• Re: Have you ever?

    From Joy Beeson@21:1/5 to frkrygow@sbcglobal.net on Sat Nov 5 20:52:02 2022
    Just as I was ready to send this, BrightSpeed stopped functioning for
    a couple of weeks. Since the conversation will be long over before I
    can read it, I changed the newsgroup from .tech to .misc

    On Mon, 24 Oct 2022 12:06:52 -0400, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    Bicycling - Have You Ever?

    Have you ever:

    - Joined a bike club? -- yes

    - Ridden on a club ride? -- yes

    - Led a club ride? yes

    - Ridden your bike to a bike club meeting? *

    - Volunteered for a bike club committee position? yes

    - Been a bike club officer? No

    - Volunteered for a bike rodeo? No

    - Served on a bike advocacy committee or board? No

    - Run an invitational bike ride or event? No

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Read a book about bicycling? Yes

    - Written a book about bicycling? No

    - Had an article published in a bicycling magazine or newspaper? No

    - Had a photograph published in a bike magazine? **

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Taken a bicycling class? Yes

    - Taught a bicycling class? No

    - Practiced a rock dodge? Yes. Didn't take.

    - Practiced emergency braking? Need to. Can't figure out how to practice being surprised.

    - Practiced an emergency evasive turn? yes

    - Jumped your bike over a pothole? No. Fell off road edges a lot. By good luck never one of those where you land in a treetop.

    - Been chased by a scary dog? Single dogs annoying. Whole pack scary.

    - Been bitten by a scary dog? He wasnt' scary at all.

    - Trained someone’s dog to not chase you? Yes

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Displayed a bike-themed decoration inside your house? Are you nuts?

    - Displayed a bike-themed decoration in your yard? Are you nuts?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Biked to work? I commute by carpet slipper.

    - Biked to buy your groceries? Almost always.

    - Ridden at night for fun? Yes.

    - Ridden at night for transportation? Dark I can handle. Cold I can handle. Tired I can handle. All three? Nope.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Used a generator headlight? No

    - Put a rack on your bike? There are bikes without one?

    - Put fenders on your bike? There are bikes without them?

    - ... with a mudflap? Yes.

    - Put a kickstand on your “good” bike? ***

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden a bike wearing lycra? I think there was lycra in some of my jersies

    - Ridden a bike wearing wool instead of lycra? You've got that backward.

    - Ridden 25 miles in blue jeans? I think I managed two miles once.

    - Ridden with toe clips? Yes

    - Ridden with clipless pedals? No

    - Ridden with a rain cape? I mounted up wearing one once, looked back, got off and took it off.

    - Ridden without a helmet? Yes

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Repaired a flat tire? Yes

    - Adjusted a derailleur? Yes

    - Wrapped your own handlebars? No.

    - Built a bike wheel? No

    - Built a bicycle frame? No

    - Built a bike from the frame up? You mean adding components to a frameset?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden a racing bike? My first real bike was an outdated racing bike.

    - Ridden a fixed gear bike? No

    - Ridden a mountain bike? No

    - Ridden a recumbent? No

    - Ridden a tandem? As captain? As stoker? No

    - Ridden an adult tricycle? Yes

    - Ridden an antique “ordinary” or high wheeler? No

    - Ridden a unicycle? First saw one after I was much too brittle to try it.

    - Ridden an eBike? No

    - Towed a bicycle trailer? No

    - Ridden carrying a kid in a bike child seat? Absodamnlutely Not!

    - Owned more than three bikes? Yes

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Visited a bicycle museum? No

    - Watched an organized bike race, in person? Yes

    - Competed in an organized bike race? I came in next-to-last in the Travers. I was terribly disappointed to learn that I'd lapped the guy I was behind.

    - Won an organized bike race? Snerk.

    - Competed in an organized time trial? No

    - Ridden on a velodrome? No

    - Competed in a velodrome race? No

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Crashed? Yes

    - Ridden more than a year without crashing? Yes

    - Ridden more than ten years without crashing? Probably. Some crashes not worth remembering.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden 50 miles? Yes

    - Ridden a metric century? (100 km) No

    - Ridden a century? (100 miles) Yes

    - Ridden a double metric? No

    - Ridden a double century? I think I'd ridden a double metric when an old calf injury reactivated and stranded me in the Glendale In, which mutated into "in Glendal" by the time the double-century people got the message.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden faster than the speed limit? Probably

    - Ridden faster than 35 mph? Possibly; after thirty I'm too busy to count.

    - Ridden fast than 50 mph? I doubt it.

    - Gotten a ticket while riding your bike? Had my welfare checked a few times, but I was on foot when a cop made me cross a state road twice to avoid ten feet of right shoulder.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden across Ohio? No

    - Ridden across Pennsylvania? No

    - Ridden across any other state? Probably, or at least a province.

    - Ridden across the U.S.? No

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden 2000 miles in a year? Don't keep track.

    - Ridden 5000 miles in a year? Don't keep track.

    - Ridden 10,000 miles in a year? Don't keep track.

    - Done an overnight bike trip? Yes

    - Done a multi-day camping bike trip? Sorta

    - Done a really long bike tour? Yes

    - Done a bike tour overseas? Yes

    - Planned and navigated your own bike tour? The four of us did.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden on a bike path? Never saw one, but I use a lot of recreationways.

    - Ridden on a four-lane road? Yes. Frequently if you count Center Street.

    - Ridden on a freeway (where legal)? It wasn't exactly legal, but I knew no other way.

    - Ridden somewhere that was definitely not legal? I don't *think* so.

    - Ridden your road bike where most people would use a mountain bike? Yes

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden in the rain? Yes

    - Ridden in the snow? Yes

    - Ridden hotter than 100 degrees? Nineties is about as hot as it gets around here.

    - Ridden colder than 32 degrees? Yes

    - Ridden colder than 0 degrees? Not sure. Used to get icycles on my fenders.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden a month without missing a day? No

    - Ridden a year without missing a day? No

    - Parked your car for a week and used your bike instead? I've been known to use the car instead of the bike.

    - Parked your car for a month and used your bike instead? What a silly stunt!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Ridden in a Tweed Ride? What's a Tweed Ride? 1890s re-enactment?

    - Ridden in a Naked Bike Ride? Yuck.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - Attended a regional bike convention? September Century

    - Attended a national bike convention? GEAR

    - Thought about other items to add to this list? No

    * I remember changing clothes in a handicap stall, and I'm pretty sure
    that the meeting was about bikes. The regular meetings of the MHW
    were after dark, and on a road with a sharp drop-off at the edge that
    once caused me to spin the car, narrowly miss a twenty-foot snow bank,
    and end up in the other lane pointed back the way I came. Before I
    found a place to turn around, I had an attack of common sense and went

    On another occasion, I intended to work out at a gym, backtrack to
    Burger King for supper, and then go to the meeting. While waiting for
    the light, I worried about whether I could get out of my parking place
    at Burger King. When the light changed, I went straight through from
    the left-turn lane and went home. Since I was the only one daft
    enough to be out in that weather, the lane I was in didn't matter.

    ** I was interviewed for the Albany Time-Union, and I was photographed
    for Ink-Free News.

    *** My first bike came with a kickstand. I took it off when I learned
    that it was impossible to keep it clean enough to keep it from rusting
    my frame. Many, many years and a sprained knee later, I bought a
    "comfort" bike with an integral kickstand. One day I parked by simply
    getting off and walking away, and just as I was thinking "maybe I
    should re-think my stand on kickstands", I heard a crash and looked
    back to see my bike lying flat and the basket and its contents
    scattered over the parking lot.

    Joy Beeson
    joy beeson at centurylink dot net

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  • From Joy Beeson@21:1/5 to jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid on Mon Nov 14 22:06:13 2022
    On Sat, 05 Nov 2022 20:52:02 -0400, Joy Beeson
    <jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid> wrote:

    Some crashes not worth remembering.

    Oops! Leaving the "are" out of "some crashes are not worth
    remembering" changes the meaning entirely.

    Glendale In, which mutated into "in Glendal"

    Glendale Inn mutated into "in Glendale"

    Joy Beeson
    joy beeson at centurylink dot net

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