• =?UTF-8?B?RlNBIENyYW5rc2V0?=

    From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 5 20:24:48 2024
    Because those 175 cranks hurt my hip, I ordered a new 172.5 FSA crankset. It is a 386 but turns out to be an EVO (30 mm crank shaft). I wasn't even aware that they dtill made those since Shimano uses 24 mm and the FSA EXO franks are the same.

    This means that I had to order an EVO BB and they are getting rare, but I did find one and ordered it. I will say that the EVO crank is significantly lighter than the EXO so that's nice. But try finding a BB FIRST before ordering such a crank.

    On another subject, That PhD in nursing that Flunky has so much contempt for because he uses actual facts rather than Flunky and Lieberman's mythologies recommends that you take 15,000 or so UNITS of vitamin D3 at least daily all winter long if not year
    round. The toxic levels are around 100,000 units so it is hardly a dangerous level. I took it and after four days my sleep got quite a bit better and my riding improved. So if you're in a place where you don't get BRIGHT sunlight every day you may want
    to try that.

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