• =?UTF-8?B?UkU6IFJlOiBUaGUgS25vd24gVW5rbm93bnM=?=

    From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 18 18:59:39 2024
    On Thu Dec 14 08:11:51 2023 John B. wrote:
    On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:59:50 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>

    On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:12:14 -0600, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 12/13/2023 12:45 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:09:32 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@gmail.com> wrote:

    The CIA has turned into one of the most evil organizations on this Earth. There was just another article published the other day claiming that 85% of Russian troops have died in the Ukraine war. That is unmitigated lies propagated by the CIA.

    87%. Some articles, which you could have easily cited, but didn't:

    "315,000 Russian Troops Have Been Killed Or Injured In Ukraine, U.S.
    Says - Far More Than Russia Claims"
    "The figure represents 87% of Russia?s roughly 360,000 pre-war troops
    it had in February 2022, according to the report provided to

    "U.S. intelligence assesses Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000
    "A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war >>> has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the
    personnel it had when the conflict began, a source familiar with the
    intelligence said on Tuesday."
    "Since then, the report found, 315,000 Russian troops, or about 87% of >>> the total with which it started the war, have been killed or injured,
    the source said."
    "The real figure was likely higher, they said."

    More of the same:

    The numbers don't make any sense.

    87% of prewar army lost?

    Looking at U.S. figures and depending on how you do your calculations
    about 35% of the U.S. Army are actual "Combat Forces".

    If the Russians have an air forces then the numbers get even more
    mysterious, It is difficult to compute the number of support troops
    for every combat airplane but one indication might be that there are
    2,580 USAF names inscribed on the Vietnam Wall. Out of something like
    57,000 names


    John B.

    John, the Ukrainians are drafting 16 and 50 year olds just like the NAZI's were doing in 1944. WHY did the NAZI's do that and don't you think that the Ukrainians arw doing it for the msame reasons?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 18 19:04:35 2024
    On Wed Dec 13 11:59:50 2023 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:12:14 -0600, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 12/13/2023 12:45 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:09:32 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@gmail.com> wrote:

    The CIA has turned into one of the most evil organizations on this Earth. There was just another article published the other day claiming that 85% of Russian troops have died in the Ukraine war. That is unmitigated lies propagated by the CIA.

    87%. Some articles, which you could have easily cited, but didn't:

    "315,000 Russian Troops Have Been Killed Or Injured In Ukraine, U.S.
    Says - Far More Than Russia Claims"
    "The figure represents 87% of Russia?s roughly 360,000 pre-war troops
    it had in February 2022, according to the report provided to

    "U.S. intelligence assesses Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000
    "A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war
    has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the
    personnel it had when the conflict began, a source familiar with the
    intelligence said on Tuesday."
    "Since then, the report found, 315,000 Russian troops, or about 87% of
    the total with which it started the war, have been killed or injured,
    the source said."
    "The real figure was likely higher, they said."

    More of the same:

    That's on the front page of my dead tree media WSJ this morning.

    Thanks and that's good to know. Unfortunately, most of the major
    printed news media has disappeared from the vending boxes in front of markets, stores and offices in my area. What's left are the locals.
    That doesn't matter as I prefer to read my news online. Let's see if
    there's any mention in the competition:

    Nothing here (yet) as of noon PST, Dec 13, 2023.

    This mention the 315,000 killed or wounded: <https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/12/12/us-intel-says-315k-russian-casualties-in-ukraine-congress-source-a83402>
    (You'll need to turn off any ad-blockers to read it.)

    We will need to wait a while for comments from Russia. My guess(tm)
    is that 90% casualty rate is much too high to be realistic and that
    Russia has far more than 360,000 personnel available from a total
    Russian military of 2.2 million. Russia is also continuing to provide replacements giving some credibility to the 315,000 loss figure:
    "Russia boosts size of armed forces by 170,000 troops" <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/2/russia-to-boost-size-of-armed-forces-by-170000-troops>
    Notice that the article claims that Russia now has 1.3 million troops involved in the war. Someone is lying about the numbers but I don't
    know who (yet).

    Jeff, how many years did it take you to get a four year degree? And why was that? How many years did you8 serve in the US military and which branch was that again?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to funkma...@hotmail.com on Thu Apr 18 19:21:44 2024
    On Fri Dec 15 04:57:48 2023 "funkma...@hotmail.com" wrote:
    On Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11:29:11 AM UTC-5, Tom Kunich wrote:

    This administration has been making open acts that could start a nuclear war,

    Yeah, because something the US did justifies the russian invasion of Ukraine. Care to enlighten us?

    Flunky,the UKRANIANS starte4d this war and Putin warned them for 6 months to stop murdering Russian Nationals who hsd legally bought farms in the Ukraine! Are you so fuckintg stupid that your remory doesn't go back just SEVEN years?

    Therefore they have to lie about the capabilities of the the Russian Army. The pure unadulterated lying about the Russian army is rife throughout the Slime Stream Media.

    Yet you can offer no support for your claims to the contrary.

    Russia controls 80% of the Ukraine

    No, they don't, you fucking moron. Here's a good primer on the timeline of the occupation.

    Are you so slow that you couldn't read Andrew's Ukrainian map?


    Since we know you have an aversion to looking at anything that uses actual words (despite the ludicrous claim of reading out three libraries), here a graphic that appears about 3/4 down the article:


    , The Ukrainians of military age have LEFT the Ukraine for the US open borders.

    Most reports say the US has accepted a bit over a 250K refugees since the start of the war. This is out of a bit over 8 million in total.

    So the only people that oppose the Russians are mercenaries who are very expensive and YOU are paying them to so nothing more than hold the final 20% of the Ukraine.

    Oh, you mean like these guys? https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/dismayed-moscows-war-russian-volunteers-joining-ukrainian-ranks-105648729

    Flunky believes ABC - the same people that claim that we're zall going to die from climate change. The same people that told us that the Covid-19 vaccines are "safe and effective". The same people who have quoted many times "fact checkers" who do nothing
    but mimic the Administration. On a good day you have problems spelling. No wonder you have problems thinking that someone else can read.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)