• Where oh where is the Cowardly Flunkymonkey?

    From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 31 20:37:33 2023

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked by a
    thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could see my
    wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him away
    like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tom Kunich@21:1/5 to Andre Jute on Wed Nov 1 08:41:11 2023
    On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 8:37:35 PM UTC-7, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked by
    a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could see
    my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    Flunky is a pencil neck coward who at my advanced age of 79 would have not the slightest trouble hospitalizing or accidentally killing with a single punch. I am still of the opinion that he is a queer what with his unwavering support of Obama who started
    this tranny crap.

    "Studies have found that LGBTQIA+ youth attempt suicide more than 3 times more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts
    A Canadian study estimated that the risk of suicide among LGBTQIA+ youth is 14 times higher than for heterosexual youth
    Among youth who attempted suicide, almost twice as many LGBTQIA+ youth said they really hoped to die
    Of transgender people, between 30-45% report having attempted suicide
    GBT men have a higher risk of suicide than women although women attempt suicide more frequently"

    The spotlighting of LGBTQ people makes the desire for suicide to end the extreme difference between them and normal people more and more common. I have NEVER seen a truly heterosexual kind of relationship among queers and this abnormality eats on them
    over time more and more. Discovering that queers purposely infected others of their kind with AIDS was rather eye-opening. That means that normal human relationships do not exist between them.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Wed Nov 1 16:22:52 2023
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:41:13 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 8:37:35 PM UTC-7, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked
    by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could
    see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    Flunky is a pencil neck coward who at my advanced age of 79 would have not the slightest trouble hospitalizing or accidentally killing with a single punch. I am still of the opinion that he is a queer what with his unwavering support of Obama who
    started this tranny crap.

    "Studies have found that LGBTQIA+ youth attempt suicide more than 3 times more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts
    A Canadian study estimated that the risk of suicide among LGBTQIA+ youth is 14 times higher than for heterosexual youth
    Among youth who attempted suicide, almost twice as many LGBTQIA+ youth said they really hoped to die
    Of transgender people, between 30-45% report having attempted suicide
    GBT men have a higher risk of suicide than women although women attempt suicide more frequently"

    The spotlighting of LGBTQ people makes the desire for suicide to end the extreme difference between them and normal people more and more common. I have NEVER seen a truly heterosexual kind of relationship among queers and this abnormality eats on them
    over time more and more. Discovering that queers purposely infected others of their kind with AIDS was rather eye-opening. That means that normal human relationships do not exist between them.

    The Flunkymonkey is a wannabe psychopath, but doesn't have the nerve to come out of the closet because he's too cowardly. Vide his ineffectual sniping from behind a pseudonym. -_ AJ

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to Andre Jute on Tue Nov 7 06:29:12 2023
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked by
    a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could see
    my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    Looks like the Cowardly Flunkeymonkey is sulking because he exposed himself as a coward. Flunky wants to hand it out but he can't take it when his victims strike back.

    Andre Jute
    What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to Andre Jute on Sun Nov 12 04:58:37 2023
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked by
    a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could see
    my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes or however
    many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tom Kunich@21:1/5 to Andre Jute on Mon Nov 13 09:43:05 2023
    On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4:58:39 AM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked
    by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could
    see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes or
    however many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Sun Nov 19 06:57:51 2023
    On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 5:43:07 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4:58:39 AM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM:
    “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house,
    marked by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I
    could see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led
    him away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he
    was deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes or
    however many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    I wouldn't bet money on Flunky being a man. There's a whole lot of girlish spite in Flunky's vomitings on this forum. Maybe a closeted transvestite, at best. -- AJ

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From funkmasterxx@hotmail.com@21:1/5 to Andre Jute on Mon Nov 27 09:40:04 2023
    On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 9:57:53 AM UTC-5, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 5:43:07 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4:58:39 AM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM: “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM:
    “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house,
    marked by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I
    could see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led
    him away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he
    was deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes or
    however many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    I've received no less than a dozen emails and texts from my friends in the forum all laughing hysterically at how I can disappear for a few months and still troll these two idiots without posting a word. So I finally pop back in and see that they've
    created at least three separate discussion dedicated to me in two months. I guess this is a free lesson to everyone in this forum on how to live rent free in someones head without even trying.

    Let's first think about kunich's laughable assertion that I've been fired - hey sparky, if I had been fired, I'd be free to waste even _more_ time in here. In actuality I've been pulled into a major renovation project with Exxon-Mobil in England. I've
    been traveling a lot, and meeting whit other Functional Safety and Hazardous Location regulatory engineers to ensure a clean, safe, and maintainable installations process controls. The UK government is still a bit stung from the Buncefield incident, and
    since there has never been a mishap where our equipment has been installed they chose us.

    I'm still very well respected here, and in fact am even typing this during working hours since I'm ahead of the deliverables for Exxon, even after taking 4 days off for thanksgiving. Remember sparky, no matter how many times you tell the lies about my
    wife and my technical abilities, they will neve become true.

    Now let's turn to tommy's sycophantic little shit stain. I see I live so deeply in his head that he went back though quite literally hundreds of my postings grasping for what he ridiculously characterized as physical threats. Not only do we see there is
    no mention - or even hint - of physical confrontation on my part, but contrast that with his blatant threat against me "I'll kick him in the nuts when I see him" (https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cIy0DJaWYMg/m/Q1zbKmVxBAAJ).

    Keep grasping, shit stain. What credibility you had left evaporated with these last three discussions where your aggression is a thinly veiled lament at the lack of attention I've been paying you.

    In reality, the little shit stain was hiding scared under his bed holding his bedpan until he was sure I was out of the country. My trip though Bandon was cut short due to having to shift our schedule to meet relatives that evening in Killarney. We did
    stop for lunch at The Old Market Bar. I had the Thai Red Chicken Curry and the lovely missus had the Slow Cooked Pork Belly. I asked our server Siobhan where I might find the Jute residence. Though she claimed to be local, she had never heard of anyone
    in Bandon named Jute, OK, A town with 8000 people, not sure a 20 something local resident would know everyone, but the way shit stain brags about his notoriety one would think he was talked about in public schools. Unless - as we all here surmise - the
    shit stain is in fact completely full of shit. Siobhan suggested we speak to the bartender.

    The bartenders name was Sean, an older gentleman with a pleasant demeanor. When I asked him, he thought for a moment, then said he knew of an old bastard named jute in a shanty on the outskirts of town who cant' get out any more. Then he mentioned it
    couldn't be the same guy, since there was no way "that old melter" (his word) he knew was the "world-famous author' I was seeking to autograph one of his books. (A ruse on my part, of course). Then he said "never heard of that one any more than act the
    maggot". We had good chuckle over that, then chatted for a bit about the local history, and he offered the missus and I a personal tour through upcoming Taste of Bandon food festival if we were around.

    So, no, shit stain, you aren't bigger/faster than me, and never were. You're just a chicken shit old useless shell of a human whose sole list of accomplishments consists of contrived tales in shitty romance novels.

    Tell us again how you were fired from the Irish Examiner where they scrubbed every article you ever wrote for them out of disgust and embarrassment for having ever entertained the thought of paying you, to the extent that the sole reference to your
    employment is a letter of complaint...https://www.irishexaminer.com/maintopics/person-jute_topic-3081854.html

    You two pathetic little insignificant stains on humanity can go back mutually masturbating each other. I have no interest in further engagement.

    I shall close with kunich and the little shit stains hypocrisy in full view

    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    I wouldn't bet money on Flunky being a man. There's a whole lot of girlish spite in Flunky's vomitings on this forum. Maybe a closeted transvestite, at best. -- AJ

    Whereas the little shit stain wrote "Repeatedly accusing people of being "queer". He's a closeted queer, afraid people will find out."


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to funkma...@hotmail.com on Tue Nov 28 16:04:59 2023
    On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 5:40:07 PM UTC, funkma...@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 9:57:53 AM UTC-5, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 5:43:07 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4:58:39 AM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM: “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM:
    “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house,
    marked by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I
    could see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and
    led him away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before
    he was deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes or
    however many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    I've received no less than a dozen emails and texts from my friends in the forum all laughing hysterically at how I can disappear for a few months and still troll these two idiots without posting a word. So I finally pop back in and see that they've
    created at least three separate discussion dedicated to me in two months. I guess this is a free lesson to everyone in this forum on how to live rent free in someones head without even trying.

    Let's first think about kunich's laughable assertion that I've been fired - hey sparky, if I had been fired, I'd be free to waste even _more_ time in here. In actuality I've been pulled into a major renovation project with Exxon-Mobil in England. I've
    been traveling a lot, and meeting whit other Functional Safety and Hazardous Location regulatory engineers to ensure a clean, safe, and maintainable installations process controls. The UK government is still a bit stung from the Buncefield incident, and
    since there has never been a mishap where our equipment has been installed they chose us.

    I'm still very well respected here, and in fact am even typing this during working hours since I'm ahead of the deliverables for Exxon, even after taking 4 days off for thanksgiving. Remember sparky, no matter how many times you tell the lies about my
    wife and my technical abilities, they will neve become true.

    Now let's turn to tommy's sycophantic little shit stain. I see I live so deeply in his head that he went back though quite literally hundreds of my postings grasping for what he ridiculously characterized as physical threats. Not only do we see there
    is no mention - or even hint - of physical confrontation on my part, but contrast that with his blatant threat against me "I'll kick him in the nuts when I see him" (https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cIy0DJaWYMg/m/Q1zbKmVxBAAJ).

    Keep grasping, shit stain. What credibility you had left evaporated with these last three discussions where your aggression is a thinly veiled lament at the lack of attention I've been paying you.

    In reality, the little shit stain was hiding scared under his bed holding his bedpan until he was sure I was out of the country. My trip though Bandon was cut short due to having to shift our schedule to meet relatives that evening in Killarney. We did
    stop for lunch at The Old Market Bar. I had the Thai Red Chicken Curry and the lovely missus had the Slow Cooked Pork Belly. I asked our server Siobhan where I might find the Jute residence. Though she claimed to be local, she had never heard of anyone
    in Bandon named Jute, OK, A town with 8000 people, not sure a 20 something local resident would know everyone, but the way shit stain brags about his notoriety one would think he was talked about in public schools. Unless - as we all here surmise - the
    shit stain is in fact completely full of shit. Siobhan suggested we speak to the bartender.

    The bartenders name was Sean, an older gentleman with a pleasant demeanor. When I asked him, he thought for a moment, then said he knew of an old bastard named jute in a shanty on the outskirts of town who cant' get out any more. Then he mentioned it
    couldn't be the same guy, since there was no way "that old melter" (his word) he knew was the "world-famous author' I was seeking to autograph one of his books. (A ruse on my part, of course). Then he said "never heard of that one any more than act the
    maggot". We had good chuckle over that, then chatted for a bit about the local history, and he offered the missus and I a personal tour through upcoming Taste of Bandon food festival if we were around.

    So, no, shit stain, you aren't bigger/faster than me, and never were. You're just a chicken shit old useless shell of a human whose sole list of accomplishments consists of contrived tales in shitty romance novels.

    Tell us again how you were fired from the Irish Examiner where they scrubbed every article you ever wrote for them out of disgust and embarrassment for having ever entertained the thought of paying you, to the extent that the sole reference to your
    employment is a letter of complaint...https://www.irishexaminer.com/maintopics/person-jute_topic-3081854.html

    You two pathetic little insignificant stains on humanity can go back mutually masturbating each other. I have no interest in further engagement.

    I shall close with kunich and the little shit stains hypocrisy in full view
    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    I wouldn't bet money on Flunky being a man. There's a whole lot of girlish spite in Flunky's vomitings on this forum. Maybe a closeted transvestite, at best. -- AJ

    Whereas the little shit stain wrote "Repeatedly accusing people of being "queer". He's a closeted queer, afraid people will find out."


    Below my signature are the receipts of the Cowardly Flunkymonkey publicly threatening me with physical violence. Above you can read his admission that he came to within a few hundred yards of me, and bottled out, and his excuses and further made-up abuse
    supported by "facts" from made-up barmen and waitresses, plus some lies about Flunkymonkey family's lunch in Bandon. Imagine, as a commercial choice, a bar which serves offal to customers! ("Would you like a ladle of slurry over your pigs' guts, sir? It'
    s cowshed floor scrapings diluted with water. Yummy!") You'll be trying to imagine an impossibility. Offal was banned as a foodstuff in Ireland during the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD or, in the vernacular, "mad cow disease") scare about twenty years
    ago. The cowardly Flunkymonkey had mad cow disease eating away whatever braincells he started with, judging by his apologia for himself above, and the receipts of his threats below:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked by a
    thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could see my
    wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him away
    like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From funkmasterxx@hotmail.com@21:1/5 to shit stain on Wed Nov 29 04:59:42 2023
    On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 7:05:02 PM UTC-5, shit stain wrote:
    On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 5:40:07 PM UTC, funkma...@hotmail.com wrote:

    I've received no less than a dozen emails and texts from my friends in the forum all laughing hysterically at how I can disappear for a few months and still troll these two idiots without posting a word. So I finally pop back in and see that they've
    created at least three separate discussion dedicated to me in two months. I guess this is a free lesson to everyone in this forum on how to live rent free in someones head without even trying.

    Let's first think about kunich's laughable assertion that I've been fired - hey sparky, if I had been fired, I'd be free to waste even _more_ time in here. In actuality I've been pulled into a major renovation project with Exxon-Mobil in England. I'
    ve been traveling a lot, and meeting whit other Functional Safety and Hazardous Location regulatory engineers to ensure a clean, safe, and maintainable installations process controls. The UK government is still a bit stung from the Buncefield incident,
    and since there has never been a mishap where our equipment has been installed they chose us.

    I'm still very well respected here, and in fact am even typing this during working hours since I'm ahead of the deliverables for Exxon, even after taking 4 days off for thanksgiving. Remember sparky, no matter how many times you tell the lies about
    my wife and my technical abilities, they will neve become true.

    Now let's turn to tommy's sycophantic little shit stain. I see I live so deeply in his head that he went back though quite literally hundreds of my postings grasping for what he ridiculously characterized as physical threats. Not only do we see there
    is no mention - or even hint - of physical confrontation on my part, but contrast that with his blatant threat against me "I'll kick him in the nuts when I see him" (https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cIy0DJaWYMg/m/Q1zbKmVxBAAJ).

    Keep grasping, shit stain. What credibility you had left evaporated with these last three discussions where your aggression is a thinly veiled lament at the lack of attention I've been paying you.

    In reality, the little shit stain was hiding scared under his bed holding his bedpan until he was sure I was out of the country. My trip though Bandon was cut short due to having to shift our schedule to meet relatives that evening in Killarney. We
    did stop for lunch at The Old Market Bar. I had the Thai Red Chicken Curry and the lovely missus had the Slow Cooked Pork Belly. I asked our server Siobhan where I might find the Jute residence. Though she claimed to be local, she had never heard of
    anyone in Bandon named Jute, OK, A town with 8000 people, not sure a 20 something local resident would know everyone, but the way shit stain brags about his notoriety one would think he was talked about in public schools. Unless - as we all here surmise -
    the shit stain is in fact completely full of shit. Siobhan suggested we speak to the bartender.

    The bartenders name was Sean, an older gentleman with a pleasant demeanor. When I asked him, he thought for a moment, then said he knew of an old bastard named jute in a shanty on the outskirts of town who cant' get out any more. Then he mentioned it
    couldn't be the same guy, since there was no way "that old melter" (his word) he knew was the "world-famous author' I was seeking to autograph one of his books. (A ruse on my part, of course). Then he said "never heard of that one any more than act the
    maggot". We had good chuckle over that, then chatted for a bit about the local history, and he offered the missus and I a personal tour through upcoming Taste of Bandon food festival if we were around.

    So, no, shit stain, you aren't bigger/faster than me, and never were. You're just a chicken shit old useless shell of a human whose sole list of accomplishments consists of contrived tales in shitty romance novels.

    Tell us again how you were fired from the Irish Examiner where they scrubbed every article you ever wrote for them out of disgust and embarrassment for having ever entertained the thought of paying you, to the extent that the sole reference to your
    employment is a letter of complaint...https://www.irishexaminer.com/maintopics/person-jute_topic-3081854.html

    You two pathetic little insignificant stains on humanity can go back mutually masturbating each other. I have no interest in further engagement.

    I shall close with kunich and the little shit stains hypocrisy in full view
    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    I wouldn't bet money on Flunky being a man. There's a whole lot of girlish spite in Flunky's vomitings on this forum. Maybe a closeted transvestite, at best. -- AJ

    Whereas the little shit stain wrote "Repeatedly accusing people of being "queer". He's a closeted queer, afraid people will find out."


    Below my signature are the receipts of the Cowardly Flunkymonkey publicly threatening me with physical violence.

    Please point to the exact phrase where I threatened you physically, shit stain. They aren't there. They are offers to visit, nothing more. If you took any of those quotes as physical threats, it's more revealing of your cowardice and shame for your
    behaviour that any misinterpretations you level, especially when compared to your direct threat against me..."I'll kick him in the nuts when I see him" (https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cIy0DJaWYMg/m/Q1zbKmVxBAAJ). Essentially, you're a
    scared, lying piece of shit.

    Above you can read his admission that he came to within a few hundred yards of me, and bottled out, and his excuses and further made-up abuse supported by "facts" from made-up barmen and waitresses, plus some lies about Flunkymonkey family's lunch in

    Awww...poor little shit stain thinks that because every word out of his mouth (keyboard) is a lie, then everyone else must be lying as well. Sorry, shit stain - it's a true as the sunrise.

    Imagine, as a commercial choice, a bar which serves offal to customers! ("Would you like a ladle of slurry over your pigs' guts, sir? It's cowshed floor scrapings diluted with water. Yummy!") You'll be trying to imagine an impossibility. Offal was
    banned as a foodstuff in Ireland during the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD or, in the vernacular, "mad cow disease") scare about twenty years ago.

    Proof that the shit stain hasn't left his assisted living quarters in quite some time. Here's a picture of the menu offered by The Old Market Bar:

    - Slow Cooked Pork Belly with Stir Fry Vegetables and Basmati Rice in Hoi Sin sauce
    - Thai Red Chicken Curry with Basmati rice and Naan

    I'm sure The Old Market Bar would absolutely love to hear you accuse them of selling offal. Should I post your quote to their facebook page, or would you be willing to do it? Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/people/Old-Market-Bar-Bistro-Bandon/

    I'm sure Sean - as kind as he was to us - would love to offer to help you change your mind. I don't have any experience with a truly scorned Irish barman, but I'd love to hear your experience after he sets you straight.

    The cowardly Flunkymonkey had mad cow disease eating away whatever braincells he started with, judging by his apologia for himself above, and the receipts of his threats below:

    Again, point out threats, shit stain. I see 'visit', 'give him your regards', 'look up your assisted living quarters', 'offer to meet you'.

    The laughable shit stain, scared old useless failed journalist...lol...try again, shit stain, watching you flail as I pull your strings is wildly entertaining - quite possibly the only use for your pointless life these days (as if there ever was much
    more use for it).

    Shit stains legacy in one letter to the editor - https://www.irishexaminer.com/maintopics/person-jute_topic-3081854.html

    (so much for 'teflon'...lol)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tom Kunich@21:1/5 to Andre Jute on Wed Nov 29 07:31:24 2023
    On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 4:05:02 PM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 5:40:07 PM UTC, funkma...@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 9:57:53 AM UTC-5, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 5:43:07 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4:58:39 AM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM: “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM:
    “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house,
    marked by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I
    could see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and
    led him away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before
    he was deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes
    or however many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    I've received no less than a dozen emails and texts from my friends in the forum all laughing hysterically at how I can disappear for a few months and still troll these two idiots without posting a word. So I finally pop back in and see that they've
    created at least three separate discussion dedicated to me in two months. I guess this is a free lesson to everyone in this forum on how to live rent free in someones head without even trying.

    Let's first think about kunich's laughable assertion that I've been fired - hey sparky, if I had been fired, I'd be free to waste even _more_ time in here. In actuality I've been pulled into a major renovation project with Exxon-Mobil in England. I'
    ve been traveling a lot, and meeting whit other Functional Safety and Hazardous Location regulatory engineers to ensure a clean, safe, and maintainable installations process controls. The UK government is still a bit stung from the Buncefield incident,
    and since there has never been a mishap where our equipment has been installed they chose us.

    I'm still very well respected here, and in fact am even typing this during working hours since I'm ahead of the deliverables for Exxon, even after taking 4 days off for thanksgiving. Remember sparky, no matter how many times you tell the lies about
    my wife and my technical abilities, they will neve become true.

    Now let's turn to tommy's sycophantic little shit stain. I see I live so deeply in his head that he went back though quite literally hundreds of my postings grasping for what he ridiculously characterized as physical threats. Not only do we see there
    is no mention - or even hint - of physical confrontation on my part, but contrast that with his blatant threat against me "I'll kick him in the nuts when I see him" (https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cIy0DJaWYMg/m/Q1zbKmVxBAAJ).

    Keep grasping, shit stain. What credibility you had left evaporated with these last three discussions where your aggression is a thinly veiled lament at the lack of attention I've been paying you.

    In reality, the little shit stain was hiding scared under his bed holding his bedpan until he was sure I was out of the country. My trip though Bandon was cut short due to having to shift our schedule to meet relatives that evening in Killarney. We
    did stop for lunch at The Old Market Bar. I had the Thai Red Chicken Curry and the lovely missus had the Slow Cooked Pork Belly. I asked our server Siobhan where I might find the Jute residence. Though she claimed to be local, she had never heard of
    anyone in Bandon named Jute, OK, A town with 8000 people, not sure a 20 something local resident would know everyone, but the way shit stain brags about his notoriety one would think he was talked about in public schools. Unless - as we all here surmise -
    the shit stain is in fact completely full of shit. Siobhan suggested we speak to the bartender.

    The bartenders name was Sean, an older gentleman with a pleasant demeanor. When I asked him, he thought for a moment, then said he knew of an old bastard named jute in a shanty on the outskirts of town who cant' get out any more. Then he mentioned it
    couldn't be the same guy, since there was no way "that old melter" (his word) he knew was the "world-famous author' I was seeking to autograph one of his books. (A ruse on my part, of course). Then he said "never heard of that one any more than act the
    maggot". We had good chuckle over that, then chatted for a bit about the local history, and he offered the missus and I a personal tour through upcoming Taste of Bandon food festival if we were around.

    So, no, shit stain, you aren't bigger/faster than me, and never were. You're just a chicken shit old useless shell of a human whose sole list of accomplishments consists of contrived tales in shitty romance novels.

    Tell us again how you were fired from the Irish Examiner where they scrubbed every article you ever wrote for them out of disgust and embarrassment for having ever entertained the thought of paying you, to the extent that the sole reference to your
    employment is a letter of complaint...https://www.irishexaminer.com/maintopics/person-jute_topic-3081854.html

    You two pathetic little insignificant stains on humanity can go back mutually masturbating each other. I have no interest in further engagement.

    I shall close with kunich and the little shit stains hypocrisy in full view
    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    I wouldn't bet money on Flunky being a man. There's a whole lot of girlish spite in Flunky's vomitings on this forum. Maybe a closeted transvestite, at best. -- AJ

    Whereas the little shit stain wrote "Repeatedly accusing people of being "queer". He's a closeted queer, afraid people will find out."


    Below my signature are the receipts of the Cowardly Flunkymonkey publicly threatening me with physical violence. Above you can read his admission that he came to within a few hundred yards of me, and bottled out, and his excuses and further made-up
    abuse supported by "facts" from made-up barmen and waitresses, plus some lies about Flunkymonkey family's lunch in Bandon. Imagine, as a commercial choice, a bar which serves offal to customers! ("Would you like a ladle of slurry over your pigs' guts,
    sir? It's cowshed floor scrapings diluted with water. Yummy!") You'll be trying to imagine an impossibility. Offal was banned as a foodstuff in Ireland during the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD or, in the vernacular, "mad cow disease") scare about twenty
    years ago. The cowardly Flunkymonkey had mad cow disease eating away whatever braincells he started with, judging by his apologia for himself above, and the receipts of his threats below:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked by
    a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could see
    my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    Baseless threats from a freak that is afraid to use his own name or anything else that might identify the sissy little baby.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andre Jute@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Wed Nov 29 17:12:43 2023
    On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 3:31:27 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 4:05:02 PM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 5:40:07 PM UTC, funkma...@hotmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 9:57:53 AM UTC-5, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 5:43:07 PM UTC, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4:58:39 AM UTC-8, Andre Jute wrote:
    On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 3:37:35 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM: “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM:
    “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my
    house, marked by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house
    where I could see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear
    and led him away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch
    before he was deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    I wonder, has his wife gated the Flunkymonkey for spoiling their second honeymoon with his obsession about me? What a crying shame for a man -- if the Flunkymonkey is even a man, since an anonymous dark on the net can be any of the five sexes
    or however many alphabet soup soups there are now for the wokies -- to be so obviously under his wife's thumb. -- AJ

    I've received no less than a dozen emails and texts from my friends in the forum all laughing hysterically at how I can disappear for a few months and still troll these two idiots without posting a word. So I finally pop back in and see that they'
    ve created at least three separate discussion dedicated to me in two months. I guess this is a free lesson to everyone in this forum on how to live rent free in someones head without even trying.

    Let's first think about kunich's laughable assertion that I've been fired - hey sparky, if I had been fired, I'd be free to waste even _more_ time in here. In actuality I've been pulled into a major renovation project with Exxon-Mobil in England. I'
    ve been traveling a lot, and meeting whit other Functional Safety and Hazardous Location regulatory engineers to ensure a clean, safe, and maintainable installations process controls. The UK government is still a bit stung from the Buncefield incident,
    and since there has never been a mishap where our equipment has been installed they chose us.

    I'm still very well respected here, and in fact am even typing this during working hours since I'm ahead of the deliverables for Exxon, even after taking 4 days off for thanksgiving. Remember sparky, no matter how many times you tell the lies about
    my wife and my technical abilities, they will neve become true.

    Now let's turn to tommy's sycophantic little shit stain. I see I live so deeply in his head that he went back though quite literally hundreds of my postings grasping for what he ridiculously characterized as physical threats. Not only do we see
    there is no mention - or even hint - of physical confrontation on my part, but contrast that with his blatant threat against me "I'll kick him in the nuts when I see him" (https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cIy0DJaWYMg/m/Q1zbKmVxBAAJ).

    Keep grasping, shit stain. What credibility you had left evaporated with these last three discussions where your aggression is a thinly veiled lament at the lack of attention I've been paying you.

    In reality, the little shit stain was hiding scared under his bed holding his bedpan until he was sure I was out of the country. My trip though Bandon was cut short due to having to shift our schedule to meet relatives that evening in Killarney. We
    did stop for lunch at The Old Market Bar. I had the Thai Red Chicken Curry and the lovely missus had the Slow Cooked Pork Belly. I asked our server Siobhan where I might find the Jute residence. Though she claimed to be local, she had never heard of
    anyone in Bandon named Jute, OK, A town with 8000 people, not sure a 20 something local resident would know everyone, but the way shit stain brags about his notoriety one would think he was talked about in public schools. Unless - as we all here surmise -
    the shit stain is in fact completely full of shit. Siobhan suggested we speak to the bartender.

    The bartenders name was Sean, an older gentleman with a pleasant demeanor. When I asked him, he thought for a moment, then said he knew of an old bastard named jute in a shanty on the outskirts of town who cant' get out any more. Then he mentioned
    it couldn't be the same guy, since there was no way "that old melter" (his word) he knew was the "world-famous author' I was seeking to autograph one of his books. (A ruse on my part, of course). Then he said "never heard of that one any more than act
    the maggot". We had good chuckle over that, then chatted for a bit about the local history, and he offered the missus and I a personal tour through upcoming Taste of Bandon food festival if we were around.

    So, no, shit stain, you aren't bigger/faster than me, and never were. You're just a chicken shit old useless shell of a human whose sole list of accomplishments consists of contrived tales in shitty romance novels.

    Tell us again how you were fired from the Irish Examiner where they scrubbed every article you ever wrote for them out of disgust and embarrassment for having ever entertained the thought of paying you, to the extent that the sole reference to your
    employment is a letter of complaint...https://www.irishexaminer.com/maintopics/person-jute_topic-3081854.html

    You two pathetic little insignificant stains on humanity can go back mutually masturbating each other. I have no interest in further engagement.

    I shall close with kunich and the little shit stains hypocrisy in full view
    Remember that he didn't even mention a wife until I said that he was responding like a queer. So perhaps his "wife" is a man.

    I wouldn't bet money on Flunky being a man. There's a whole lot of girlish spite in Flunky's vomitings on this forum. Maybe a closeted transvestite, at best. -- AJ

    Whereas the little shit stain wrote "Repeatedly accusing people of being "queer". He's a closeted queer, afraid people will find out."


    Below my signature are the receipts of the Cowardly Flunkymonkey publicly threatening me with physical violence. Above you can read his admission that he came to within a few hundred yards of me, and bottled out, and his excuses and further made-up
    abuse supported by "facts" from made-up barmen and waitresses, plus some lies about Flunkymonkey family's lunch in Bandon. Imagine, as a commercial choice, a bar which serves offal to customers! ("Would you like a ladle of slurry over your pigs' guts,
    sir? It's cowshed floor scrapings diluted with water. Yummy!") You'll be trying to imagine an impossibility. Offal was banned as a foodstuff in Ireland during the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD or, in the vernacular, "mad cow disease") scare about twenty
    years ago. The cowardly Flunkymonkey had mad cow disease eating away whatever braincells he started with, judging by his apologia for himself above, and the receipts of his threats below:

    Flunkymonkey threatens to beat me up, Feb 7, 2023, 5:22:23 PM:
    “I'll let your little butt buddy andre give you the full rundown after my visit to Bandon this fall - if he's still able.”

    Flunkymonkey repeats his threat to beat me up, Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:13 PM: “I'll also be taking a two-week trip to Ireland with my wife the in september. I'll be driving through Bandon, I'll be sure to drop into to andre's assisted-living hovel and give him your regards.”

    Flunkeymonkey gives us another peek at his cocky shortass mentality, Aug 14, 2023, 11:06:09 AM:
    “I'll be passing through Bandoon on september 13. I'll be sure to look up your assisted living quarters and share your level of socialist indulgence with the group.”

    Flunkeymonkey sets the date and the time for beating me up, Aug 22, 2023, 7:00:01 PM:
    “My wife and I will be in Bandon on or about September 13 as part of our two week trip to Ireland. I'll post here when I'll be there exactly, and 'offer' to meet you in one of the local pubs...”

    Some random thoughts:

    1. What sort of scum brings his wife to “reaffirm our wows” – to a bar fight?

    2. What sort of scum expects me to start a bar fight and ruin the pleasant evening of my neighbours and friends in a country that made my family welcome?

    3. Why should I want to meet someone for whom I’ve repeatedly, consistently iterated my contempt?

    4. Flunky reminds me of another insecure scumball who travelled 3000+ miles in the vain hope that I would validate his insignificant existence, the Magnequest Slime fellow-traveller Ned Carlson. That clown came to within 50 yards of my house, marked
    by a thirty-foot high entrance arch and a four storey house behind, and he not only looked the wrong way but foolishly published a photograph of his stupidity. I was about thirty paces behind him, prepared to act if he approached my house where I could
    see my wife putting vases of flowers on the landings, so I know exactly what happened.

    5. I’d already refused to validate the Flunkymonkey’s insignificant existence when he offered to tell me his name and I publicly declined. I don’t name the rats in my laboratory.

    6. The above quotations make it quite clear the cowardly shortass Flunky hoped to beat up a decrepit, bespectacled old intellectual. He isn't even creative enough to be the first to make that mistake!

    7. I never heard from Flunkymonkey after all those threats over a period of months (there are more than the items quoted above but my research assistant had other work to get on with). I imagine Flunky’s wife took him firmly by the ear and led him
    away like an obnoxious child before he could ruin their holiday. Certainly, if he started a bar fight, he would have been deported, and if he pulled the weapon people like him always carry, he would have been jailed for a good long stretch before he was
    deported. His wife acted wisely.

    8. One wonders what the blustering little coward Flunky thought violence would prove, except that I’m larger and faster than he is, and am the unmarked survivor of decades of contact- and blood-sports.

    Andre Jute
    Flunky isn’t only scum, he’s cowardly scum.

    Baseless threats from a freak that is afraid to use his own name or anything else that might identify the sissy little baby.

    The little scumbag the Cowardly Flunkymonkey came to RBT specifically to abuse me. someone who never did him any harm, a total stranger. His faith that anyone will believe that he intended to meet with me in a spirit of good fellowship is touching. But I
    don't socialise with sewer rejects like the Cowardly Flunkeymonkey. Anyhow, I've no time to bicker with that clown and thereby raise his online profile. Soon enough the guy who set him on me will be around to reprimand him in public for his failure to "
    get Jute", as he did to previous surrogates he set on me on rec.audio,tube after the Magnequest Scum ran away to hide behind a firewall. One Henry Pasternak, generally known as Pompass Plodnick after he locked horns with me, sequentially set Poopy
    Stevenson, Stinko Pinkerton, Worthless Wiecky Wieck and some others, whose names I can't be bothered to remember, on me, all of whom retired hurt, with their selfconfidence damaged for life. Lowlifes like the Cowardly Flunkymonkey are real slow learners.
    -- AJ

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)