW4gT2hscGhhcnQgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEJpbGwgPGNh bGlmYmlsbDk5OThyZW1vdmU4QGdtYWlsLmNvbT4gV3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZTpyDQo+PiB3 YXluZWJhdHJlY2RvdGJvYXRzQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIDx3YXluZS5iZWFyZHNsZXlAZ21haWwu Y29tPiB3cm90ZTo+IE9uIEZyaWRheSwgSnVuZSAxNywgMjAyMiBhdCA1OjQ5OjM3IFBNIFVU Qy00LCBKdXN0YW4gT2hscGhhcnQgd3JvdGU6Pj4gIndheW5lYmF0ci4uLkBob3RtYWlsLmNv bSIgPHdheW5lLmIuLi5AZ21haWwuY29tPiA+PiBXcm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlOnIgPj4+IFdy aXR0ZW4gYnkgQnJ1Y2UgRmVpbiBvbiAiVGhlIEhpbGwiQnJ1Y2UgRmVpbiB3YXMgYXNzb2Np YXRlIGRlcHV0eT4+PiBhdHRvcm5leSBnZW5lcmFsIHVuZGVyIFByZXNpZGVudCBSZWFnYW4g YW5kIGlzIHRoZSBhdXRob3Igb2Y+Pj4gP0NvbnN0aXR1dGlvbmFsIFBlcmlsOiBUaGUgTGlm ZSBhbmQgRGVhdGggU3RydWdnbGUgZm9yIE91ciBDb25zdGl0dXRpb24+Pj4gYW5kIERlbW9j cmFjeS4/IFRoZSBIb3VzZSBjb21taXR0ZWUgaW52ZXN0aWdhdGluZyB0aGUgSmFuLiA2Pj4+ IGluc3VycmVjdGlvbiBzaG91bGQgZm9jdXMgb24gZGlzcXVhbGlmeWluZyBmb3JtZXIgUHJl c2lkZW50IERvbmFsZD4+PiBUcnVtcCBmcm9tIG9mZmljZSB1bmRlciBTZWN0aW9uIDMgb2Yg dGhlIDE0dGggQW1lbmRtZW50Lj4+PiBEaXNxdWFsaWZpY2F0aW9uIGlzIHRyaWdnZXJlZCBi eSBlbmdhZ2luZyBpbiA/aW5zdXJyZWN0aW9uIGFnYWluc3QgdGhlPj4+IGF1dGhvcml0eSBv ZiB0aGUgVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcy4/IFRoZSBjb21taXR0ZWUgc2hvdWxkIGFzc2VtYmxlIGFu Pj4+IGlyb25jbGFkIHJlY29yZCBzaG93aW5nIHRoYXQgVHJ1bXAgZW5nYWdlZCBpbiBpbnN1 cnJlY3Rpb24gYWdhaW5zdCB0aGU+Pj4gYXV0aG9yaXR5IG9mIHRoZSBVbml0ZWQgU3RhdGVz IHVuZGVyIHRoZSAxMnRoIEFtZW5kbWVudCBieSBkaXJlY3RseSw+Pj4gcmVwZWF0ZWRseSBh bmQgbWVuYWNpbmdseSBleGhvcnRpbmcgVmljZSBQcmVzaWRlbnQgTWlrZSBQZW5jZSB0byBu b3QgY291bnQ+Pj4gc3RhdGUtY2VydGlmaWVkIGVsZWN0b3JhbCB2b3RlcyB0aGF0IGhhZCBz dXJ2aXZlZCBtb3JlIHRoYW4gNjAganVkaWNpYWw+Pj4gY2hhbGxlbmdlcywgYXMgdGhlIGFt ZW5kbWVudCByZXF1aXJlcy4gVGhpcyBtZWFucyB0aGUgY29tbWl0dGVlIG11c3Q+Pj4gc3Vi cG9lbmEgUGVuY2UgdG8gdGVzdGlmeSBpbiBwcmltZSB0aW1lLiBQZW5jZSBpcyB0byB0aGUg SmFuLiA2Pj4+IGluc3VycmVjdGlvbiB3aGF0IFByZXNpZGVudCBOaXhvbj9zIHRhcGVzIHdl cmUgdG8gV2F0ZXJnYXRlLiBUaGUgZm9ybWVyPj4+IHZpY2UgcHJlc2lkZW50IGlzIHRoZSBz bW9raW5nIGd1bi4gSGUgaGFzIGRpcmVjdCwgaW5jb250cm92ZXJ0aWJsZT4+PiBrbm93bGVk Z2Ugb2YgVHJ1bXA/cyBpbmNlc3NhbnQgY2Fqb2xlcnkgdG8gaWdub3JlIHRoZSAxMnRoIEFt ZW5kbWVudCB0bz4+PiB0aHdhcnQgdGhlIHBlYWNlZnVsIHRyYW5zZmVyIG9mIHByZXNpZGVu dGlhbCBwb3dlci5PbiBKYW4uIDUsIDIwMjEsPj4+IFRydW1wP3MgaW1wbGllZCB0aHJlYXRz IHRvIFBlbmNlIHJlYWNoZWQgYSBzdWZmaWNpZW50IHRocmVzaG9sZCB0bz4+PiBwcm92b2tl IHRoZSB2aWNlIHByZXNpZGVudD9zIGNoaWVmLW9mLXN0YWZmIHRvIGFsZXJ0IFNlY3JldCBT ZXJ2aWNlPj4+IHRoYXQgVHJ1bXAgbWlnaHQgYmUgYSBzZWN1cml0eSByaXNrIGZvciBQZW5j ZS4gUGVuY2UgYmV0cmF5ZWQgVHJ1bXA/cz4+PiBoaWdoLW9jdGF2ZSBiYWRnZXJpbmcgYnkg cmVmdXNpbmcgdG8gbGVhdmUgdGhlIENhcGl0b2wgbXVsdGlwbGUgdGltZXM+Pj4gZHVyaW5n IHRoZSBKYW4uIDYgaW5zdXJyZWN0aW9uIGFuZCBpbnNpc3RpbmcgdGhhdCBDb25ncmVzcyBj ZXJ0aWZ5IHRoZT4+PiB2b3RlIHRoYXQgZGF5LiBUcnVtcCBzaG91bGQgYmUgZ2l2ZW4gYW4g b3Bwb3J0dW5pdHkgdG8gcmVidXQgdGhlPj4+IGV2aWRlbmNlIHNob3dpbmcgY29ycnVwdCwg dW5jb25zdGl0dXRpb25hbCBtb3RpdmVzIGluIG1lbmFjaW5nIFBlbmNlLj4+PiBEZWNsaW5p bmcgdG8gdGVzdGlmeSB3b3VsZCBwZXJtaXQgYW4gaW5mZXJlbmNlIG9mIFRydW1wP3MgZ3Vp bHQgaW4+Pj4gc3BpdGUgb2YgdGhlIEZpZnRoIEFtZW5kbWVudCBwcml2aWxlZ2UgYWdhaW5z dCBjb21wdWxzb3J5Pj4+IHNlbGYtaW5jcmltaW5hdGlvbiBiZWNhdXNlIHRoZSBTdXByZW1l IENvdXJ0IGhlbGQgaW4gQmF4dGVyIHYuPj4+IFBhbG1pZ2lhbm8gdGhhdCBndWlsdCBtYXkg YmUgaW5mZXJyZWQgd2hlbiB0aGUgYW1lbmRtZW50IGlzIHVzZWQgaW4+Pj4gbm9uY3JpbWlu YWwgcHJvY2VlZGluZ3MuQWZ0ZXIgdGhlIGNvbW1pdHRlZSBhc3NlbWJsZXMgYSBwcm9wZXIg cmVjb3JkPj4+IGFnYWluc3QgVHJ1bXAsIENvbmdyZXNzIHNob3VsZCB2b3RlIGJ5IGNvbmN1 cnJlbnQgcmVzb2x1dGlvbiB0byBkZWNsYXJlPj4+IHRoZSBmb3JtZXIgcHJlc2lkZW50IGRp c3F1YWxpZmllZCBmcm9tIGhvbGRpbmcgYW55IG9mZmljZSB1bmRlciB0aGU+Pj4gVW5pdGVk IFN0YXRlcyBwdXJzdWFudCB0byBTZWN0aW9uIDMuIFRoZSBkZWNsYXJhdGlvbiB3b3VsZCBw cmV2ZW50Pj4+IFRydW1wIGVsZWN0b3JzIGZyb20gYXBwZWFyaW5nIG9uIHN0YXRlIGJhbGxv dHMgaW4gMjAyNC4gPj4gPj4gSSBkb24ndCBjYXJlIHdoYXIgQnJ1Y2UgRmVpbiB0aGlua3Mu ID4+ID4gPiA9PT4gTWF5YmUgbm90IGJ1dCB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIHJlYWQgd2hhdCBoZSBoYWQg dG8gc2F5LiAgSGlzIGNvbnNlcnZhdGl2ZT4gY3JlZGVudGlhbHMgYXJlIGFib3ZlIHJlcHJv YWNoLCBhbmQgaGlzIGFuYWx5c2lzIHdhcyB2ZXJ5IHRob3VnaHRmdWwgLT4gd2l0aCBubyBo eXN0ZXJpY2FsIGNyaWVzIG9mICJsb2NrIGhpbSB1cCIgb3IgYW55dGhpbmcgbGlrZSB0aGF0 LiAgVGhlPiBpbXBvcnRhbnQgdGhpbmcgaXMgdGhhdCBUcnVtcCBjYW4gbmV2ZXIgYmUgYWxs b3dlZCB0byBob2xkIHB1YmxpYyBvZmZpY2U+IGFnYWluIGdpdmVuIGhpcyB1dHRlciBkaXNy ZWdhcmQgZm9yIHRoZSBjb25zdGl0dXRpb24sIGFuZCB0aGUgb2JsaWdhdGlvbnMgdGhhdCBn byB3aXRoIGl0Lj4gVW5mb3J0dW5hdGVseSwgaGUgaGFzIG5vIGxlc3MgYSByZWdhcmQgZm9y IHRoZSBjb25zdGl0dXRpb24gYXMgbW9zdCBvZiB0aGVwb2xpdGljaWFucyBpbiBXYXNoaW5n dG9uIERDIGhhdmUuICBUaGUgREMgUnVsZXJzIGhhdmUgaWdub3JlZCB0aGUgRmVkZXJhbGxp bWl0cyBpbiB0aGUgQ29uc3RpdHV0aW9uIGZvciBtYW55IHllYXJzLg0KPiANCj4gRVhBQ1RM WSENCg0KQXMgaWYgeW91IGhhZCBhbnkgaWRlYSBvZiB3aGF0IHRoYXQgbWVhbnMsIHNoaXQt Zm9yLWJyYWlucy4NCg0KLS0gDQoqIExvY2sgdXAgVHJ1bXAgYW5kIGhpcyBmYW1pbHkgb2Yg Z3JpZnRlcnMuICoNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 08:30:35 2022
    T24gNi8xOC8yMiA1OjIzIEFNLCBKdXN0YW4gT2hscGhhcnQgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEJpbGwgPGNh bGlmYmlsbDk5OThyZW1vdmU4QGdtYWlsLmNvbT4gV3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZTpyDQo+PiBL ZXlzZXIgIFNvemUgPGtleXNlcnNvemVAd2hpdGVob3VzZS5jb20+IHdyb3RlOj4gSnVzdGFu IE9obHBoYXJ0IDxtZUB5b3Vyc2VydmljZS5jb20+IHdyb3RlOj4+IEtleXNlciBTw7Z6ZSA8 S2V5c2VyU8ODwrZ6ZUB3aGl0ZWhvdXNlLmNvbT4gV3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZTpyPj4+IE9u IDYvMTcvMjIgNTo0OSBQTSwgSnVzdGFuIE9obHBoYXJ0IHdyb3RlOj4+Pj4gIndheW5lYmF0 cmVjZG90Ym9hdHNAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIDx3YXluZS5iZWFyZHNsZXlAZ21haWwuY29tPj4g ICBXcm90ZT4+PiBpbiBtZXNzYWdlOnI+PiBXcml0dGVuIGJ5IEJydWNlIEZlaW4gb24gIlRo ZSBIaWxsIkJydWNlIEZlaW4gd2FzPj4+IGFzc29jaWF0ZSBkZXB1dHkgYXR0b3JuZXkgZ2Vu ZXJhbCB1bmRlciBQcmVzaWRlbnQgUmVhZ2FuIGFuZCBpcyB0aGU+Pj4gYXV0aG9yIG9mID9D b25zdGl0dXRpb25hbCBQZXJpbDogVGhlIExpZmUgYW5kIERlYXRoIFN0cnVnZ2xlIGZvciBP dXI+Pj4gQ29uc3RpdHV0aW9uIGFuZCBEZW1vY3JhY3kuPyBUaGUgSG91c2UgY29tbWl0dGVl IGludmVzdGlnYXRpbmcgdGhlIEphbi4+Pj4gNiBpbnN1cnJlY3Rpb24gc2hvdWxkIGZvY3Vz 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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Keyser_S=c3=b6ze?=@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 10:07:25 2022
    T24gNi8xOC8yMiA5OjIwIEFNLCB3YXluZWJhdHJlY2RvdGJvYXRzQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIHdy b3RlOg0KPiBPbiBTYXR1cmRheSwgSnVuZSAxOCwgMjAyMiBhdCA4OjMwOjM3IEFNIFVUQy00 LCBLZXlzZXIgU8O2emUgd3JvdGU6DQo+PiBPbiA2LzE4LzIyIDU6MjMgQU0sIEp1c3RhbiBP aGxwaGFydCB3cm90ZToNCj4+PiBCaWxsIDxjYWxpZmJpbGw5Li4uQGdtYWlsLmNvbT4gV3Jv dGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZTpyDQo+Pj4+IEtleXNlciBTb3plIDxrZXlzZS4uLkB3aGl0ZWhvdXNl LmNvbT4gd3JvdGU6PiBKdXN0YW4gT2hscGhhcnQgPG0uLi5AeW91cnNlcnZpY2UuY29tPiB3 cm90ZTo+PiBLZXlzZXIgU8O2emUgPEtleXNlclPDg8K2ei4uLkB3aGl0ZWhvdXNlLmNvbT4g V3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZTpyPj4+IE9uIDYvMTcvMjIgNTo0OSBQTSwgSnVzdGFuIE9obHBo YXJ0IHdyb3RlOj4+Pj4gIndheW5lYmF0ci4uLkBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSIgPHdheW5lLmIuLi5A Z21haWwuY29tPj4gV3JvdGU+Pj4gaW4gbWVzc2FnZTpyPj4gV3JpdHRlbiBieSBCcnVjZSBG ZWluIG9uICJUaGUgSGlsbCJCcnVjZSBGZWluIHdhcz4+PiBhc3NvY2lhdGUgZGVwdXR5IGF0 dG9ybmV5IGdlbmVyYWwgdW5kZXIgUHJlc2lkZW50IFJlYWdhbiBhbmQgaXMgdGhlPj4+IGF1 dGhvciBvZiA/Q29uc3RpdHV0aW9uYWwgUGVyaWw6IFRoZSBMaWZlIGFuZCBEZWF0aCBTdHJ1 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byBTZWN0aW9uIDMuPj4+IFRoZSBkZWNsYXJhdGlvbiB3b3VsZCBwcmV2ZW50IFRydW1wIGVs ZWN0b3JzIGZyb20gYXBwZWFyaW5nIG9uIHN0YXRlPj4+IGJhbGxvdHMgaW4gMjAyNC4+ID4g SSBkb24ndCBjYXJlIHdoYXIgQnJ1Y2UgRmVpbiB0aGlua3MuPiBPZiBjb3Vyc2UgeW91Pj4+ IGRvbid0LiBGZWluIGlzIGEgQ29uc3RpdHV0aW9uYWwgbGF3eWVyIHdpdGggaW1wZWNjYWJs ZSBjb25zZXJ2YXRpdmU+Pj4gY3JlZGVudGlhbHMuLS0gKiBMb2NrIHVwIFRydW1wIGFuZCBo aXMgZmFtaWx5IG9mIGdyaWZ0ZXJzLiAqPj4gPj4gV2hhdCdzIHlvdXIgcG9pbnQuIE9iYW1h IGlzIGEgQ29uc3RpdHV0aW9uYWwgbGF3eWVyIHdobyBoYXMgbm90IHNvPj4gaW1wZWNjYWJs ZSBjcmVkZW50aWFscy4gSGUgYW5kIEJpZGVuIGFyZSBjdXQgZnJvbSB0aGUgc2FtZSBjbG90 aC4+PiBXaGF0J3MgcGFydGljdWxhcmlseSBkaXN0dXJiaW5nIGFib2l0IHRob3NlIGNoYXJh Y3RlcnMgaXMgaG93Pj4gdGhleSBydXNoIHRvIGp1ZGdlIHdpdGhvdXQgYW55IGtub3dsZWdl IG9mIHdobyBvciB3aGF0IHRoZXkgYXJlPj4gc3RhbmRpbmcgaW4ganVkZ2VtZW50IG92ZXIu ID4gPiBPYmFtYSBoYXMgZmlyc3QtcmF0ZSBjcmVkZW50aWFscyBhcyBhIHNjaG9sYXIsIGEg bWFuLCBhIGZhdGhlciwgYT4gcG9saXRpY2lhbiwgYW5kIGFzIGEgaHVtYW4gYmVpbmcuIFRy 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dGhhdCBUcnVtcCB3aWxsIGJlIHRyZWF0ZWQgdGhlIHNhbWUgd2F5IGlmIGhlIGdldHMgb3V0 IG9mIHBvbGl0aWNzLg0KPiANCg0KSW4gd2F5cyB0aGF0IHJlYWxseSBtYXR0ZXIsIFRydW1w J3MgdHJhbnNncmVzc2lvbnMgYW5kIHRob3NlIG9mIGhpcyANCnN0YWZmIGFuZCBhZHZpc2Vy cyBhcmUgZmFyIHdvcnNlIHRoYW4gTml4b24ncywgYnV0IEkgZG9uJ3QgZGlzYWdyZWUgdGhh dCANCkZvcmQncyBwYXJkb24gb2YgaGltIHdhcyBhcHByb3ByaWF0ZSwgZXNwZWNpYWxseSBz aW5jZSBOaXhvbiBzZXR0bGVkIGluIA0KYXMgYW4gZWxkZXIgc3RhdGVzbWFuIGFuZCBub3Qg c29tZW9uZSB3aG8sIGxpa2UgVHJ1bXAsIGNhcmVkIG5vdCBhIHdoaXQgDQpmb3IgdGhpcyBj b3VudHJ5J3MgcG9saXRpY2FsIGZ1dHVyZS4gSSB3YXNuJ3QgYSBiaWcgZmFuIG9mIE5peG9u LCBidXQgSSANCmRpZCBhZG1pcmUgaGlzIGludGVsbGlnZW5jZSwgaGlzIGFiaWxpdGllcyBp biBkaXBsb21hY3ksIGFuZCBoaXMgDQpwb2xpdGljYWwgY2hvcHMuLi53aG8gYnV0IE5peG9u LCBhIHJlYWwgUmVwdWJsaWNhbiwgY291bGQgaGF2ZSBpbXBvc2VkIA0Kd2FnZS1wcmljZSBj b250cm9scz8NCg0KDQotLSANCiogTG9jayB1cCBUcnVtcCBhbmQgaGlzIGZhbWlseSBvZiBn cmlmdGVycy4gKg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 10:12:47 2022
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:> On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote: > > Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r > >> Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart <m...@yourservice.
    wrote:>> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>>
    associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should focus on
    disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad
    record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that
    had survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>>
    vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s implied threats to Pence
    reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>>
    during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an
    inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.
    After the>>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> The declaration
    would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of
    grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how>> they rush to judge without any
    knowlege of who or what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide
    hiscollege transcripts. > > > > Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does > > anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a > > poke.> Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough > and crooked enough.
    -- > * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *===It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is willing to light that match and fight that fight.It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the 14th
    Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    I think the midterms will bring an end to all these democrat witch
    hunts. There is inportant work to be done to unravel the mess
    Biden has made of the country.
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to KeyserS├╢ze@whitehouse.com on Sat Jun 18 09:50:23 2022
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    On 6/18/22 5:08 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:> Bill <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r>> waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:> On Friday, June 17, 2022 at 5:49:37 PM UTC-4, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>> "waynebatr.
    ..@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com> >> Wrote in message:r >>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was associate deputy>>> attorney general under President Reagan and is the author of>>> ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for
    Our Constitution>>> and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan. 6>>> insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.>>> Disqualification is triggered by
    engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>>
    repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not count>>> state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60 judicial>>> challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee must>>> subpoena Pence to testify in
    prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>
    thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service>>> that Trump might be a security risk for
    Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>>
    evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in>>> spite of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory>>> self-incrimination because the Supreme Court held
    in Baxter v.>>> Palmigiano that guilt may be inferred when the amendment is used in>>> noncriminal proceedings.After the committee assembles a proper record>>> against Trump, Congress should vote by concurrent resolution to declare>>> the former
    president disqualified from holding any office under the>>> United States pursuant to Section 3. The declaration would prevent>>> Trump electors from appearing on state ballots in 2024. >> >> I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks. >> > > ==> Maybe not but
    you should read what he had to say. His conservative> credentials are above reproach, and his analysis was very thoughtful -> with no hysterical cries of "lock him up" or anything like that. The> important thing is that Trump can never be allowed to
    hold public office> again given his utter disregard for the constitution, and the obligations that go with it.> Unfortunately, he has no less a regard for the constitution as most of thepoliticians in Washington DC have. The DC Rulers have ignored the
    Federallimits in the Constitution for many years.> > EXACTLY!As if you had any idea of what that means, shit-for-brains.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *

    Go fork yourself tubby
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wayne.beardsley@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 06:20:53 2022
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@
    gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and
    Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection
    against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly and
    menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time.
    Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart
    the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence.
    Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>> evidence
    showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in Baxter
    v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president
    disqualified>>> from holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>>> don't. Fein is a
    Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.>
    What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a
    human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough
    and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to KeyserS├╢ze@whitehouse.com on Sat Jun 18 10:16:31 2022
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com wrote:> On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:>> On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>> Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r>>>> Keyser Soze <keyse...@
    whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:
    Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee
    investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of the
    United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike
    Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what
    President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.
    On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave
    badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives
    in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>>
    inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from holding any office under
    the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable
    conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing
    aboit those characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If
    he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.>>>>>> Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does>>> anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a>>> poke.>> Hopefully, Trump will be the pig
    in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough>> and crooked enough.>> -- >> * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *> > ===> > It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is willing to light that match and fight that fight.> It would
    probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.> In ways that really matter, Trump's
    transgressions and those of his staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit for
    this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed wage-price controls?-- * Lock up Trump and his
    family of grifters. *

    You two should get a room. If K moves any more of her family in,
    you'll have to.
    lets go Brandon...

    ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usenet/index.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com on Sat Jun 18 15:34:16 2022
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart
    <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 >>>>> PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com"
    <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein >>>>> on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general
    under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: >>>>> The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.?
    The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should
    focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office
    under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is
    triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of
    the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad
    record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>>
    authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by
    directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike >>>>> Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had
    survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment
    requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify >>>>> in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President >>>>> Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the >>>>> smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s >>>>> incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the
    peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s
    implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke >>>>> the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>>
    Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>>
    high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple
    times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress
    certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to >>>>> rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in
    menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of >>>>> Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against
    compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in
    Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment >>>>> is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a >>>>> proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent
    resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from
    holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> >>>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on
    state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of >>>>> course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable >>>>> conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of
    grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer >>>>> who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from
    the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those
    characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or >>>>> what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate >>>>> credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a
    human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as >>>>> a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough
    and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is
    willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the
    14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and
    my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his
    staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in
    as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit
    for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I
    did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed wage-price controls?

    You think Watergate was bad, but Hillary and the electronic spying and
    planted lies were many times worse. But the DNC and her seem to get a free ride.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Keyser Soze@21:1/5 to Bill on Sat Jun 18 19:22:12 2022
    Bill <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart
    <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 >>>>>> PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com"
    <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein >>>>>> on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general
    under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: >>>>>> The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? >>>>>> The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should >>>>>> focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office >>>>>> under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is
    triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of >>>>>> the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad
    record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>>
    authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by
    directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike >>>>>> Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had
    survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment
    requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify >>>>>> in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President >>>>>> Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the >>>>>> smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s >>>>>> incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the
    peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s >>>>>> implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke >>>>>> the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> >>>>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> >>>>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple
    times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress >>>>>> certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to >>>>>> rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in >>>>>> menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of >>>>>> Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against >>>>>> compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in >>>>>> Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment >>>>>> is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a >>>>>> proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent >>>>>> resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from
    holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> >>>>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on
    state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of >>>>>> course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable >>>>>> conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of
    grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer >>>>>> who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from >>>>>> the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those
    characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or >>>>>> what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate >>>>>> credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a >>>>>> human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as >>>>>> a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough >>>> and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is
    willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the
    14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and >>> my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his
    staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that
    Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in
    as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit
    for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I
    did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed
    wage-price controls?

    You think Watergate was bad, but Hillary and the electronic spying and planted lies were many times worse. But the DNC and her seem to get a free ride.

    Read much? Trump’s transgressions were the worst and they continue.

    Lock Trump Up

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com on Sun Jun 19 00:36:48 2022
    On Sat, 18 Jun 2022 06:20:53 -0700 (PDT),
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@
    gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein
    associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should focus
    on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of
    the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of
    the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly and >menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time.
    Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s
    implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that
    Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>>
    evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held
    in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from holding any office under the United States pursuant to
    Section 3.>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a
    Constitutional lawyer who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut
    from the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a>
    politician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough
    and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    That assumes they can get a conviction for being "engaged in
    insurrection or rebellion against the <US> or given aid or comfort to
    the enemies thereof."

    The courts have not embraced this insurrection.

    Your "Insurrection" seems to be missing convictions for much more than misdemeanor trespassing and some felony "assault on police officer"
    charges. If the DoJ ever put a full court press like this on any other
    riot they would end up with a whole lot more.
    DoJ has pulled in prosecutors from 56 field offices to pursue these
    yahoos and they want $34 million to hire another 131 lawyers.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com on Sun Jun 19 00:45:07 2022
    On Sat, 18 Jun 2022 10:07:25 -0400, Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> wrote:

    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" <wayne.b...@
    gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein on "The Hill"Bruce Fein
    associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should focus
    on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office under Section 3 of
    the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> authority of
    the United States under the 12th Amendment by directly,>>> repeatedly and >menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify in prime time.
    Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s
    implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that
    Congress certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to rebut the>>>
    evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held
    in Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from holding any office under the United States pursuant to
    Section 3.>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a
    Constitutional lawyer who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut
    from the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a>
    politician, and as a human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough
    and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his
    staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that >Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in
    as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit
    for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I
    did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed >wage-price controls?

    Nixon was a big government Federalist who trampled on the constitution
    with illegal restrictions on states rights.
    He bought off the Democrats with feel good agencies like EPA and OSHA
    and the hard core law and order people with the drug war. None of them
    are constitutional the way the laws are written and most decisions are
    made administratively by faceless bureaucrats who are un elected.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bill@21:1/5 to Soze on Sun Jun 19 22:16:29 2022
    Keyser Soze <keysersoze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    Bill <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart
    <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 >>>>>>> PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com"
    <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein >>>>>>> on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general >>>>>>> under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: >>>>>>> The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? >>>>>>> The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should >>>>>>> focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office >>>>>>> under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is
    triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of >>>>>>> the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad >>>>>>> record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> >>>>>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by
    directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike >>>>>>> Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had
    survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment
    requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify >>>>>>> in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President >>>>>>> Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the >>>>>>> smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s >>>>>>> incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the >>>>>>> peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s >>>>>>> implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke >>>>>>> the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> >>>>>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> >>>>>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple
    times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress >>>>>>> certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to >>>>>>> rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in >>>>>>> menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of >>>>>>> Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against >>>>>>> compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in >>>>>>> Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment >>>>>>> is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a >>>>>>> proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent >>>>>>> resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from
    holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> >>>>>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on
    state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of >>>>>>> course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable >>>>>>> conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of >>>>>>> grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer >>>>>>> who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from >>>>>>> the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those
    characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or >>>>>>> what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate >>>>>>> credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a >>>>>>> human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as >>>>>>> a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough >>>>> and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is
    willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the >>>> 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and >>>> my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his
    staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that >>> Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in
    as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit
    for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I
    did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed
    wage-price controls?

    You think Watergate was bad, but Hillary and the electronic spying and
    planted lies were many times worse. But the DNC and her seem to get a free >> ride.

    Read much? Trump’s transgressions were the worst and they continue.

    They are? We were talking watergate and Hillary.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to califbill9998remove8@gmail.com on Sun Jun 19 22:38:55 2022
    On Sun, 19 Jun 2022 22:16:29 -0000 (UTC), Bill
    <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> wrote:

    Keyser Soze <keysersoze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    Bill <califbill9998remove8@gmail.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöze@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote: >>>>>> On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart
    <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 >>>>>>>> PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com"
    <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein >>>>>>>> on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general >>>>>>>> under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: >>>>>>>> The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? >>>>>>>> The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should >>>>>>>> focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office >>>>>>>> under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is >>>>>>>> triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of >>>>>>>> the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad >>>>>>>> record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> >>>>>>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by
    directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike >>>>>>>> Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had >>>>>>>> survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment >>>>>>>> requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify >>>>>>>> in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President >>>>>>>> Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the >>>>>>>> smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s >>>>>>>> incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the >>>>>>>> peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s >>>>>>>> implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke >>>>>>>> the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> >>>>>>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> >>>>>>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple >>>>>>>> times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress >>>>>>>> certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to >>>>>>>> rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in >>>>>>>> menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of >>>>>>>> Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against >>>>>>>> compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in >>>>>>>> Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment >>>>>>>> is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a >>>>>>>> proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent >>>>>>>> resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from >>>>>>>> holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>> >>>>>>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on >>>>>>>> state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of >>>>>>>> course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable >>>>>>>> conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of >>>>>>>> grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer >>>>>>>> who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from >>>>>>>> the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those
    characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or >>>>>>>> what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate >>>>>>>> credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a >>>>>>>> human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as >>>>>>>> a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does >>>>>>> anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough >>>>>> and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is
    willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the >>>>> 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and >>>>> my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his
    staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that >>>> Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in >>>> as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit >>>> for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I >>>> did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed >>>> wage-price controls?

    You think Watergate was bad, but Hillary and the electronic spying and
    planted lies were many times worse. But the DNC and her seem to get a free >>> ride.

    Read much? Trump’s transgressions were the worst and they continue.

    They are? We were talking watergate and Hillary.

    Maybe I am just a loonytarian but I consider lying us into a war that
    kills thousands or even millions is worse but LBJ and GWB got a total
    pass. What Trump is accused of doing doesn't even bump the needle.

    My guess is when the dust settles he will have to pay some money for
    some banking irregularities and that will be it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From gfretwell@aol.com@21:1/5 to waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com on Mon Jun 20 02:14:24 2022
    On Sun, 19 Jun 2022 22:16:50 -0700 (PDT),
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:38:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Sun, 19 Jun 2022 22:16:29 -0000 (UTC), Bill
    <califbill9...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatr...@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
    On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart
    <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49
    PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com"
    <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein
    on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general
    under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril:
    The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? >> >>>>>>>> The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should >> >>>>>>>> focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office >> >>>>>>>> under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is
    triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of >> >>>>>>>> the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad
    record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>>
    authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by
    directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike
    Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had
    survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment
    requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify
    in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President
    Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the
    smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s
    incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the
    peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s >> >>>>>>>> implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke
    the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> >> >>>>>>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> >> >>>>>>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple
    times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress >> >>>>>>>> certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to
    rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in >> >>>>>>>> menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of
    Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against >> >>>>>>>> compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in >> >>>>>>>> Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment
    is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a
    proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent >> >>>>>>>> resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from
    holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>>
    The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on
    state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of
    course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable
    conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of
    grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer
    who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from >> >>>>>>>> the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those
    characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or
    what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate
    credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a >> >>>>>>>> human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as
    a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does
    anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough
    and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is
    willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the >> >>>>> 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and
    my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his
    staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that
    Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in >> >>>> as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit >> >>>> for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I >> >>>> did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed >> >>>> wage-price controls?

    You think Watergate was bad, but Hillary and the electronic spying and >> >>> planted lies were many times worse. But the DNC and her seem to get a free

    Read much? Trump’s transgressions were the worst and they continue.

    They are? We were talking watergate and Hillary.
    Maybe I am just a loonytarian but I consider lying us into a war that
    kills thousands or even millions is worse but LBJ and GWB got a total
    pass. What Trump is accused of doing doesn't even bump the needle.

    My guess is when the dust settles he will have to pay some money for
    some banking irregularities and that will be it.


    You may be right about eventual penalties but I disagree with your premise that Trump's transgressions are not that serious. Consider that the constitution and democratic processes are the bedrock that our country is built on. Consider that the
    orderly and peaceful transfer of power are an extremely important part of that democratic process. It is what separates us from being a third world banana republic where dictators stage periodic overthrows of government and attempt to rule for life. It is what has enabled our democracy to last for almost 250 years. It will not
    last for another 250 however if we allow attempts to overthrow our electoral process to be taken lightly, and that is exactly what Trump attempted to do.

    If a few hundred unarmed rednecks can overthrow our government we
    should just give up now.
    This was just stupid people doing something stupid. They all pretty
    much had the book thrown at them and I haven't seen a sedition or
    insurrection conviction yet.
    What is telling about your outrage is the name of this thread.
    They MUST find a way to stop Trump with this "investigation" and you
    don't call it a partisan witch hunt?
    Nobody wants to know what happened on Jan 6th because most of the
    fault lies with an inept response from the Cap Po and the Sgt at arms
    of the House. They are the chain of command that failed and the top of
    that organization chart is Nancy. Was it pure incompetence or was of
    part of a plan? Who knows but we are not going to find out in this dog
    and pony show. Maybe if this is still going on next year the focus on
    the riot might be what went wrong in the riot and not "how can we
    blame this on Trump"?

    As for Trump, why are you so scared of him?
    Do you really think he can win again?
    If so, who is meddling with a fair election and imperiling the
    democracy now by using every trick you can find to torpedo his right
    to run? The Soviets had elections too but the government decided who
    could run. Is that who you want to be?

    Personally I am already out there with my prediction if he runs. 2024
    might be a rerun of 1824 with 3 parties splitting EC votes and the GOP
    house gets to choose DeSantis or whoever the flavor of the month is

    It will be an interesting primary season
    If Trump doesn't get the nomination he might run as a 3d party.
    I think between them they can get enough votes to keep the Democrats
    from getting 270.
    We get to dust off the "contingent election" clause in the
    Constitution and give everyone a Constitutional law lesson that will
    really piss them off ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wayne.beardsley@gmail.com@21:1/5 to gfre...@aol.com on Sun Jun 19 22:16:50 2022
    On Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:38:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:
    On Sun, 19 Jun 2022 22:16:29 -0000 (UTC), Bill
    <califbill9...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> wrote:
    On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatr...@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote: >>>>>> On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
    Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart >>>>>>>> <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze
    <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49
    PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com"
    <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein
    on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general >>>>>>>> under President Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril:
    The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? >>>>>>>> The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should >>>>>>>> focus on disqualifying former President Donald>>> Trump from office >>>>>>>> under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is >>>>>>>> triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of >>>>>>>> the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>> ironclad >>>>>>>> record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> >>>>>>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by
    directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike
    Pence to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had >>>>>>>> survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment >>>>>>>> requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify
    in prime time. Pence is to the Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President
    Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the
    smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s
    incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th Amendment to>>> thwart the >>>>>>>> peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s >>>>>>>> implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke
    the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret Service that>>> >>>>>>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> >>>>>>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple >>>>>>>> times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress >>>>>>>> certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to
    rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in >>>>>>>> menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of
    Trump?s guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against >>>>>>>> compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in >>>>>>>> Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment
    is used in noncriminal proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a
    proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent >>>>>>>> resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from >>>>>>>> holding any office under the United States pursuant to Section 3.>>>
    The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on >>>>>>>> state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of
    course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with impeccable
    conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of >>>>>>>> grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer
    who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from >>>>>>>> the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those >>>>>>>> characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or
    what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate
    credentials as a scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a >>>>>>>> human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as
    a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts.

    Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to Obama's credentials. Nor does >>>>>>> anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a
    Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough
    and crooked enough.
    * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *


    It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is >>>>> willing to light that match and fight that fight.
    It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a Section 3 of the >>>>> 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire into relative obscurity and
    my guess is that Trump will be treated the same way if he gets out of politics.

    In ways that really matter, Trump's transgressions and those of his >>>> staff and advisers are far worse than Nixon's, but I don't disagree that
    Ford's pardon of him was appropriate, especially since Nixon settled in >>>> as an elder statesman and not someone who, like Trump, cared not a whit >>>> for this country's political future. I wasn't a big fan of Nixon, but I >>>> did admire his intelligence, his abilities in diplomacy, and his
    political chops...who but Nixon, a real Republican, could have imposed >>>> wage-price controls?

    You think Watergate was bad, but Hillary and the electronic spying and >>> planted lies were many times worse. But the DNC and her seem to get a free

    Read much? Trump’s transgressions were the worst and they continue.

    They are? We were talking watergate and Hillary.
    Maybe I am just a loonytarian but I consider lying us into a war that
    kills thousands or even millions is worse but LBJ and GWB got a total
    pass. What Trump is accused of doing doesn't even bump the needle.

    My guess is when the dust settles he will have to pay some money for
    some banking irregularities and that will be it.


    You may be right about eventual penalties but I disagree with your premise that Trump's transgressions are not that serious. Consider that the constitution and democratic processes are the bedrock that our country is built on. Consider that the orderly
    and peaceful transfer of power are an extremely important part of that democratic process. It is what separates us from being a third world banana republic where dictators stage periodic overthrows of government and attempt to rule for life. It is what
    has enabled our democracy to last for almost 250 years. It will not last for another 250 however if we allow attempts to overthrow our electoral process to be taken lightly, and that is exactly what Trump attempted to do.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Justan Ohlphart@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 20 08:47:24 2022
    "waynebatrecdotboats@hotmail.com" <wayne.beardsley@gmail.com>
    Wrote in message:r
    On Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:38:35 PM UTC-4, gfre...@aol.com wrote:> On Sun, 19 Jun 2022 22:16:29 -0000 (UTC), Bill > <califbill9...@gmail.com> wrote: > > >Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote: > >> Bill <califbill9...@gmail.com> wrote: > >>>
    Keyser Söze <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> wrote: > >>>> On 6/18/22 9:20 AM, waynebatr...@hotmail.com wrote: > >>>>> On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30:37 AM UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote: > >>>>>> On 6/18/22 5:23 AM, Justan Ohlphart wrote: > >>>>>>> Bill <
    califbill9...@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r > >>>>>>>> Keyser Soze <keyse...@whitehouse.com> wrote:> Justan Ohlphart > >>>>>>>> <m...@yourservice.com> wrote:>> Keyser Söze > >>>>>>>> <KeyserSöz...@whitehouse.com> Wrote in message:r>>> On 6/17/22 5:49 > >
    PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:>>>> "waynebatr...@hotmail.com" > >>>>>>>> <wayne.b...@gmail.com>> Wrote>>> in message:r>> Written by Bruce Fein > >>>>>>>> on "The Hill"Bruce Fein was>>> associate deputy attorney general > >>>>>>>> under President
    Reagan and is the>>> author of ?Constitutional Peril: > >>>>>>>> The Life and Death Struggle for Our>>> Constitution and Democracy.? > >>>>>>>> The House committee investigating the Jan.>>> 6 insurrection should > >>>>>>>> focus on disqualifying former
    President Donald>>> Trump from office > >>>>>>>> under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. >>> Disqualification is > >>>>>>>> triggered by engaging in ?insurrection against the>>> authority of > >>>>>>>> the United States.? The committee should assemble an>>
    ironclad > >>>>>>>> record showing that Trump engaged in insurrection against the>>> > >>>>>>>> authority of the United States under the 12th Amendment by > >>>>>>>> directly,>>> repeatedly and menacingly exhorting Vice President Mike > >>>>>>>> Pence
    to not>>> count state-certified electoral votes that had > >>>>>>>> survived more than 60>>> judicial challenges, as the amendment > >>>>>>>> requires. This means the committee>>> must subpoena Pence to testify > >>>>>>>> in prime time. Pence is to the
    Jan. 6>>> insurrection what President > >>>>>>>> Nixon?s tapes were to Watergate. The former>>> vice president is the > >>>>>>>> smoking gun. He has direct, incontrovertible>>> knowledge of Trump?s > >>>>>>>> incessant cajolery to ignore the 12th
    Amendment to>>> thwart the > >>>>>>>> peaceful transfer of presidential power.On Jan. 5, 2021,>>> Trump?s > >>>>>>>> implied threats to Pence reached a sufficient threshold to>>> provoke > >>>>>>>> the vice president?s chief-of-staff to alert Secret
    Service that>>> > >>>>>>>> Trump might be a security risk for Pence. Pence betrayed Trump?s>>> > >>>>>>>> high-octave badgering by refusing to leave the Capitol multiple > >>>>>>>> times>>> during the Jan. 6 insurrection and insisting that Congress > >>>>
    certify the>>> vote that day. Trump should be given an opportunity to > >>>>>>>> rebut the>>> evidence showing corrupt, unconstitutional motives in > >>>>>>>> menacing Pence.>>> Declining to testify would permit an inference of > >>>>>>>> Trump?s
    guilt in spite>>> of the Fifth Amendment privilege against > >>>>>>>> compulsory self-incrimination>>> because the Supreme Court held in > >>>>>>>> Baxter v. Palmigiano that guilt may be>>> inferred when the amendment > >>>>>>>> is used in noncriminal
    proceedings.After the>>> committee assembles a > >>>>>>>> proper record against Trump, Congress should vote>>> by concurrent > >>>>>>>> resolution to declare the former president disqualified>>> from > >>>>>>>> holding any office under the United States
    pursuant to Section 3.>>> > >>>>>>>> The declaration would prevent Trump electors from appearing on > >>>>>>>> state>>> ballots in 2024.> > I don't care whar Bruce Fein thinks.> Of > >>>>>>>> course you>>> don't. Fein is a Constitutional lawyer with
    impeccable > >>>>>>>> conservative>>> credentials.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of > >>>>>>>> grifters. *>> >> What's your point. Obama is a Constitutional lawyer > >>>>>>>> who has not so>> impeccable credentials. He and Biden are cut from > >>>>>>>>
    the same cloth.>> What's particularily disturbing aboit those > >>>>>>>> characters is how>> they rush to judge without any knowlege of who or > >>>>>>>> what they are>> standing in judgement over. > > Obama has first-rate > >>>>>>>> credentials as a
    scholar, a man, a father, a> politician, and as a > >>>>>>>> human being. Trump is a scumbag.> If he had first rate credentials as > >>>>>>>> a scholar, he would not hide hiscollege transcripts. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Fat Harry doesn't have a clue as to
    Obama's credentials. Nor does > >>>>>>> anyone else. Soros and company sold us a pig in a > >>>>>>> poke. > >>>>>> Hopefully, Trump will be the pig in a pokey. He's certainly fat enough > >>>>>> and crooked enough. > >>>>>> -- > >>>>>> * Lock up Trump
    and his family of grifters. * > >>>>> > >>>>> === > >>>>> > >>>>> It will be interesting to see if and when the Justice Department is > >>>>> willing to light that match and fight that fight. > >>>>> It would probably be easier and safer to settle for a
    Section 3 of the > >>>>> 14th Amendment. Nixon was allowed to retire

    What separates us from being a third world banana republic is a
    border with enforced regulations as to who gets to cross
    Queen Nancy gets full credit for allowing a peaceful protest turn
    into a breach of congressional security. When democrats fuck up
    who gets the blame? Trump naturally.
    Clucky Chucky blames the Republican party for everything bad that
    happens. Even crap that Chucky imagines that happened.
    If you insist on hating Trump, thats fine but you don't need to
    look under every rock hoping to find something to pin on him.
    That's Fat Harry's mission in life. You're better than
    lets go Brandon...

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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)