• =?UTF-8?B?V2hhdCB5b3UgbmVlZCB0byBrbm93IGFib3V0IHRoZSBjb3ZpZCB2YWNjaW5lc

    From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 8 17:52:22 2024
    There are some subjects that seem to be off subject but they are things that cyclists should know because without this information, they cannot make important informed decisions.

    This is part of why I informed everyone here that they should not be taking the vaccines for covid-19. 1. because the illness itself was NOT dangerous and 2. Because the vaccines were.

    Remember that millions of people died and NOT because of an illness that you probably wouldn't even notice if you were under 50 but that you probably would hardly notice if you were OVER 50. I am nearly 80 and had it twice and I simply felt bad for 4
    days and tired for another 6.

    The fact that the vaccines were dangerous became apparent almost immediately with people who took the jab dying all over the place. While you were being told that it was covid. SARS-Cov-2 by its very name tells you that it has vaste similarities to SARS-
    Cov-1 which causes the common cold. So people were already forearmed against most of the effects of SARS-Cov-2.

    While I was warning you ahead of time because if all of the dying people that I knew could not have been from the disease which was modified ONLY to make it intensely contageous and this is because there is a clear stretch of mRNA in the that was added
    to the original bat virus which made the bat virus far more contagious. Since this stretch of mRNA was not in the original virus it was clearly added by recently developed genomic tools.

    Your life has been put at grave risk because phamaceutical companies were seeking a cheap way to develop vaccines. And the majority stock holders in many of these companies is Bill Gates of Microsft infamy. That asshole just put a video out plugging mRNA
    vaccines as if they were God's gift to man. He actually said that with these GMO's we could cure manking of anything including death! He is NOT a scientist and he has NEVER worked in medical field and says this so easily.

    In fact he is one of those distorted individuals that wants to be seen as the savior of mankind while getting 100 times richer of course. Being a billionaire isn't enough for him. He has to be a multi-trillionaire. In fact, mRNA is NOT a vaccibe at all
    but a Genetic Modification Organism (GMO) which is criminal to deal with withgout specific licenses which most of the pharmaceutical companies did not have. This stuff is SO dangerous that the US bombed Iraq on the very suspicion that they were making "
    germ warfare weapons" In fact Iraq had stopped it almost immediately after it killed most of their scientists. Most of the world are signers to a treaty making this a criminal offence.

    Unlike you've been told, the RNA is directly transferable to DNA and where this happens the Spike Protein is generated. This may happen in any organ in your body so it can show up as any one of hundreds of different illnesses. Unfoirtunately the body
    sees this foreign DNA as "normal" and uses IGg4 proteins to ignore the DNA and its poisonous messages.

    This is NOT about bicycles. Or is it. Because many people can no longer ride because these got the covid-29 GMO injected into their bloodstream. Dementia was rare. It is now some 100 times more common than it was and two people that showed no signs of
    it died from dementiqa shortly after having the jab.

    There is nothing you an do about it now if you wee "vaccinated" but you can take your revenge by putting these people out of business.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Wed May 8 13:15:51 2024
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    There are some subjects that seem to be off subject but they are things that cyclists should know because without this information, they cannot make important informed decisions.

    This is part of why I informed everyone here that they should not be taking the vaccines for covid-19. 1. because the illness itself was NOT dangerous and 2. Because the vaccines were.

    Remember that millions of people died and NOT because of an illness that you probably wouldn't even notice if you were under 50 but that you probably would hardly notice if you were OVER 50. I am nearly 80 and had it twice and I simply felt bad for 4
    days and tired for another 6.

    The fact that the vaccines were dangerous became apparent almost immediately with people who took the jab dying all over the place. While you were being told that it was covid. SARS-Cov-2 by its very name tells you that it has vaste similarities to
    SARS-Cov-1 which causes the common cold. So people were already forearmed against most of the effects of SARS-Cov-2.

    While I was warning you ahead of time because if all of the dying people that I knew could not have been from the disease which was modified ONLY to make it intensely contageous and this is because there is a clear stretch of mRNA in the that was added
    to the original bat virus which made the bat virus far more contagious. Since this stretch of mRNA was not in the original virus it was clearly added by recently developed genomic tools.

    Your life has been put at grave risk because phamaceutical companies were seeking a cheap way to develop vaccines. And the majority stock holders in many of these companies is Bill Gates of Microsft infamy. That asshole just put a video out plugging
    mRNA vaccines as if they were God's gift to man. He actually said that with these GMO's we could cure manking of anything including death! He is NOT a scientist and he has NEVER worked in medical field and says this so easily.

    In fact he is one of those distorted individuals that wants to be seen as the savior of mankind while getting 100 times richer of course. Being a billionaire isn't enough for him. He has to be a multi-trillionaire. In fact, mRNA is NOT a vaccibe at all
    but a Genetic Modification Organism (GMO) which is criminal to deal with withgout specific licenses which most of the pharmaceutical companies did not have. This stuff is SO dangerous that the US bombed Iraq on the very suspicion that they were making "
    germ warfare weapons" In fact Iraq had stopped it almost immediately after it killed most of their scientists. Most of the world are signers to a treaty making this a criminal offence.

    Unlike you've been told, the RNA is directly transferable to DNA and where this happens the Spike Protein is generated. This may happen in any organ in your body so it can show up as any one of hundreds of different illnesses. Unfoirtunately the body
    sees this foreign DNA as "normal" and uses IGg4 proteins to ignore the DNA and its poisonous messages.

    This is NOT about bicycles. Or is it. Because many people can no longer ride because these got the covid-29 GMO injected into their bloodstream. Dementia was rare. It is now some 100 times more common than it was and two people that showed no signs of
    it died from dementiqa shortly after having the jab.

    There is nothing you an do about it now if you wee "vaccinated" but you can take your revenge by putting these people out of business.

    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt
    other people, what do you care if people drink the
    government Kool Aid and take the government jab?
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 8 23:06:18 2024
    On Wed May 8 13:15:51 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    There are some subjects that seem to be off subject but they are things that cyclists should know because without this information, they cannot make important informed decisions.

    This is part of why I informed everyone here that they should not be taking the vaccines for covid-19. 1. because the illness itself was NOT dangerous and 2. Because the vaccines were.

    Remember that millions of people died and NOT because of an illness that you probably wouldn't even notice if you were under 50 but that you probably would hardly notice if you were OVER 50. I am nearly 80 and had it twice and I simply felt bad for 4
    days and tired for another 6.

    The fact that the vaccines were dangerous became apparent almost immediately with people who took the jab dying all over the place. While you were being told that it was covid. SARS-Cov-2 by its very name tells you that it has vaste similarities to
    SARS-Cov-1 which causes the common cold. So people were already forearmed against most of the effects of SARS-Cov-2.

    While I was warning you ahead of time because if all of the dying people that I knew could not have been from the disease which was modified ONLY to make it intensely contageous and this is because there is a clear stretch of mRNA in the that was
    added to the original bat virus which made the bat virus far more contagious. Since this stretch of mRNA was not in the original virus it was clearly added by recently developed genomic tools.

    Your life has been put at grave risk because phamaceutical companies were seeking a cheap way to develop vaccines. And the majority stock holders in many of these companies is Bill Gates of Microsft infamy. That asshole just put a video out plugging
    mRNA vaccines as if they were God's gift to man. He actually said that with these GMO's we could cure manking of anything including death! He is NOT a scientist and he has NEVER worked in medical field and says this so easily.

    In fact he is one of those distorted individuals that wants to be seen as the savior of mankind while getting 100 times richer of course. Being a billionaire isn't enough for him. He has to be a multi-trillionaire. In fact, mRNA is NOT a vaccibe at
    all but a Genetic Modification Organism (GMO) which is criminal to deal with withgout specific licenses which most of the pharmaceutical companies did not have. This stuff is SO dangerous that the US bombed Iraq on the very suspicion that they were
    making "germ warfare weapons" In fact Iraq had stopped it almost immediately after it killed most of their scientists. Most of the world are signers to a treaty making this a criminal offence.

    Unlike you've been told, the RNA is directly transferable to DNA and where this happens the Spike Protein is generated. This may happen in any organ in your body so it can show up as any one of hundreds of different illnesses. Unfoirtunately the body
    sees this foreign DNA as "normal" and uses IGg4 proteins to ignore the DNA and its poisonous messages.

    This is NOT about bicycles. Or is it. Because many people can no longer ride because these got the covid-29 GMO injected into their bloodstream. Dementia was rare. It is now some 100 times more common than it was and two people that showed no signs
    of it died from dementiqa shortly after having the jab.

    There is nothing you an do about it now if you wee "vaccinated" but you can take your revenge by putting these people out of business.

    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt
    other people, what do you care if people drink the
    government Kool Aid and take the government jab?
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    You would have a good point if pharmaceutical comapnies weren't building mRNA (illegal GMO) manufacturing plants in most of the US and European countried despite it being forbidden to make this stuff now in most of Europe. It is ILLEGAL in the US 100% so
    how are they getting away with it?

    Do you suppose it is because Biden is so alert?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 8 23:47:53 2024
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people,
    what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Maybe you'd listen to an epidemiologist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmJTDN61JCc

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 8 23:26:06 2024
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people,
    what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is there some reason you're talking about things you know not the slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they
    did to you with the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it even occurred?

    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got vaccinated and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a deadly
    location. But I doubt it and it is likely that you will end up with turbo cancers that will be untreatable before ypu discover them. I spent my life working in the medical field and you spent your life teaching Marxist to student. So keep your trap shut.
    You have constipation of the mouth. We didn't need you anyway.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It was removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe that the government is always correct.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Wed May 8 19:52:08 2024
    On 5/8/2024 6:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people,
    what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the
    government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical
    personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical
    topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is there some reason you're talking about things you know not the slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they
    did to you with the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it even occurred?

    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got vaccinated and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a
    deadly location. But I doubt it and it is likely that you will end up with turbo cancers that will be untreatable before ypu discover them. I spent my life working in the medical field and you spent your life teaching Marxist to student. So keep your
    trap shut. You have constipation of the mouth. We didn't need you anyway.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It was removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe that the government is always correct.

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they
    can read the writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97592

    A couple, both MDs report: https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-link-between-coronavirus-vaccines-and-long-covid-illness-starts-gain-acceptance


    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Radey Shouman@21:1/5 to AMuzi on Wed May 8 23:07:04 2024
    AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 6:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the
    government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical
    topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is
    there some reason you're talking about things you know not the
    slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they did to you
    with the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it
    even occurred?
    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and
    understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from
    the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got
    vaccinated and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a deadly
    location. But I doubt it and it is likely that you will end up with
    turbo cancers that will be untreatable before ypu discover them. I
    spent my life working in the medical field and you spent your life
    teaching Marxist to student. So keep your trap shut. You have
    constipation of the mouth. We didn't need you anyway.
    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It
    was removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was
    lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe
    that the government is always correct.

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they can read
    the writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97592

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like
    a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible. In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    A couple, both MDs report: https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-link-between-coronavirus-vaccines-and-long-covid-illness-starts-gain-acceptance

    etc: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Radey Shouman@21:1/5 to Frank Krygowski on Wed May 8 23:16:39 2024
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the
    government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical
    topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for
    babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come
    into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't
    cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger
    cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many
    weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover,
    and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your
    own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy
    who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be
    hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to shouman@comcast.net on Thu May 9 06:54:22 2024
    On Wed, 08 May 2024 23:07:04 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like
    a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible. >In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    My wife lost her taste and smell senses after the second shot.
    Thankfully, it came back in two months. I already had tinnitus and
    Neuropathy. I can't say if either of them got worse with the shots.

    WE both got covid after the two shots.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to AMuzi on Thu May 9 08:49:41 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>>>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>>>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that
    grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for
    babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come
    into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't
    cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger
    cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many
    weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover,
    and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your
    own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy
    who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be
    hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the


    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?

    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?

    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?

    Double indemnity??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Radey Shouman on Thu May 9 07:17:23 2024
    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that
    grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come
    into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't
    cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger
    cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many
    weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover,
    and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your
    own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy
    who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be
    hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Catrike Ryder on Thu May 9 08:30:49 2024
    On 5/9/2024 7:49 AM, Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>>>>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>>>>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >>> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger
    cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the


    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?

    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?

    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?

    Double indemnity??

    Which is also The Postman Always Rings Twice and Body Heat.
    Sophocles never gets old.
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:21:57 2024
    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like
    a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have
    it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very small and extremely simple.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:23:33 2024
    On Thu May 9 06:54:22 2024 Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Wed, 08 May 2024 23:07:04 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like
    a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    My wife lost her taste and smell senses after the second shot.
    Thankfully, it came back in two months. I already had tinnitus and Neuropathy. I can't say if either of them got worse with the shots.

    WE both got covid after the two shots.

    Impossible, Joe Biden himself said that the "vaccines" were safe and effective.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:27:47 2024
    On Wed May 8 23:09:19 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 8:52 PM, AMuzi wrote:

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they can read the writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97592

    A couple, both MDs report: https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-link-between-coronavirus-vaccines-and-long-covid-illness-starts-gain-acceptance

    etc: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    As I said to Tom, almost all medical interventions have _some_ level of
    side effects.

    The issue, as always, is the comparison of benefits vs. detriments. The articles you linked say the vaccines have saved millions of lives, and vaccine complications seem rare.

    If you demand complete and perfect safety, it's time to empty out your medicine cabinet. Also your pantry, and probably your stock of cleaners, lubricants, etc. For God's sake, don't go anywhere near gasoline, or
    alcohol, or even sunshine.

    - Frank Krygowski

    God, you're stupid. Even the vaccine companies said that the side effects were one in 800. Vaccines are NOT acceptable is in the general population side effects are greater than one in 100,000 and in children one in a million. Some engineer you are.
    Engineers are supposed to be able to handle statistics.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:18:30 2024
    On Wed May 8 23:07:04 2024 Radey Shouman wrote:
    AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 6:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is
    there some reason you're talking about things you know not the
    slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they did to you
    with the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it
    even occurred?
    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and
    understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from
    the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got
    vaccinated and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a deadly
    location. But I doubt it and it is likely that you will end up with
    turbo cancers that will be untreatable before ypu discover them. I
    spent my life working in the medical field and you spent your life
    teaching Marxist to student. So keep your trap shut. You have
    constipation of the mouth. We didn't need you anyway.
    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It
    was removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was
    lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe
    that the government is always correct.

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they can read
    the writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97592

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like
    a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    A couple, both MDs report: https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-link-between-coronavirus-vaccines-and-long-covid-illness-starts-gain-acceptance

    etc: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html


    I am very sorry tht you were injured. I tried to warn everyone but medical experts like Liebermann, Flunky, Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci were more persuasive. I told everupme pf my history with that moron Fauci (and Janet Yellen) and again Liebermann and
    Flunky told everyone that I was crazy and didn't know what I was talking about.

    These days simply having a college degree makes the most ignorant fool a supreme expert. Merit has no place in the world today. Not that very high degrees do not often mean very high competence but come on - In a week my oldest stepdaughter is getting
    her PhD in physical therapy. Her masters is in Music and she is a concert pianist. Do you suppose that qualifies her to speak on GMO's?

    Flunky has proven time and time again that he hasn't the slightest clue about economics and he was absolutely sure that I could not have argued with Yellen on the internet. Yet look at the economy, I was correct and she has been wrong every time.

    Competence and merit has no place in the world of today. This is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt by Liebermann and Flunky. My investments growing faster than I can spend them seems to account for nothing to anyone but me.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:42:51 2024
    On Wed May 8 23:16:39 2024 Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come
    into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover,
    and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your
    own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy
    who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the

    Trump is not a medical doctor, he HAD to be advised on that subject and he was advised by Anthony Fauci, MD and head of the CDC. He did not know that Fauci MADE this pandemic in the first place (which was a criminal acr) and that his advise was acrually
    worthless. By the time he started being advised by Dr. Scott Atlas MD (and Hoover Institute advisor on medical policy). He was overcome by both election fraud and a Congress full of RINO's that varified the results of the election when the numbers
    themselve said that it was fraud. NO election yeilds more than 60% of the electorate (which is considered a wildly hotly contested election) and Joe Biden had an 85% count. Plus they had CAMERAS on vote collection boxes that showed vote harvesting which
    is illegal. And reports of vote harvestors going around to rest homes and filling out ballots for demeneted people and having them sign them.

    Biden was no more elected to office than Fauci was.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Radey Shouman@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Thu May 9 10:50:59 2024
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >> > a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have
    it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various
    vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:48:47 2024
    On Thu May 9 08:30:49 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/9/2024 7:49 AM, Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people,
    what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical
    personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical
    topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the >>> benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >>> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or >>> actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't >>>> the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger >>>> cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea, >>> and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well >>> on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the >>> nose.


    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?

    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?

    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?

    Double indemnity??

    Which is also The Postman Always Rings Twice and Body Heat.
    Sophocles never gets old.
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    Until Obama, health was very rarely politicized. But since it has been you HAVE to know the truth about it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 14:46:29 2024
    On Thu May 9 08:49:41 2024 Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical
    personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger
    cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the


    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?

    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?

    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?

    Double indemnity??

    You ride to keep your health. The vaccines actually kill you so isn't that pertinent to you? At this very moment the group that is having the largest proportion of excess deaths are those under 40 and down to 6 months that the CDC still insists should be

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Radey Shouman@21:1/5 to AMuzi on Thu May 9 10:59:18 2024
    AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> writes:

    On 5/9/2024 7:49 AM, Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical
    personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>>>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>>>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the >>>> benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >>>> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or >>>> actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>>>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't >>>>> the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>>>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger >>>>> cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>>>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>>>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea, >>>> and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>>>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>>>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>>>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well >>>> on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the >>>> nose.

    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?
    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?
    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?
    Double indemnity??

    Which is also The Postman Always Rings Twice and Body Heat.
    Sophocles never gets old.

    Not to mention Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di Biciclette). A great movie and
    a chance to pick up a few words of Italian.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Radey Shouman@21:1/5 to Catrike Ryder on Thu May 9 10:54:25 2024
    Catrike Ryder <Soloman@old.bikers.org> writes:

    On Wed, 08 May 2024 23:07:04 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like
    a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    My wife lost her taste and smell senses after the second shot.
    Thankfully, it came back in two months. I already had tinnitus and Neuropathy. I can't say if either of them got worse with the shots.

    I can't say for sure that my tinnitus was caused by the shots, but the
    timing is suspicious and there are many similar reports.

    WE both got covid after the two shots.

    Which is the essential problem. We were told the shots should be taken
    because they would prevent infection. For those not particularly at
    risk they were supposed to protect other people. None of that was true,
    or even supported by any evidence.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Radey Shouman on Thu May 9 10:47:00 2024
    On 5/9/2024 9:50 AM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>>> a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have
    it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various
    vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the
    vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.

    After a long life of lead, cadmium, MEK, Trichlor, gallons
    of cleanup lacquer thinner, catalyzed paint including
    cyanoacrylics sprayed without a mask, asbestos, leaded
    premium gasoline, driving habitually fast sans belt, Camel
    straights and cigars, liquor, high risk behaviors
    inappropriate to list here, and no mRNA shot here I am.

    The downside is that most of my friends, lovers and
    associates are dead.
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to shouman@comcast.net on Thu May 9 12:26:27 2024
    On Thu, 09 May 2024 10:54:25 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    Catrike Ryder <Soloman@old.bikers.org> writes:

    On Wed, 08 May 2024 23:07:04 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>>a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    My wife lost her taste and smell senses after the second shot.
    Thankfully, it came back in two months. I already had tinnitus and
    Neuropathy. I can't say if either of them got worse with the shots.

    I can't say for sure that my tinnitus was caused by the shots, but the
    timing is suspicious and there are many similar reports.

    WE both got covid after the two shots.

    Which is the essential problem. We were told the shots should be taken >because they would prevent infection. For those not particularly at
    risk they were supposed to protect other people. None of that was true,
    or even supported by any evidence.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to shouman@comcast.net on Thu May 9 12:29:30 2024
    On Thu, 09 May 2024 10:59:18 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> writes:

    On 5/9/2024 7:49 AM, Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people,
    what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical
    personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical
    topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>>>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you >>>>>> never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>>>>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the >>>>> benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >>>>> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or >>>>> actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to >>>>> force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical >>>>> judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>>>>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before - >>>>>> that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't >>>>>> the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>>>>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I >>>>>> had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger >>>>>> cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>>>>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>>>>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea, >>>>> and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people >>>>> thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the >>>>> Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>>>>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against >>>>>> whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>>>>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>>>>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well >>>>> on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her >>>>> position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the >>>>> nose.

    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?
    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?
    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?
    Double indemnity??

    Which is also The Postman Always Rings Twice and Body Heat.
    Sophocles never gets old.

    Not to mention Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di Biciclette). A great movie and
    a chance to pick up a few words of Italian.

    IMO Casablanca = best movie ever made, although some politics in it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Thu May 9 12:45:29 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 12:36:12 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 11:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that
    grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for
    babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    "_Potential_ or actual" detriments is an excessively broad grouping; and
    I don't believe it's been shown that they have "clearly" outweighed the >benefits. Data, please?

    This non-bicyclle relatated thread is about things that happened
    several years ago. Therefore, what *you* believe or don't believe is
    not an issue here. Nor is your evaluation of "detriments and benefits"
    for other people.

    With a narcissist it comes down to this:

    "Every conversation,
    every situation,
    every interaction,
    every moment,
    is all about me"

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Thu May 9 12:48:01 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 12:43:48 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 10:27 AM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    Even the vaccine companies said that the side effects were one in 800.

    Citation, please?

    - Frank Krygowski

    That's from a guy who never documents any of his brags

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Thu May 9 12:47:08 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 12:39:12 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 10:50 AM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>>>> a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have >>>> it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various >>>> vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the
    vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.

    Yep. One person (you) said you got tinnitus from the vaccine. Another
    person (me) said I did not. I backed my anecdote up with another three.

    Claiming you know other people who...blah, blah, blah... is not
    backing up anything.

    Gosh, if we keep this up long enough, we might have actual data! ;-)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 20:06:07 2024
    On Thu May 9 10:50:59 2024 Radey Shouman wrote:
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >> > a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have
    it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various
    vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.


    Sample size of one?? https://www.healthline.com/health-news/is-the-covid-19-vaccine-linked-to-tinnitus-what-we-know

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 20:22:21 2024
    On Thu May 9 12:36:12 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that
    grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    "_Potential_ or actual" detriments is an excessively broad grouping; and
    I don't believe it's been shown that they have "clearly" outweighed the benefits. Data, please?

    In any case, current evaluations of strategy are being made with the
    huge advantage of hindsight. Cast your mind back to images of tent
    structures in hospital parking lots, of patients lying in cots in
    hallways, of temporary morgues, of health care workers sickened or
    killed by the virus.

    Pretending this was just the sniffles, as some right-wing Pollyannas are
    now doing, is way beyond unrealistic. It was a worldwide emergency, and
    the medical community was correct in trying hard to figure it out and
    prevent disaster.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Since there were NO benefits other than a 30 day reduction in the CHANCE of getting covid. It did NOT stop infection - it only seemed to reduce the chance by perhaps 50%. And death or serious side effects occurred to one out of 800 perhaps you can use
    those well exercised statistical analysis traits of yours and tell us the risk benefit statistics?

    And remember that things like the spiking in dementia and cancer may not show themselves for several years.
    But you felt it a waste of your time to spend 30 minutes of your time to here some of the problems of the virus or vaccine from a over-quallified epidemiologist. So you are not able to add in additional dangers from the vaccine.

    Frank, you, Flunky and Liebermann are afraid that you made a ghastly mistake leading to a rather significantly shortened life span. Considering the traitorous acts of the goverment you could hardly be blamed for the belief that the government had your
    health in mind instead of the profits of the phamaceutical industry. But don't attempt to pretend that you did the right thing.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roger Merriman@21:1/5 to Catrike Ryder on Thu May 9 21:19:32 2024
    Catrike Ryder <Soloman@old.bikers.org> wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>>>>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>>>>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >>> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't
    the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger
    cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea,
    and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well
    on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the


    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?

    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?

    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?

    Double indemnity??

    Because it’s Tom’s hobby and others can’t resist as “there is someone wrong
    on the internet!”

    Roger Merriman

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roger Merriman@21:1/5 to Frank Krygowski on Thu May 9 21:19:32 2024
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that
    grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for
    babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    "_Potential_ or actual" detriments is an excessively broad grouping; and
    I don't believe it's been shown that they have "clearly" outweighed the benefits. Data, please?

    In any case, current evaluations of strategy are being made with the
    huge advantage of hindsight. Cast your mind back to images of tent
    structures in hospital parking lots, of patients lying in cots in
    hallways, of temporary morgues, of health care workers sickened or
    killed by the virus.

    Pretending this was just the sniffles, as some right-wing Pollyannas are
    now doing, is way beyond unrealistic. It was a worldwide emergency, and
    the medical community was correct in trying hard to figure it out and
    prevent disaster.

    Indeed was brutal few years if you worked in medical or social care, was
    some lovely empty roads though which was one benefit at least!

    Roger Merriman

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 21:22:32 2024
    On Thu May 9 12:48:01 2024 Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 12:43:48 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 10:27 AM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    Even the vaccine companies said that the side effects were one in 800.

    Citation, please?

    - Frank Krygowski

    That's from a guy who never documents any of his brags

    Well, as I said elsewhere, few people want to say that they screwed up big time. Especially when they did it just to spite me. I have noted what a poor opinion I have of Fauci and that I believe that he should be prosecuted for breaking international law
    that the US is signatory to. We BOMBED Iraq back into the stone age because we SUSP$CTED that they were doing something that Fauci actually did. The fact that China was not a signatory to the GenevaConvention doesn't nmatter in the slightest because
    Fauci is a US citizen.

    Also the pharmaceutoical companies that produced GMOs are also criminal.

    The fact that Frank won't actually study the matter ally study the matter and then expects me to do his research for him says it all. That is absolute fear speaking. I have had one friend that had Guliane-Barrs disease after being inoculated, another
    that got Myolitis that killed him DAYS after his home owners association demanded he get vaccinated. Two more in the prime of life that developed demntias after being vaccinated. That epidemiologist that I referred Frank to, was saying that covid-19 and
    consequently the mRNA vaccines were causeing filure of the immune system JUST LIKE AIDS. My exact statements from 3 years ago. Poor Frank is caiught between a rock and a hard place. I think that he is scared shitless and can only denie it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 21:30:44 2024
    On Thu May 9 21:19:32 2024 Roger Merriman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the
    benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or
    actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    "_Potential_ or actual" detriments is an excessively broad grouping; and
    I don't believe it's been shown that they have "clearly" outweighed the benefits. Data, please?

    In any case, current evaluations of strategy are being made with the
    huge advantage of hindsight. Cast your mind back to images of tent structures in hospital parking lots, of patients lying in cots in
    hallways, of temporary morgues, of health care workers sickened or
    killed by the virus.

    Pretending this was just the sniffles, as some right-wing Pollyannas are now doing, is way beyond unrealistic. It was a worldwide emergency, and
    the medical community was correct in trying hard to figure it out and prevent disaster.

    Indeed was brutal few years if you worked in medical or social care, was
    some lovely empty roads though which was one benefit at least!

    Roger Merriman

    Around here the illegals have been given cars so they have money to buy all of the gas they want. You really have to see it to believe it. We have homeless all over the place because 3 illegal families will live in one home so that landlords can make a
    fortune in rent. It is actually cheaper to make house payments than to rent a house. But no one can afford a downpayment so the homeless continues to grow and the illegals continue to flood the country.

    I did another 30 miles and 1,300 feet of climbing today and watched a dozen people run red lights or stop signs. They have even TURNED OFF the red light cameras so the police don't have to take any actions.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 21:41:11 2024
    On Thu May 9 21:19:32 2024 Roger Merriman wrote:
    Catrike Ryder <Soloman@old.bikers.org> wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 07:17:23 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 10:16 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> writes:

    On 5/8/2024 7:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people,
    what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical
    personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical
    topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic
    in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    -- - Frank Krygowski
    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the >>>>> complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED.

    ALL medical studies have verified _what_, exactly? That some tiny
    percentage of vaccine recipients had some bad reaction?

    Side effects are present with almost all pharmaceuticals. Have you
    never read the warnings on things like aspirin, acetaminophen and
    ibuprofen? In fact, some percentage of peanut eaters die from the
    experience. That doesn't mean peanut butter should be illegal, or that >>>> grocers are trying to kill us.

    Side effects are a detriment that must be rationally balanced with the >>> benefits. The benefits seem to have been real for older people, but for >>> babes in arms, young people, or pregnant women the harms, potential or >>> actual, clearly outweighed any tiny benefits. The decision to try to
    force everyone to take the shot was not made using any normal medical
    judgement, other considerations took precedence.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately

    That's too bad. But what else did your wife ingest, or inhale, or come >>>> into contact with in the month before - or the many years before -
    that cancer appeared? How do you know those other substances weren't >>>> the cause? In fact, how do you know that her contact with _you_ didn't >>>> cause the cancer?

    She was lucky to have gotten only two shots. What about you?

    I've always been up to date with those vaccinations and boosters. I
    had one three-day bout of COVID. I fared much better than my younger >>>> cyclist friend who caught it before there was a vaccine. He spent many >>>> weeks on a ventilator and was not expected to survive. He did recover, >>>> and his local newspaper did a cover story on his "miraculous"
    survival, complete with large photo.

    Those ventilators were killers. Seriously, they were not a good idea, >>> and were not at all good for patients. Initially many medical people
    thought the ventilators would save *them* from getting covid, and the
    Devil with the patients.

    You believe that the government is always correct.

    Nope, I never said that. As usual, your claims about my views are your >>>> own deluded fiction.

    However, I think people like you should be on fierce attack against
    whoever was the president when the vaccine came out. You know, the guy >>>> who bragged about "fast tracking" the vaccine development.

    Why aren't you gathering the citizens to march on him and demand he be >>>> hung? I understand you can find him in a New York courtroom.

    Trump's behavior during the covid panic was not creditable, and his
    refusal to recognize or admit any mistakes in it does not reflect well >>> on him. It's pretty clear that whatever forces put Dr. Birx into her
    position were actually calling the shots, and led the president by the >>> nose.


    Where's the reference to bicycle tech?

    Isn't everyone already sick enough of politics?

    The only way to escape it is to watch old B&W movies?

    Double indemnity??

    Because it?s Tom?s hobby and others can?t resist as ?there is someone wrong on the internet!?

    Roger Merriman

    My hobby is fixing and riding bikes. I have the thouands of miles and the millions of feet of climbing to prover it. TGhat hobby is interfered with by crazy inflation, illegal aliens on the streets that are given driver's licenses without knowing how to
    drive and given cars so that they can drive to work taking jobs away from citizens. What would you do if you watched a car driving 80 mph down a British road flying a Ukrainian flag and passing close to you?

    I think that is certainly worthy of complaint, don't you? Frank believes I should simply move to another state and not complain about illegal foreigners being given more rights than citizens.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 21:43:08 2024
    On Thu May 9 10:54:25 2024 Radey Shouman wrote:
    Catrike Ryder <Soloman@old.bikers.org> writes:

    On Wed, 08 May 2024 23:07:04 -0400, Radey Shouman
    <shouman@comcast.net> wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    My wife lost her taste and smell senses after the second shot.
    Thankfully, it came back in two months. I already had tinnitus and Neuropathy. I can't say if either of them got worse with the shots.

    I can't say for sure that my tinnitus was caused by the shots, but the
    timing is suspicious and there are many similar reports.

    WE both got covid after the two shots.

    Which is the essential problem. We were told the shots should be taken because they would prevent infection. For those not particularly at
    risk they were supposed to protect other people. None of that was true,
    or even supported by any evidence.

    That it exactly the problem. The timing is supicious and the studies to prove it are difficult and are NOT being funded by the government.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 15:01:50 2024
    On Thu, 09 May 2024 20:06:07 GMT, Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Sample size of one?? https://www.healthline.com/health-news/is-the-covid-19-vaccine-linked-to-tinnitus-what-we-know

    "According to Djalilian, about 10 to 15% of the population has
    tinnitus and estimates suggest 1% of the population can temporarily
    develop tinnitus in any given year."

    "If you vaccinate a large percentage of the population, as we have for
    COVID, some of those people will develop tinnitus - for example, if
    you vaccinate 70% of the population, 7% will have tinnitus and 0.7%
    will get tinnitus that year, says Djalilian."

    "This could be because they were going to get tinnitus anyways and not necessarily from the vaccine, Djalilian said."

    I like to read the source material instead of the 2nd hand reports.
    One report referenced in the above article is and has a sample size of
    <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196070922003520> "Conclusions: Patients reporting otologic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination received various diagnoses of uncertain etiology. The
    incidence of SSNHL in these patients is comparable to the general
    otology patient population. Additional studies are required to
    determine the incidence of specific diagnoses following vaccination."

    However, the 500 sample were all patients at an otology (hearing)
    clinic. That means they all had pre-existing hearing problems. Test
    for problems at an unspecified academic hearing clinic and yes, you're
    going to find hearing problems.
    "Methods: A cross-sectional study of patients seen in the otology
    clinic at an academic center was performed."

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 21:48:01 2024
    On Thu May 9 10:47:00 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/9/2024 9:50 AM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>>> a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have >>> it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various >>> vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the
    vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.

    After a long life of lead, cadmium, MEK, Trichlor, gallons
    of cleanup lacquer thinner, catalyzed paint including
    cyanoacrylics sprayed without a mask, asbestos, leaded
    premium gasoline, driving habitually fast sans belt, Camel
    straights and cigars, liquor, high risk behaviors
    inappropriate to list here, and no mRNA shot here I am.

    The downside is that most of my friends, lovers and
    associates are dead.
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    But you're still here to give others a hand when needed. And we appreciate that. After all that time you're still useful. Even if broken down and made fun of.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to AMuzi on Thu May 9 15:57:45 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 17:31:47 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    But 'broken down'?? Hardly. I'm fit and active and unlike
    all my younger brothers I don't have a bald spot.

    My ancestors solved that problem long ago: <https://www.google.com/search?q=kippah&tbm=isch>

    I don't consider myself to be fit or active. However, I'm doing
    better than most of my friends and relatives that are about my age
    (76) or older. I started loosing my hair about 40 years ago, when I
    switched from coffee to tea. There's probably no connection, but I
    feel obligated to blame something.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Thu May 9 17:31:47 2024
    On 5/9/2024 4:48 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Thu May 9 10:47:00 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/9/2024 9:50 AM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>>>>> a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have >>>>> it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various >>>>> vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the >>>> vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.

    After a long life of lead, cadmium, MEK, Trichlor, gallons
    of cleanup lacquer thinner, catalyzed paint including
    cyanoacrylics sprayed without a mask, asbestos, leaded
    premium gasoline, driving habitually fast sans belt, Camel
    straights and cigars, liquor, high risk behaviors
    inappropriate to list here, and no mRNA shot here I am.

    The downside is that most of my friends, lovers and
    associates are dead.

    But you're still here to give others a hand when needed. And we appreciate that. After all that time you're still useful. Even if broken down and made fun of.

    I'm neither responsible for other's boorish behavior nor
    bothered by it.

    But 'broken down'?? Hardly. I'm fit and active and unlike
    all my younger brothers I don't have a bald spot.

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 19:50:10 2024
    On Thu, 09 May 2024 15:57:45 -0700, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>

    On Thu, 9 May 2024 17:31:47 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    But 'broken down'?? Hardly. I'm fit and active and unlike
    all my younger brothers I don't have a bald spot.

    My ancestors solved that problem long ago: ><https://www.google.com/search?q=kippah&tbm=isch>

    I don't consider myself to be fit or active. However, I'm doing
    better than most of my friends and relatives that are about my age
    (76) or older. I started loosing my hair about 40 years ago, when I
    switched from coffee to tea. There's probably no connection, but I
    feel obligated to blame something.

    I think I'm doing Ok for 79.5 Years old. No bald spot, either.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 23:37:15 2024
    On Thu May 9 12:39:12 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/9/2024 10:50 AM, Radey Shouman wrote:
    Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com> writes:

    On Wed May 8 23:21:40 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 11:07 PM, Radey Shouman wrote:

    I developed tinnitus shortly after taking the mRNA shot. It is not like >>>> a dog whistle, but it does sort of suck. I now avoid music
    whenever possible.
    In hindsight, running with the herd was not a good idea.

    Tinnitus is quite common. Of my six closest musician friends, two have >>> it. So does the ex-husband of one of them. He's an avid birder who,
    sadly, can hear almost no birdsong.

    I'm told tinnitus sucks. But I don't have it, despite the many various >>> vaccines I've gotten.

    - Frank Krygowski

    There you have it. Frank did not get tintinus from the vaccines so the
    vaccines do not cause it. Frank did not get Myocarditis from his
    injections so they do not cause Myocarditis. Frank's world is very
    small and extremely simple.

    It is remarkable what some can infer from a sample size of one. I try
    not to mistake good fortune for good judgement.

    Yep. One person (you) said you got tinnitus from the vaccine. Another
    person (me) said I did not. I backed my anecdote up with another three.

    Gosh, if we keep this up long enough, we might have actual data! ;-)

    - Frank Krygowski

    Frank, and I showed you 5that tintinus is a COMMON side effect of the vaccine. Why do you ignore that?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 23:56:11 2024
    On Thu May 9 15:57:45 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 17:31:47 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    But 'broken down'?? Hardly. I'm fit and active and unlike
    all my younger brothers I don't have a bald spot.

    My ancestors solved that problem long ago: <https://www.google.com/search?q=kippah&tbm=isch>

    I don't consider myself to be fit or active. However, I'm doing
    better than most of my friends and relatives that are about my age
    (76) or older. I started loosing my hair about 40 years ago, when I
    switched from coffee to tea. There's probably no connection, but I
    feel obligated to blame something.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    The only thing youj feel obligated to do is to talk about things you know nothing about. That's your favorite subject. All it would have taken is to read any of the the medical journals not sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry to discover that the
    covis vaccine was killing people and that it is outlawed in most European countries but that would prove you wrong and you couldn't have that.

    So you will continue to say that AlO3 doesn't burn because it doesn't do that under normal circumstances. You have no knowledge and your opinions are worthless. It would be so easy to actually learn things but you refuse. That is why it took you 6 years
    to earn a 4 year EE degree and they probably only gave it to you to get you out of their classrooms and arguing with real students.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 17:25:32 2024
    On Thu, 09 May 2024 23:56:11 GMT, Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    [The usual insults delete]. All it would have taken is to read any of the the medical journals not sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry to discover that the covid vaccine was killing people and that it is outlawed in most European countries but
    that would prove you wrong and you couldn't have that.

    Ok, I'll bite. Kindly produce the names of a few counties where a
    Covid-19 vaccine has been banned. It's your claim, so you are
    responsible for proving it, not me. I tried to find which countries
    banned a Covid-19 vaccine but only found fake news and false reports.
    Maybe you can do better. Also, please don't waste my time telling me
    about AstraZeneca vaccine being banned. It hasn't been banned (yet).
    They pulled out of the Covid vaccine market before it could be banned
    because of reported side effects. <https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/astrazeneca-withdraw-covid-vaccine-worldwide-telegraph-reports-2024-05-07/>

    So you will continue to say that AlO3 doesn't burn because it doesn't do that under normal circumstances.

    - What are your these "normal circumstances"?
    - Got any references for Aluminum Oxide being flammable, incendiary or explosive?
    - Do you know the difference between powdered aluminum and powdered
    aluminum oxide?

    Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet - Aluminum Oxide <https://nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/2891.pdf>
    "Aluminum Oxide itself does not burn. Dusts may form explosive
    mixtures in air"

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Thu May 9 18:53:21 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 21:07:37 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 6:57 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 17:31:47 -0500, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    But 'broken down'?? Hardly. I'm fit and active and unlike
    all my younger brothers I don't have a bald spot.

    Males in my family don't go bald, but do go grey early. My father's hair
    was completely grey by age 30. I chose not to inherit that gene. ;-)

    My ancestors solved that problem long ago:

    So _that's_ what those are for!

    Actually, it's a fashion statement.

    "Why Jewish Men Wear a Kippah, or Yarmulke" <https://www.learnreligions.com/what-is-a-kippah-2076766>

    However, I have a problem with the above. The article proclaims:
    "This concept comes from the Talmud, where wearing a head covering is associated with showing respect for God and for men of higher social
    status. Some scholars also cite the Middle Age custom of covering
    one's head in the presence of royalty."
    So, why do we take OFF your hats in the presence of a lady. Seems
    backwards to me.

    I don't consider myself to be fit or active. However, I'm doing
    better than most of my friends and relatives that are about my age
    (76) or older.

    Last week, a member of the extended family who's in his 40s wanted me to
    peek into the robin's nest that had been built near the ceiling inside
    his garage. He asked something like "How nimble are you?"

    I hopped onto a stool, then onto the table of his table saw and peeked
    at the robin's eggs. I said "I'm at least that nimble." I didn't add >"Probably more nimble than you."

    Nicely done. Before hiatal hernia surgery about 15 months ago, I lost
    about 15 lbs. Although I had plenty of stomach aches, I was quite
    nimble and active. However, the experience of almost starving to
    death was not fun. As soon as I was able, I preceded to stuff myself
    with anything and everything edible without any attempt at moderation.
    I soon regained the lost 15 lbs and added about 3 more. Self control
    would have been nice, but it's too late now.

    Jeff be nimble, Jeff be quick.
    Jeff tripped over his walking stick.

    So much for nimble.

    I started loosing my hair about 40 years ago, when I
    switched from coffee to tea. There's probably no connection, but I
    feel obligated to blame something.

    Nope. I've been drinking copious amounts of tea since 1966, and I've got
    a thick head of hair.

    So much for that theory. Unfortunately, I look almost exactly like my
    father did at the same age. I have a little more hair today than he
    did at 76, but at the rate I'm losing hair, I'll catch up with him
    eventually. Very depressing.

    Also, https://www.earth.com/news/drinking-tea-delays-biological-aging/

    The coffee was free at work, but I had to bring my own tea bags. You
    can probably guess which one I preferred.

    (BTW, I'm convinced that "loosing" vs. "losing" may be the most common >English misspelling. I've seen that done by brilliant PhD researchers.
    So you're in good company.)

    I'm not brilliant and do not have a PhD. I've also been making
    several common spelling errors, among them loose and lose. Even
    though I know about it and make an effort to spell correctly, I still
    repeat the same errors over and over. Something about teaching an old
    dog a new trick. I'm untrainable.

    Obligatory bicycle related content:
    I can't find where my air tools tap and die set is hiding. I'll try
    looking again, but I'll likely need to buy, beg, borrow or steal at
    least one tap and one die. It's the rather odd OD thread on a
    Schrader valve stem.
    External 8V1 thread:
    0.305 in (7.747 mm) x 32 TPI
    1/32 in or 0.7938 mm pitch
    Tap size 8v1-32
    However, it's not totally a bicycle project. It's for a pneumatic
    plumbing nightmare that I'm throwing together around my air compressor
    and associated test manifold. The gauges, valves, adapters etc are
    all in the same thread as the Schrader stem OD. Some NPT sizes, but
    mostly 8V1.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Thu May 9 19:10:26 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 20:56:54 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    :-) I'm just sitting here smiling, and wondering if terrible spelling
    is a side effect of Tom's COVID.

    It is a side effect, but only in the presence of coffee. If Tom
    switched to tea, perhaps his spelling and grammar will improve.

    Incidentally, when Tom's spelling and typing suddenly deteriorated a
    few months ago, several people, include me, suggested that he use a
    spelling checker. However, Tom doesn't do anything unless it's
    clearly his idea. No credit allowed to anyone else. So, he doesn't
    use a spelling checker, and probably never will, because using one
    wasn't his idea.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Thu May 9 19:26:27 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 20:42:07 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 4:22 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    Since there were NO benefits other than a 30 day reduction in the CHANCE of getting covid. It did NOT stop infection - it only seemed to reduce the chance by perhaps 50%. And death or serious side effects occurred to one out of 800 ...

    I'm still waiting for a citation of a decent study in a respected peer >reviewed journal that backs up your claims.

    As you should understand, after years of experience, most of us believe
    your imagined or "remembered" facts have zero value, or less.

    _Less_ than zero? Yes, I've reached the point that if Tom Kunich claims >something, I automatically assume it's wrong. It just saves time.

    I've noticed the same problem. 99.99% of what Tom claims is wrong,
    contrived or fabricated for the occasion. When I used to comment on
    every one of his claims, at the end, I would provide a score. How
    many claims and how many were correct. He didn't like that, so I
    continued to keep score. I gave up when he started making so many
    claims in a single posting, that it would take me all evening to
    debunk all of them.

    Since we're on the Covid-19 trail, I've been playing with the latest
    Covid in the wastewater data. If this kind of stuff is of interest:

    "WastewaterSCAN Dashboard"
    Checks for various viruses in the local water. <https://data.wastewaterscan.org>
    Here's my area (Santa Cruz County): <https://data.wastewaterscan.org/?selectedLocation=%7B%22level%22%3A%22plant%22%2C%22value%22%3A%223249ef9d-dc03-45cc-8b64-95cc6ac72e7c%22%2C%22label%22%3A%22Santa+Cruz+County%2C+CA%22%7D&charts=
    Looks like the usual peaks in every bug during the Christmas gift and
    virus passing season. Covid-19 in the waste water (sewage) is very
    low at this time. More of the same: <https://publichealth.verily.com/?d=3m&v=SARS-CoV-2>

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 9 20:37:45 2024
    On Thu, 09 May 2024 20:32:08 -0700, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>

    Ooops. I forgot to include a link to the data repository.

    Also, note that the paper was published on Dec 12, 2022. I couldn't
    find the start and end dates for the data used in the study. The data >repository only shows "2 years ago", which is near the date of
    publication and not the date of collection.


    So, I have to make a
    guess that it took 1 to 2 years to collect and process the data. I'll
    guess 2 years. That would be in late 2020, 9 months into the
    pandemic, when we were just learning how to treat Covid. In other
    words, it's ancient data.
    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to Bob F on Thu May 9 20:32:08 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 19:41:54 -0700, Bob F <bobnospam@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 5:52 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 6:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is
    there some reason you're talking about things you know not the
    slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they did to you with
    the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it even

    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and
    understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from
    the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got vaccinated
    and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a deadly location. But I doubt
    it and it is likely that you will end up with turbo cancers that will
    be untreatable before ypu discover them. I spent my life working in
    the medical field and you spent your life teaching Marxist to student.
    So keep your trap shut. You have constipation of the mouth. We didn't
    need you anyway.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It was
    removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was lucky
    to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe that the
    government is always correct.

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they can read the
    writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience:

    A couple, both MDs report:

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html >>

    "They found that within 90 days after a shot, the rate of POTS-related >symptoms was about 33% higher than in the 3 months before; 2581 people
    were diagnosed with POTS-related symptoms after vaccination, compared
    with 1945 beforehand. However, the study found a bigger effect from
    COVID-19 itself: The rate of POTS symptoms in about 12,000 unvaccinated >people after infection was 52% higher than beforehand. "

    OK. That came from the science.org URL. Digging deeper, the source
    seems to be:
    "POTS association with COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 infection" <https://www.nature.com/articles/s44161-022-00177-8> (Dec 12, 2022)
    "...we examined the extent to which new diagnoses of POTS are
    increased following COVID-19 vaccination in our health system, a large quaternary care system in Los Angeles." (Cedars-Sinai)

    Quaternary care is the highest level of hospital care. These deal
    with unusual and very specialized illnesses and are usually handled by
    a specialist. It's a fair assumption that the patients in such a
    hospital and in the survey have some kind of unusual malady that
    requires such a high level of medical care. In other words, they have pre-existing conditions that did NOT include Covid-19.

    "Of all patients who had at least one COVID-19 vaccination dose
    documented (n = 289,662), we excluded those with SARS-CoV-2 infection
    before and within 90 days after the first vaccination dose (n =

    See Fig 4 at:
    I would assume that they also excluded anyone who caught Covid-19 in
    the 90 days after the first vaccination. That means that if they
    experienced one of the expected side effects, it would not be from an
    active case of Covid-19. That reduced the population size from
    289,000 to 5,000. Nicely done.

    I'm going to stop here due to lack of time. What I see here is a
    potentially large test population of people who are sick with
    something that requires the attention of a specialist and who do *NOT*
    have a recent case of Covid-19. I would be very suspicious of the
    results and conclusions if everyone in the study is already seriously
    ill from something other than Covid-19.

    Also, note that the paper was published on Dec 12, 2022. I couldn't
    find the start and end dates for the data used in the study. The data repository only shows "2 years ago", which is near the date of
    publication and not the date of collection. So, I have to make a
    guess that it took 1 to 2 years to collect and process the data. I'll
    guess 2 years. That would be in late 2020, 9 months into the
    pandemic, when we were just learning how to treat Covid. In other
    words, it's ancient data.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Fri May 10 03:05:40 2024
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 20:23:59 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 12:48 PM, Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 12:43:48 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 10:27 AM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    Even the vaccine companies said that the side effects were one in 800.

    Citation, please?

    - Frank Krygowski

    That's from a guy who never documents any of his brags

    On May 1, somebody using your handle posted "I read and I also write.
    I'm doing the final editing of my latest book right now."

    I don't see any documentation of any of your books here.

    <LOL> Posting on Usenet is pretty good documentation that I do both,
    but if you want to believe otherwise, have at it.

    As for my latest book, I believe I will self publish it when it's
    ready, probably on Amazon, probably in a week or two. Stay tuned

    It won't sell very good because I won't make any effort to market it,
    or maybe because I don't write as good as my friends and relatives
    tell me.

    For what it's worth, it's very easy to self-publish on Amazon. Anybody
    can do it. There's tons and tons of garbage books available on Amazon.

    By the way, I don't think claiming to read and write is much of a

    On the other hand, this is what a brag looks like.

    Am I qualified to talk about such things? Yes, by virtue of attending
    multiple classes at various levels for each of the programs described
    above. I've also acted as an editorial consultant on two well known
    books dealing with those matters. I've written many articles on those
    and related topics, and had some of them reprinted by publications in
    other states and one other country. I no longer maintain the teaching certification, but I've taught many cycling classes, I've written
    scripts for and appeared in televised instructional spots, I've been interviewed for newspapers and TV on such matters, and I've spoken (by
    request) at city, regional and statewide gatherings.

    --Frank Krygowski https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/zq7Xw0dOUx4/m/cPDmX5OWAQAJ

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Fri May 10 11:52:24 2024
    On Fri, 10 May 2024 11:28:30 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/10/2024 3:05 AM, Catrike Ryder wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 20:23:59 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 12:48 PM, Catrike Ryder wrote:

    On May 1, somebody using your handle posted "I read and I also write.
    I'm doing the final editing of my latest book right now."

    I don't see any documentation of any of your books here.

    <LOL> Posting on Usenet is pretty good documentation that I do both...

    :-) That was funny!

    Once again, Krygowski is afraid to respond to my posts unless he edits
    it. That's what's really funny.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Fri May 10 11:20:48 2024
    On 5/10/2024 10:54 AM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Thu May 9 20:44:22 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/9/2024 5:41 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    Frank believes I should simply move to another state ...

    Correct. Most of us have none of the problems you continually whine
    about. You need to move out of that hellhole.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Tell me Frank, how does it feel to live in an all white neighborhoos and continually make racist comments and then tell ME where I should live? You are such a piece of garbage that you would overload sewage systems. You miserable piece of shit think
    that complaining about the government acting in an illegal fashion is "whining". You had better hope that I don't show up at your front door and beat you insensable.

    too bad you can't bring your mother:

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 10 17:01:50 2024
    On Thu May 9 19:26:27 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 20:42:07 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/9/2024 4:22 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    Since there were NO benefits other than a 30 day reduction in the CHANCE of getting covid. It did NOT stop infection - it only seemed to reduce the chance by perhaps 50%. And death or serious side effects occurred to one out of 800 ...

    I'm still waiting for a citation of a decent study in a respected peer >reviewed journal that backs up your claims.

    As you should understand, after years of experience, most of us believe >your imagined or "remembered" facts have zero value, or less.

    _Less_ than zero? Yes, I've reached the point that if Tom Kunich claims >something, I automatically assume it's wrong. It just saves time.

    I've noticed the same problem. 99.99% of what Tom claims is wrong,
    contrived or fabricated for the occasion. When I used to comment on
    every one of his claims, at the end, I would provide a score. How
    many claims and how many were correct. He didn't like that, so I
    continued to keep score. I gave up when he started making so many
    claims in a single posting, that it would take me all evening to
    debunk all of them.

    Since we're on the Covid-19 trail, I've been playing with the latest
    Covid in the wastewater data. If this kind of stuff is of interest:

    "WastewaterSCAN Dashboard"
    Checks for various viruses in the local water. <https://data.wastewaterscan.org>
    Here's my area (Santa Cruz County): <https://data.wastewaterscan.org/?selectedLocation=%7B%22level%22%3A%22plant%22%2C%22value%22%3A%223249ef9d-dc03-45cc-8b64-95cc6ac72e7c%22%2C%22label%22%3A%22Santa+Cruz+County%2C+CA%22%7D&charts=
    Looks like the usual peaks in every bug during the Christmas gift and
    virus passing season. Covid-19 in the waste water (sewage) is very
    low at this time. More of the same: <https://publichealth.verily.com/?d=3m&v=SARS-CoV-2>

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    Invention by the man who required 6 years to get a 4 year degree and then could not hold a job in his major.

    Liebermann, everyone knows you for exactly what you are. Post some more, your total lack of knowledge is getting humorous.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 11 14:52:17 2024
    On Thu May 9 19:41:54 2024 Bob F wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 5:52 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 6:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is
    there some reason you're talking about things you know not the
    slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they did to you with
    the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it even

    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and
    understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from
    the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got vaccinated
    and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a deadly location. But I doubt
    it and it is likely that you will end up with turbo cancers that will
    be untreatable before ypu discover them. I spent my life working in
    the medical field and you spent your life teaching Marxist to student.
    So keep your trap shut. You have constipation of the mouth. We didn't
    need you anyway.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It was
    removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was lucky
    to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe that the
    government is always correct.

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they can read the writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience: https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97592

    A couple, both MDs report: https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-link-between-coronavirus-vaccines-and-long-covid-illness-starts-gain-acceptance

    etc: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html

    "They found that within 90 days after a shot, the rate of POTS-related symptoms was about 33% higher than in the 3 months before; 2581 people
    were diagnosed with POTS-related symptoms after vaccination, compared
    with 1945 beforehand. However, the study found a bigger effect from
    COVID-19 itself: The rate of POTS symptoms in about 12,000 unvaccinated people after infection was 52% higher than beforehand. "

    Up to that point it sounds reasonable. But you have to know that the typical fatality from Covid-19 is 80 years old with three or more serious medical conditions such as tachycadia (runaway heart rate) or thrombosis (blood clotting), cronic Myo or
    Pericarditis (swelling of the heart muscle).

    The Covid-19 had so little effect on normally healthy people that over half of them were asymtomatic. Another 30% had mild cold-like symtoms. Airway obstruction was rare and could be treated with Ivermectin. Then Fauci on the orders of his pharmaceutical
    industry superiors proclaimed Ivermectin useless since it was cheap. Dr, Scott Atlas the director of medical policy at the Hoover Institute at Stanford
    University has said many times on many platforms that lockdowns and masks were a worthless mandate and now the Democrats are trying to live it down.

    Of course you could listen to Liebermann or Flunky since both have so much medical knowledge. Or pay attention to Krygowski who is actually afraid of knowledge. After being given several references to medical journals with each wstatement of mine he
    wants ME to look up the references fo0r him yet again.

    Today it is not older people who are dying in excess numbers but younger (20-50). As I predicted in 2021, the vaccines have destroyed the immune systems of a large percentage of people and is AIDS-like. So it will take years with people dying in
    increasing numbers before all of the people who took the vaccine to either die or discover that the vaccines effected less important parts of the body. At the moment it appears that
    Frank is developing dementia and before long will look like Biden. Safe and effective indeed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 11 17:30:56 2024
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 18:53:56 GMT, Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    1. The occasional "iuncoherence" is because my cat will get in between me and the screen and if I lose my position on the keuboard I cannot correct it since I have to see the screen in order to correct touch typing.

    Stop watching cat videos on your computer and your cat (or bird) will
    be less of a problem.

    Use a spelling checker. It can check your spelling as you type, or
    you can check everything when you're done typing. I suggest after
    you're done typing which should take care of the cat problem.

    You're using newshosting.com as an NNTP client. They have a 12 year
    old news reader program that does not include a spelling checker. <https://www.newshosting.com/newsreader/>
    "Using the Newshosting Newsreader" <https://support.newshosting.com/kb/article/98-using-the-newshosting-newsreader/>

    You should be able to find a spelling checker for whatever program
    you're using as a Usenet news reader.

    2. My father was a lifelong alcoholic and I do not drink to any extent.

    I don't believe you.

    That I was arrested for drunk driving means nothing since ONE glass of wine will put you over the limit in California (0.8).

    The limit in California is 0.08% <https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/alcohol-and-drugs/>
    I would be really interested in knowing how your cat could have caused
    a decimal point placement error.

    My arrest was due entirely by the fact that I could not pass a drunk test and because of the damage to my balance I have permanent medical permission to ONLY be tested with blood level detectors and not physixcally tilting my head back where I lose w
    visual horizon and fall which the police then denoted as drunk driving.

    I don't believe that. I can check if such a thing exists, but I don't
    want to. It's easier for me to simply assume that everything you
    write and say are lies. I can wait for you prove your claims. Where
    in the Calif Vehicle Code does it make you immune to a blood test?

    While you're at it, explain to me why you are still driving with no
    sense of balance, after having crashed 4 cars, but don't seem to have
    any trouble riding a bicycle? I would think that bicycle riding
    requires far more balance than driving an automobile. I would have
    expected to read reports of bicycle riding accidents in RBT:

    "Cycling with a balance disorder on an adaptive bike" <https://www.vanraam.com/en-gb/news/cycling-with-a-balance-disorder-on-an-adaptive-bike>
    "Cycling on a regular bike is very difficult with a balance disorder."

    3. The ONLY time that I was given a drunk driving ticket was because a cop had stopped a person in the middle of a freewayt on-ramp. While sitting there waiting, I had a seizure, my legs locked down on the accelerator and I drove to the right rather
    than the left and endanger the cop. There was a concrete wall on the right and rather than hit the entire line of cars I dragged the right side of the car on the concrete wall. Tell me you piece of shit - does that sound like I was "drunk"? At that point
    I blacked compledtely out and yet I safely negotiated ten more miles on a crowded freeway znd was pulled over because there was major damage to the right side of my car.

    Do you really expect me (or anyone else) to believe that story? It
    sounds like a practice ride from the online version of Grand Theft
    Auto game:

    But like all people easing into dementia you. Anger and aggression among demntia and those becoming demented is common and you continue to show the signs of it. Don't worry, be happy. Dementia bis spiking among you vaccinated fools. And no, I will not
    give you a reference.I prefer you to not believe it until treatment is impossible.

    Projecting your problems onto someone else? Did you cat become tired
    of you blaming it for your problems? Again, do you really expect me
    (or anyone else) to believe that story?

    But since you were kind enough to tell us where you live you might push all the right buttons and I will show up and break every bone in your face which would be the end of your internet career.

    If what you say is true about your driving abilities, Frank is quite
    safe. You'll never make it out of San Leandro, much less the 5,200 to
    Poland, Ohio and back again.

    Threatening violence is a nice ending to whatever you pretend is (or
    was) your internet career. We're down to only a few RBT readers. You
    chased away most of those. If that's you're internet career, you've

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 12 14:54:44 2024
    On Sat May 11 17:30:56 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 18:53:56 GMT, Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    1. The occasional "iuncoherence" is because my cat will get in between me and the screen and if I lose my position on the keuboard I cannot correct it since I have to see the screen in order to correct touch typing.

    Stop watching cat videos on your computer and your cat (or bird) will
    be less of a problem.

    Use a spelling checker. It can check your spelling as you type, or
    you can check everything when you're done typing. I suggest after
    you're done typing which should take care of the cat problem.

    You're using newshosting.com as an NNTP client. They have a 12 year
    old news reader program that does not include a spelling checker. <https://www.newshosting.com/newsreader/>
    "Using the Newshosting Newsreader" <https://support.newshosting.com/kb/article/98-using-the-newshosting-newsreader/>

    You should be able to find a spelling checker for whatever program
    you're using as a Usenet news reader.

    2. My father was a lifelong alcoholic and I do not drink to any extent.

    I don't believe you.

    That I was arrested for drunk driving means nothing since ONE glass of wine will put you over the limit in California (0.8).

    The limit in California is 0.08% <https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/alcohol-and-drugs/>
    I would be really interested in knowing how your cat could have caused
    a decimal point placement error.

    My arrest was due entirely by the fact that I could not pass a drunk test and because of the damage to my balance I have permanent medical permission to ONLY be tested with blood level detectors and not physixcally tilting my head back where I lose w
    visual horizon and fall which the police then denoted as drunk driving.

    I don't believe that. I can check if such a thing exists, but I don't
    want to. It's easier for me to simply assume that everything you
    write and say are lies. I can wait for you prove your claims. Where
    in the Calif Vehicle Code does it make you immune to a blood test?

    While you're at it, explain to me why you are still driving with no
    sense of balance, after having crashed 4 cars, but don't seem to have
    any trouble riding a bicycle? I would think that bicycle riding
    requires far more balance than driving an automobile. I would have
    expected to read reports of bicycle riding accidents in RBT:

    "Cycling with a balance disorder on an adaptive bike" <https://www.vanraam.com/en-gb/news/cycling-with-a-balance-disorder-on-an-adaptive-bike>
    "Cycling on a regular bike is very difficult with a balance disorder."

    3. The ONLY time that I was given a drunk driving ticket was because a cop had stopped a person in the middle of a freewayt on-ramp. While sitting there waiting, I had a seizure, my legs locked down on the accelerator and I drove to the right rather
    than the left and endanger the cop. There was a concrete wall on the right and rather than hit the entire line of cars I dragged the right side of the car on the concrete wall. Tell me you piece of shit - does that sound like I was "drunk"? At that point
    I blacked compledtely out and yet I safely negotiated ten more miles on a crowded freeway znd was pulled over because there was major damage to the right side of my car.

    Do you really expect me (or anyone else) to believe that story? It
    sounds like a practice ride from the online version of Grand Theft
    Auto game:

    But like all people easing into dementia you. Anger and aggression among demntia and those becoming demented is common and you continue to show the signs of it. Don't worry, be happy. Dementia bis spiking among you vaccinated fools. And no, I will not
    give you a reference.I prefer you to not believe it until treatment is impossible.

    Projecting your problems onto someone else? Did you cat become tired
    of you blaming it for your problems? Again, do you really expect me
    (or anyone else) to believe that story?

    But since you were kind enough to tell us where you live you might push all the right buttons and I will show up and break every bone in your face which would be the end of your internet career.

    If what you say is true about your driving abilities, Frank is quite
    safe. You'll never make it out of San Leandro, much less the 5,200 to Poland, Ohio and back again.

    Threatening violence is a nice ending to whatever you pretend is (or
    was) your internet career. We're down to only a few RBT readers. You
    chased away most of those. If that's you're internet career, you've succeeded.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    Talk all you like about my "internet career" since that is what you see your entire life as - lying about anything and everything you can. You're an empty tin can that can't even be used for holding piss to carry out to your outhouse.

    There's no way that I would hurt you because you were never for one second of your life man enough to stick up for your ideals because you never had any, You and Krygowski were both draft dodgers. People without enough intelligence to be in college but
    who could raise enough money to be there.

    Neither of you could actually work at the subject of your education and neither of you was smart enogh to find something you could do better.

    Both of you believe that I could be annoyed into beating you up because neither of you have ever had that experience and haven't any idea of what it is like. Then you would use that as an excuse eo sue me since that is the only way either of you could
    ever make any money. Neither of you could make money no other way than by using the courts to steal it from others.

    And I don't have to anyway - you have nothing but medicare and social security to keep you alive and because you took that poizon on the word of Fauci you don't have long. Krygowski didn't even have the courage to watch a real high end epidemiologist who
    has read all of the papers and knows what is coming for most of you. You like the typical sniveling ass, called Dr. John Campbell PhD "only a nurse" so that you could pretend that you knew more than he. But you don't even know how to put a bandaid on a

    I do know how fo kill people that leave me no other option and I know what options I have. And I know WHY you don't kill people. Whereas, if you had that ability you would exercise it just as Biden is doing this very minute.

    So make your usual stupid postings because it is well worth the laughs listening to you telling everyone that I'm a drunk when you can't even afford a bottle of wine and I can take my wife out to dinner every night and we only stay in for a change. Last
    month was a little slow but I still made $22,000 on my investments, I have no bills and I am building another bike up. I have 1,400 miles and 47,000 feet of climbing now at the start of the season and you csn't even ride.

    So by all means carry on because you're not a man and never were. I have everything from hard work and you and Flunky have nothing because you're lazy and stupid. Give me another laugh.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 12 15:21:30 2024
    On Thu May 9 20:32:08 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Thu, 9 May 2024 19:41:54 -0700, Bob F <bobnospam@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 5/8/2024 5:52 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 6:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Wed May 8 14:23:55 2024 Frank Krygowski? wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 2:15 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 5/8/2024 12:52 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This is NOT about bicycles.

    Finally, an accurate statement from Tom!
    No one likes a Cassandra or listens.

    Since the effects (unlike say dope or liquor) don't hurt other people, >>>>> what do you care if people drink the government Kool Aid and take the >>>>> government jab?

    Tom would be totally out of his depth in a forum where qualified medical >>>> personnel seriously discuss COVID, vaccines and other technical medical >>>> topics. So instead of trying to post in such a forum, he rants off-topic >>>> in this one. He cares only because he wants attention.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Franki, I am repeating what I stated 4 years ago and what ALL of the
    complete medical studies over the last two years have VERIFIED. Is
    there some reason you're talking about things you know not the
    slightest thing about? Are you so afraid of what they did to you with
    the GMO's that the only thing you can do is to deny that it even

    Andre had something that you sorely lack - the ability to read and
    understand and he said many times here that I had been correct from
    the start. You may have been one of the lucky ones that got vaccinated >>> and the GMO's didn't seat themselves in a deadly location. But I doubt >>> it and it is likely that you will end up with turbo cancers that will
    be untreatable before ypu discover them. I spent my life working in
    the medical field and you spent your life teaching Marxist to student. >>> So keep your trap shut. You have constipation of the mouth. We didn't
    need you anyway.

    My wife got vaccinated and developed cancer almosr immetiately It was
    removed and she was radiated and underwent chemotherapy. She was lucky >>> to have gotten only two shots. What about you? You believe that the
    government is always correct.

    Management and finance guys aren't disease experts but they can read the >> writing on the wall


    Director of Vaccine Research at Mayo has direct experience:

    A couple, both MDs report:

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html >>

    "They found that within 90 days after a shot, the rate of POTS-related >symptoms was about 33% higher than in the 3 months before; 2581 people
    were diagnosed with POTS-related symptoms after vaccination, compared
    with 1945 beforehand. However, the study found a bigger effect from >COVID-19 itself: The rate of POTS symptoms in about 12,000 unvaccinated >people after infection was 52% higher than beforehand. "

    OK. That came from the science.org URL. Digging deeper, the source
    seems to be:
    "POTS association with COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 infection" <https://www.nature.com/articles/s44161-022-00177-8> (Dec 12, 2022)
    "...we examined the extent to which new diagnoses of POTS are
    increased following COVID-19 vaccination in our health system, a large quaternary care system in Los Angeles." (Cedars-Sinai)

    Quaternary care is the highest level of hospital care. These deal
    with unusual and very specialized illnesses and are usually handled by
    a specialist. It's a fair assumption that the patients in such a
    hospital and in the survey have some kind of unusual malady that
    requires such a high level of medical care. In other words, they have pre-existing conditions that did NOT include Covid-19.

    "Of all patients who had at least one COVID-19 vaccination dose
    documented (n = 289,662), we excluded those with SARS-CoV-2 infection
    before and within 90 days after the first vaccination dose (n =

    See Fig 4 at:
    I would assume that they also excluded anyone who caught Covid-19 in
    the 90 days after the first vaccination. That means that if they
    experienced one of the expected side effects, it would not be from an
    active case of Covid-19. That reduced the population size from
    289,000 to 5,000. Nicely done.

    I'm going to stop here due to lack of time. What I see here is a
    potentially large test population of people who are sick with
    something that requires the attention of a specialist and who do *NOT*
    have a recent case of Covid-19. I would be very suspicious of the
    results and conclusions if everyone in the study is already seriously
    ill from something other than Covid-19.

    Also, note that the paper was published on Dec 12, 2022. I couldn't
    find the start and end dates for the data used in the study. The data repository only shows "2 years ago", which is near the date of
    publication and not the date of collection. So, I have to make a
    guess that it took 1 to 2 years to collect and process the data. I'll
    guess 2 years. That would be in late 2020, 9 months into the
    pandemic, when we were just learning how to treat Covid. In other
    words, it's ancient data.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    Gee, I'm really impressed that you can use Google. That makes you much smarter than people that actually worked directly with doctors.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ted Heise@21:1/5 to Frank Krygowski on Sun May 12 18:49:42 2024
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400,
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Path: reader1.panix.com!panix!2.eu.feeder.erje.net!feeder.erje.net!eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net>
    Newsgroups: rec.bicycles.tech
    Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What you need to know about the covid vaccines

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re:"s already.

    Ted Heise <theise@panix.com> West Lafayette, IN, USA

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 12 21:02:47 2024
    On Sun, 12 May 2024 20:59:07 -0700, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>

    Tracing back through the thread, only Tom's unspecified newsreader is
    adding "RE: " instead of the required "Re: ". Everyone else is adding
    either nothing if there is a preceding "Re: " or is adding an "Re: "
    if there is a preceding "RE", which it recognizes are part of the subject.

    Typo eRoar. I forgot a colon. The last line should be "RE: " instead
    of "RE".

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Sun May 12 20:59:07 2024
    On Sun, 12 May 2024 21:12:53 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400,
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Path: reader1.panix.com!panix!2.eu.feeder.erje.net!feeder.erje.net!eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net>
    Newsgroups: rec.bicycles.tech
    Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What you need to know about the covid vaccines

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re: "s already.

    Does anyone know why Tom's posts accumulate long strings of "Re: "?
    Not that it matters much. Just another weird Kunich quirk.

    Yes. The typical newsreader recognizes:
    Subject: Re: What you need to know..."
    as a reply and does NOT reproduce the "Re: " in the next reply, thus
    preventing the long string of repetitive "Re: ". <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1849#section-5.4>
    "Subject-content = [ "Re: " ] nonblank-text"

    Previous RFC's made a mess of this:
    "NOTE: A back reference is FOUR characters, the fourth being a blank.
    [RFC1036] was confused about this. Observe also that only ONE back
    reference should be present."

    Previous RFC's also specified that "re :" was acceptable, but said
    nothing about "RE: " and the 4th character, a space.

    Tracing back through the thread, only Tom's unspecified newsreader is
    adding "RE: " instead of the required "Re: ". Everyone else is adding
    either nothing if there is a preceding "Re: " or is adding an "Re: "
    if there is a preceding "RE", which it recognizes are part of the

    In other words, Tom's unspecified newsreader is broken and probably
    causing the problem. I'm not going to waste my time offering
    solutions to Tom. If you are using a proper newsreader, just edit the
    subject line to show exactly one "Re: " ahead of the actual subject.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Pozharski@21:1/5 to Frank Krygowski on Mon May 13 09:12:06 2024
    with <v1rpel$32ung$1@dont-email.me> Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 5 lines 3 levels deep] # These headers are irrelevant.

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re:"s already.
    Does anyone know why Tom's posts accumulate long strings of "Re:"?

    (speculation) Half-assed newsreader. Probably, unavoidable with his Usenet-provider.

    Not that it matters much. Just another weird Kunich quirk.

    You don't know half of it.

    Torvalds' goal for Linux is very simple: World Domination
    Stallman's goal for GNU is even simpler: Freedom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ted Heise@21:1/5 to Eric Pozharski on Mon May 13 13:43:36 2024
    On Mon, 13 May 2024 09:12:06 +0000,
    Eric Pozharski <apple.universe@posteo.net> wrote:
    with <v1rpel$32ung$1@dont-email.me> Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 5 lines 3 levels deep] # These headers are irrelevant.

    Given that my newsreader handles the re:s properly, quoting the
    fifth line was necessary to illustrate the issue. So hardly
    irrelevant. I left in the oreceding four lines to show that I was
    quoting headers from the preceding post.

    Not sure what provoked the "3 levels deep" remark. Seems just
    wrong to me.

    Ted Heise <theise@panix.com> West Lafayette, IN, USA

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roger Merriman@21:1/5 to Jeff Liebermann on Mon May 13 22:40:19 2024
    Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote:
    On Sun, 12 May 2024 21:12:53 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400,
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    From: Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net>
    Newsgroups: rec.bicycles.tech
    Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What you need to
    know about the covid vaccines

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re: "s already.

    Does anyone know why Tom's posts accumulate long strings of "Re: "?
    Not that it matters much. Just another weird Kunich quirk.

    Yes. The typical newsreader recognizes:
    Subject: Re: What you need to know..."
    as a reply and does NOT reproduce the "Re: " in the next reply, thus preventing the long string of repetitive "Re: ". <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1849#section-5.4>
    "Subject-content = [ "Re: " ] nonblank-text"

    Previous RFC's made a mess of this:
    "NOTE: A back reference is FOUR characters, the fourth being a blank. [RFC1036] was confused about this. Observe also that only ONE back
    reference should be present."

    Previous RFC's also specified that "re :" was acceptable, but said
    nothing about "RE: " and the 4th character, a space.

    Tracing back through the thread, only Tom's unspecified newsreader is
    adding "RE: " instead of the required "Re: ". Everyone else is adding
    either nothing if there is a preceding "Re: " or is adding an "Re: "
    if there is a preceding "RE", which it recognizes are part of the

    In other words, Tom's unspecified newsreader is broken and probably
    causing the problem. I'm not going to waste my time offering
    solutions to Tom. If you are using a proper newsreader, just edit the subject line to show exactly one "Re: " ahead of the actual subject.

    I’d agree has to be which ever newsreader he’s using and some mistake in the set up of said program.

    He’s moved from google groups to another server, so unlikely to be server related unless it’s triggered by someone reply?

    Roger Merriman

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 13 18:38:57 2024
    On Mon, 13 May 2024 22:40:19 GMT, Roger Merriman <roger@sarlet.com>

    Id agree has to be which ever newsreader hes using and some mistake in
    the set up of said program.

    Hes moved from google groups to another server, so unlikely to be server >related unless its triggered by someone reply?

    Yes, it's triggered by Tom's newsreader prepending an "RE: " which is interpreted as part of the Subject text.

    When a user replies to Tom's messages (with a leading "RE: " in the
    Subject line), the user's newsreader recognizes that as text and
    prepends an "Re: ". When Tom replies again, his program prepends an
    "RE: " and the process repeats. I checked about 50 messages and the
    pattern is consistent. If you look at the threads where Tom was not
    involved, it the Subject records all look normal. However, if you
    look at threads where Tom was involved, the alternating patterns of
    "Re: RE: Re: RE: " appear.

    I'm not sure exactly what is causing the problem. Tom hasn't bothered
    to disclose what programs he's using to read and post news. His ISP
    for Usenet news is newshosting.com which offers a 12 year old newsreader/browser:
    <https://www.newshosting.com/newsreader/> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrvBX5LmCIE>
    which I suspect is the culprit. At one point, Tom was looking at
    Forte Agent, which is what I use. I could install the program and try
    using it, but since I suggested it as the culprit, Tom will not touch
    it because it was someone elses idea.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 14 01:29:33 2024
    On Sun May 12 21:12:53 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400,
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Path: reader1.panix.com!panix!2.eu.feeder.erje.net!feeder.erje.net!eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net>
    Newsgroups: rec.bicycles.tech
    Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What you need to know about the covid vaccines

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re:"s already.

    Does anyone know why Tom's posts accumulate long strings of "Re:"?

    Not that it matters much. Just another weird Kunich quirk.

    - Frank Krygowski

    Because people like you refuse to do your homework and hence feel the need to deny what you've done to yourself.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZuc_2y8xgM https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.061025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boqKzpftNSI

    65% of the money for the national health government comes from the pharmaceutical industry so they and the media WILL NOT or are extremely hesitant to say anything negative abouit the mRNA vaccines. In England it was 85%. In Europe the percentage was
    often higher and they paid almost 100% of the WHO budget. It is Krygowski's firm belief that this would have absolutely NO effect on their studies that simply do not get done unless they report positive reports.

    Lately someone ACTUALLY reassessed the Pfizer and Moderna results and instead of the positive results reported by Pfizer, the actual data was entirely negative and the raw data was so bad that Pfizer should never have been released.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Pozharski@21:1/5 to Ted Heise on Tue May 14 08:42:42 2024
    with <slrnv44688.5nc.theise@panix2.panix.com> Ted Heise wrote:
    On Mon, 13 May 2024 09:12:06 +0000, Eric Pozharski <apple.universe@posteo.net> wrote:
    with <v1rpel$32ung$1@dont-email.me> Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 5 lines 3 levels deep] # These headers are irrelevant.
    Given that my newsreader handles the re:s properly,

    So does mine.

    quoting the fifth line was necessary to illustrate the issue. So
    hardly irrelevant. I left in the oreceding four lines to show that I
    was quoting headers from the preceding post.

    This header what is relevant

    Organization: Newshosting.com - Highest quality at a great price! www.newshosting.com

    That's true, it's neither yours nor Frank's.

    Not sure what provoked the "3 levels deep" remark. Seems just wrong
    to me.

    Key part is '*SKIP*'. What goes in squares is mostly decoration. I was considering adding more statistics (maybe control sums). But it's good
    enough for now.

    p.s. Still. Empty lines aren't actually lines and shouldn't be
    counted. Well, here comes next iteration.

    Torvalds' goal for Linux is very simple: World Domination
    Stallman's goal for GNU is even simpler: Freedom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roger Merriman@21:1/5 to Jeff Liebermann on Tue May 14 12:21:38 2024
    Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote:
    On Mon, 13 May 2024 22:40:19 GMT, Roger Merriman <roger@sarlet.com>

    I’d agree has to be which ever newsreader he’s using and some mistake in >> the set up of said program.

    He’s moved from google groups to another server, so unlikely to be server >> related unless it’s triggered by someone reply?

    Yes, it's triggered by Tom's newsreader prepending an "RE: " which is interpreted as part of the Subject text.

    When a user replies to Tom's messages (with a leading "RE: " in the
    Subject line), the user's newsreader recognizes that as text and
    prepends an "Re: ". When Tom replies again, his program prepends an
    "RE: " and the process repeats. I checked about 50 messages and the
    pattern is consistent. If you look at the threads where Tom was not involved, it the Subject records all look normal. However, if you
    look at threads where Tom was involved, the alternating patterns of
    "Re: RE: Re: RE: " appear.

    Sounds correct, and using an old program that is mangling the subject be
    that incorrect set up of a bug. Is rather Tom really!

    I'm not sure exactly what is causing the problem. Tom hasn't bothered
    to disclose what programs he's using to read and post news. His ISP
    for Usenet news is newshosting.com which offers a 12 year old newsreader/browser:
    <https://www.newshosting.com/newsreader/> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrvBX5LmCIE>
    which I suspect is the culprit. At one point, Tom was looking at
    Forte Agent, which is what I use. I could install the program and try
    using it, but since I suggested it as the culprit, Tom will not touch
    it because it was someone elses idea.

    Likewise very Tom!

    Roger Merriman

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Tue May 14 10:58:35 2024
    On Tue, 14 May 2024 11:18:12 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/13/2024 9:29 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sun May 12 21:12:53 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400,
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Path: reader1.panix.com!panix!2.eu.feeder.erje.net!feeder.erje.net!eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net>
    Newsgroups: rec.bicycles.tech
    Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What you need to know about the covid vaccines

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re:"s already.

    Does anyone know why Tom's posts accumulate long strings of "Re:"?

    Not that it matters much. Just another weird Kunich quirk.

    Because people like you refuse to do your homework and hence feel the need to deny what you've done to yourself.

    What a massive, massive non sequitur!

    It's a very common sales and advertising technique, especially on
    YouTube. The basic formula is to start with a string of statements
    and background facts with that we can agree. Maybe add some history, marginally related comments, and celebrity quotes. Of course, the
    announcer is an "expert" on the topic which is demonstrated by short
    video clips of the announcer practicing his trade.

    After at least 80% of the monolog is over, the announcer delivers the
    payload, which vaguely associates the product, drug, miracle food,
    investment scheme, exercise routine etc with string of agreeable
    statements. The announcer than switches to testimonials, amazing
    results and buyer endorsements.

    The way it works is that we are biological accustomed to extracting
    order out of chaos. When faced with a long string of agreeable facts,
    we tend to deduce or assume that whatever follows must also be facts.
    Even if only part of the pitch line happens to have some truth buried
    in it, we tend to accept the whole package as truth, especially if
    we're not paying attention.

    There are many variations to how this works. This rant would be too
    long if I start listing examples. Examples are easily identified on
    YouTube videos and they all seem to follow a similar pattern.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 14 20:48:25 2024
    On Tue May 14 10:58:35 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Tue, 14 May 2024 11:18:12 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    On 5/13/2024 9:29 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sun May 12 21:12:53 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 5/12/2024 2:49 PM, Ted Heise wrote:
    On Sat, 11 May 2024 23:04:30 -0400,
    Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Path: reader1.panix.com!panix!2.eu.feeder.erje.net!feeder.erje.net!eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: Frank Krygowski <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net>
    Newsgroups: rec.bicycles.tech
    Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: What you need to know about the covid vaccines

    I have nothing to add, there are more than enough "Re:"s already.

    Does anyone know why Tom's posts accumulate long strings of "Re:"?

    Not that it matters much. Just another weird Kunich quirk.

    Because people like you refuse to do your homework and hence feel the need to deny what you've done to yourself.

    What a massive, massive non sequitur!

    It's a very common sales and advertising technique, especially on
    YouTube. The basic formula is to start with a string of statements
    and background facts with that we can agree. Maybe add some history, marginally related comments, and celebrity quotes. Of course, the
    announcer is an "expert" on the topic which is demonstrated by short
    video clips of the announcer practicing his trade.

    After at least 80% of the monolog is over, the announcer delivers the payload, which vaguely associates the product, drug, miracle food,
    investment scheme, exercise routine etc with string of agreeable
    statements. The announcer than switches to testimonials, amazing
    results and buyer endorsements.

    The way it works is that we are biological accustomed to extracting
    order out of chaos. When faced with a long string of agreeable facts,
    we tend to deduce or assume that whatever follows must also be facts.
    Even if only part of the pitch line happens to have some truth buried
    in it, we tend to accept the whole package as truth, especially if
    we're not paying attention.

    There are many variations to how this works. This rant would be too
    long if I start listing examples. Examples are easily identified on
    YouTube videos and they all seem to follow a similar pattern.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    Liebermann, you're such a genius that you couldn't even work in your major. You couldn't make what you considered a giant leap from tubes to transistors. Tell us all about "sales techniques".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)