• Another 14 birthday solo TCSC

    From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 19 12:52:03 2022
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the foot
    steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hank Nixon@21:1/5 to youngbl...@gmail.com on Sun Nov 20 10:56:23 2022
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the foot
    steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist

    Yoose guys are doin' good!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Hank Nixon on Mon Nov 28 15:45:54 2022
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the foot
    steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Whiteley@21:1/5 to youngbl...@gmail.com on Mon Nov 28 16:41:26 2022
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the
    foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member

    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member

    Frank Whiteley

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Greenwell@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 28 20:07:11 2022
    T24gMTEvMjgvMjAyMiA0OjQxIFBNLCBGcmFuayBXaGl0ZWxleSB3cm90ZToNCj4gT24gTW9u ZGF5LCBOb3ZlbWJlciAyOCwgMjAyMiBhdCA0OjQ1OjU2IFBNIFVUQy03LCB5b3VuZ2JsLi4u QGdtYWlsLmNvbSB3cm90ZToNCj4+IE9uIFN1bmRheSwgTm92ZW1iZXIgMjAsIDIwMjIgYXQg MTo1NjoyNSBQTSBVVEMtNSwgSGFuayBOaXhvbiB3cm90ZToNCj4+PiBPbiBTYXR1cmRheSwg Tm92ZW1iZXIgMTksIDIwMjIgYXQgMzo1MjowNSBQTSBVVEMtNSwgeW91bmdibC4uLkBnbWFp bC5jb20gd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4+IFdlIGRpZCBpdCBhZ2FpbiwgVHlsZXIgRGV3ZW50ZXIgbWFk ZSBoaXMgc29sbyBmbGlnaHQgdG9kYXkgaGVyZSBhdCBUQ1NDLCB3ZSBzZWVtIHRvIGJlIGFk ZGluZyBhIGxvdCBvZiBnb29kIHlvdW5nIGdsaWRlciBwaWxvdHMgdG8gb3VyIGNsdWIuIEFs c28gYSB5b3VuZyAxNCB5ZWFyIG9sZCBnaXJsIHNob3dlZCB1cCB0b2RheSBhbmQgd2lsbCBi ZSBqb2luaW5nIG91ciB5b3V0aCBwcm9ncmFtIGFuZCBmb2xsb3dpbmcgaW4gdGhlIGZvb3Qg c3RlcHMgb2YgdGhlIGdyb3VwIG9mIHlvdW5nIGdsaWRlciBwaWxvdHMuIE9sZCBCb2IsIFRo ZSBQdXJpc3QNCj4+PiBZb29zZSBndXlzIGFyZSBkb2luJyBnb29kIQ0KPj4+IFVIDQo+PiBU aGFua3MgSGFuaywgd2UgdHJ5IHZlcnkgaGFyZCB0byBkZXZlbG9wIHlvdW5nIGdsaWRlciBw aWxvdHMgYW5kIElNSE8gd2UgaGF2ZSBkb25lIGV4dHJlbWVseSB3ZWxsLiBKdXN0IHllc3Rl cmRheSBJIHRvd2VkIDQgeW91dGggbWVtYmVycyBhdCAxNSB5ZWFycyBvbGQgYW5kIGxlc3Mg b24gc29sbyBmbGlnaHRzLiBTaW5jZSBKdW5lIDggSSBoYXZlIG1hZGUgNDUwIHRvd3MgZm9y IHRyYWluaW5nIGZsaWdodHMgaW4gb3VyIG5ld2x5IHJlYnVpbHQgMi0zMyxBS0EgU2t5IEhh Zy4gQSAxNCB5ZWFyIG9sZCB3YXMgb3VyIGxhc3Qgc29sbyBvbiBoaXMgMTR0aCBiaXJ0aGRh eSwgeWV0IEZyYW5rIFdoaXRlbGV5IHRvb2sgaXQgdXBvbiBoaW1zZWxmIHRvIGJlcmF0ZSB0 aGUgYWNoaWV2ZW1lbnQgYW5kIGNsYWltIHRoYXQgaGUgd2FzIG5vdCBhbiBTU0EgbWVtYmVy LiBHbyBiYWNrIHRvIFIncyB0aHJlYWQgdG8gcmVhZCBoaXMgY29tbWVudHMuIFdoZXRoZXIg YSBtZW1iZXIgb24gbm90ICwgYW5kIGhlIGlzIGEgbWVtYmVyICwgYW5kIGhpcyA1MnllYXIg b2xkIGZhdGhlciB3YXMgbGlzdGVkIGFzIGEgeW91dGggbWVtYmVyLCBob3cgZG9lcyB0aGF0 IGhhcHBlbiwgbWF5YmUgdGhleSBjb3VsZCBtYWtlIG1lIGEgeW91dGggbWVtYmVyLCB0aGF0 IHdvdWxkIGJlIGdyZWF0LiBJbiBzaXggeWVhcnMgb3VyIGNsdWIgaGFzIG5ldmVyIGhhZCBh IG1vbnRoIGluIHRoZSByZWQgZmluYW5jaWFsbHksIG9uZSBtaWdodCBqdXN0IGJlIHNob2Nr ZWQgYXQgb3VyIGZpbmFuY2lhbCBzdGFuZGluZyBhbmQgd2UgYXJlIG9uIHRoZSBsZWFkaW5n IGVkZ2Ugb2YgYSBncmVhdCBpbmZsdXggb2YgZnVuZHMuIEkgYW0ganVzdCBhdCBhIGxvc3Mg b2Ygd29yZHMgYXMgdG8gd2h5IGFueW9uZSB3b3VsZCBkaW1pbmlzaCB0aGUgYWNoaWV2ZW1l bnQgb2YgYSAxNCB5ZWFyIG9sZCBvbiBvbmUgb2YgdGhlIG1vc3QgbWVtb3JhYmxlIHRpbWVz IG9uIHRoZWlyIGxpZmUuIEJvYiBZb3VuZ2Jsb29kLCBTU0EgTWVtYmVyDQo+IA0KPiBJIG5l dmVyIG1lbnRpb25lZCBUeWxlciBieSBuYW1lIG5vciBkaWQgSSBiZXJhdGUgaGlzIGFjY29t cGxzaG1lbnQuICBJIG1lcmVseSBwb2ludGVkIG91dCB0byB5b3UgdGhhdCB0aGUgcmVjZW50 IHlvdW5nIHNvbG8gcGlsb3Qgd2FzIG5vdCBhbiBTU0EgbWVtYmVyIGZvbGxvd2luZyB5b3Vy IGNvbW1lbnQgdGhhdCBhbGwgeW91ciBjbHViIHlvdXRoIHdlcmUgU1NBIG1lbWJlcnMsIFR5 bGVyJ3Mgc2l0dWF0aW9uIHRoYXQgaGFzIHNpbmNlIGJlZW4gcmVjdGlmaWVkLiAgVG8gdGhh dCBlbmQsIGFsbCBzaG91bGQgYmUgYXdhcmUgdGhhdCBqdXN0IGJlY2F1c2Ugc29tZW9uZSBt YXkgYXBwZWFyIGluIHRoZSBtZW1iZXIgYmxvZyBvbiB3d3cuc3NhLm9yZywgaXMgbm90IHBy b29mIG9mIG1lbWJlcnNoaXAgaW4gdGhlIFNTQS4gIFNTQSBNZW1iZXJzaGlwIERhdGEgb24g aHR0cHM6Ly9tZW1iZXJzLnNzYS5vcmcgaXMgdGhlIG9ubHkgdmFsaWQgc291cmNlIG9mIGN1 cnJlbnQgbWVtYmVyIGRhdGEuDQo+IA0KPiBGcmFuayBXaGl0ZWxleQ0KDQpDb3VsZCB0aGVy ZSBiZSBpbnN1cmFuY2UgaXNzdWVzIGlmIGNsdWIgcGlsb3RzIGFyZSBub3QgU1NBIG1lbWJl cnM/DQotLSANCkVyaWMgR3JlZW53ZWxsIC0gVVNBDQotICJBIEd1aWRlIHRvIFNlbGYtbGF1 bmNoaW5nIFNhaWxwbGFuZSBPcGVyYXRpb24iDQogICAgaHR0cHM6Ly9zaXRlcy5nb29nbGUu Y29tL3NpdGUvbW90b3JnbGlkZXJzL3B1YmxpY2F0aW9ucw0KDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 2G@21:1/5 to Frank Whiteley on Mon Nov 28 20:26:06 2022
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:41:28 PM UTC-8, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the
    foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley

    Frank, ignore PottyMouth - he is strung WAY TOO TIGHT!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Eric Greenwell on Mon Nov 28 22:25:16 2022
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 11:08:57 PM UTC-5, Eric Greenwell wrote:
    On 11/28/2022 4:41 PM, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the
    foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member

    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    Could there be insurance issues if club pilots are not SSA members?
    Eric Greenwell - USA
    - "A Guide to Self-launching Sailplane Operation" https://sites.google.com/site/motorgliders/publications
    Eric, we run a pretty tight ship, several years ago our club voted not to become a chapter club, We carry plenty of insurance through Costello and other vendors including D&O insurance and other insurance. It is extremely troubling that you cannot get
    good information from the SSA website. Say you log on and scroll down to find members the resulting searches do NOT provide accurate information, some current members do not show up in the find results, yet I had in hand a copy of two current members
    cards and member numbers. So, I guess as Frank confirms just because someone shows up as a member under find members it doesn't mean they are members and also someone can be a member and not show up as a member at all. Why would the Member dot org show
    any different information than Find Members under your login options? Bob Youngblood SSA Member

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hank Nixon@21:1/5 to Frank Whiteley on Tue Nov 29 05:30:42 2022
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the
    foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley

    When the first thing that is said is a comment about SSA membership it reflects an indication that it is somehow negative if someone is not a member.
    That is nonsense. What is important is that we grow the sport any way we can. SSA membership is a fairly good indicator of growth, and can be a useful resource but it is not an end all and be all.
    I'm fairly familiar with how this club works and know that they require SSA membership to be covered under their insurance plan.
    The fact that an individual membership may not show up on researching in some parts of the SSA system in not the fault of the member, it is a shortfall in the SSA system that in my experience does not work all that well.
    The fact that we still need to use the legacy web site for many of the important things we need is just one indication of how far SSA needs to go to get to full functionality.
    I'm a 60 year lifetime member so I think I probably have some perspective here. UH

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hank Nixon@21:1/5 to johngf...@gmail.com on Tue Nov 29 07:51:18 2022
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 10:41:02 AM UTC-5, johngf...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6:30:44 AM UTC-7, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our
    newly rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member
    on not , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just
    be shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has
    since been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current
    member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    When the first thing that is said is a comment about SSA membership it reflects an indication that it is somehow negative if someone is not a member.
    That is nonsense. What is important is that we grow the sport any way we can. SSA membership is a fairly good indicator of growth, and can be a useful resource but it is not an end all and be all.
    I'm fairly familiar with how this club works and know that they require SSA membership to be covered under their insurance plan.
    The fact that an individual membership may not show up on researching in some parts of the SSA system in not the fault of the member, it is a shortfall in the SSA system that in my experience does not work all that well.
    The fact that we still need to use the legacy web site for many of the important things we need is just one indication of how far SSA needs to go to get to full functionality.
    I'm a 60 year lifetime member so I think I probably have some perspective here.
    Agreed! The SSA website needs a major overhaul, to be simplified, where everything is accessible from one site with one login. Why do we need two separate logins to access two different sites, that are linked together? Some information is available on
    one site, but you have to go to the other to find different information, with another/different login. Very cumbersome to use.

    The main reason is that the new web site was designed from the start to be a marketing tool, something that was and is very much needed.
    What was lost in the planning is that much of the member services the SSA provides are data base type stuff. The principle developer seemed to think this was not very important and paid little attention to this. It remains unclear to me how this will
    ultimately be resolved. I use the Members legacy site for literally everything I do associated with SSA .

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Foster@21:1/5 to Hank Nixon on Tue Nov 29 07:41:00 2022
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6:30:44 AM UTC-7, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    When the first thing that is said is a comment about SSA membership it reflects an indication that it is somehow negative if someone is not a member.
    That is nonsense. What is important is that we grow the sport any way we can. SSA membership is a fairly good indicator of growth, and can be a useful resource but it is not an end all and be all.
    I'm fairly familiar with how this club works and know that they require SSA membership to be covered under their insurance plan.
    The fact that an individual membership may not show up on researching in some parts of the SSA system in not the fault of the member, it is a shortfall in the SSA system that in my experience does not work all that well.
    The fact that we still need to use the legacy web site for many of the important things we need is just one indication of how far SSA needs to go to get to full functionality.
    I'm a 60 year lifetime member so I think I probably have some perspective here.

    Agreed! The SSA website needs a major overhaul, to be simplified, where everything is accessible from one site with one login. Why do we need two separate logins to access two different sites, that are linked together? Some information is available on
    one site, but you have to go to the other to find different information, with another/different login. Very cumbersome to use.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie M. (UH & 002 owner/pilot)@21:1/5 to Frank Whiteley on Tue Nov 29 13:51:50 2022
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the
    foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    OK, I believe you are "staff" at SSA, does the info on "SSA.ORG" match the info at "members.SSA.org"?
    If so, I have found issues in info. I run a device that is slow on the Internet, so I use "members" to skip the flashy stuff.
    If anyone has a current and valid SSA membership card, it should (within a month?) reflect on ANY SSA website.
    Just asking.
    BTW, I have been a life member since mid/late 70's. yes, I have kicked some dollars to cover the magazine and other stuff over the years...

    So, what say you/SSA?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 29 16:03:22 2022
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 4:51:52 PM UTC-5, Charlie M. (UH & 002 owner/pilot) wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    OK, I believe you are "staff" at SSA, does the info on "SSA.ORG" match the info at "members.SSA.org"?
    If so, I have found issues in info. I run a device that is slow on the Internet, so I use "members" to skip the flashy stuff.
    If anyone has a current and valid SSA membership card, it should (within a month?) reflect on ANY SSA website.
    Just asking.
    BTW, I have been a life member since mid/late 70's. yes, I have kicked some dollars to cover the magazine and other stuff over the years...

    So, what say you/SSA?
    Stay tuned, there is more coming on this topic, why should one have to navigate to different areas to get information. Information is information all within the same organization. Telling someone to search outside the find members section to another
    members section is not doing the overall members any favors. OBTP

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Whiteley@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 29 16:06:23 2022
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 2:51:52 PM UTC-7, Charlie M. (UH & 002 owner/pilot) wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    OK, I believe you are "staff" at SSA, does the info on "SSA.ORG" match the info at "members.SSA.org"?
    If so, I have found issues in info. I run a device that is slow on the Internet, so I use "members" to skip the flashy stuff.
    If anyone has a current and valid SSA membership card, it should (within a month?) reflect on ANY SSA website.
    Just asking.
    BTW, I have been a life member since mid/late 70's. yes, I have kicked some dollars to cover the magazine and other stuff over the years...

    So, what say you/SSA?
    I'm Region 9 Director and on the SSA EXCOM and have some additional voluntary roles, like others who post to RAS occasionally. The SSA and its supported/sanctioned activities engage up to 350 volunteers. The members area of www.ssa.org is essentially a
    blog. members.ssa.org is authoritative WRT memberships. I'm easy to reach.

    Frank Whiteley

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Frank Whiteley on Thu Dec 1 12:54:02 2022
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:06:25 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 2:51:52 PM UTC-7, Charlie M. (UH & 002 owner/pilot) wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our
    newly rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member
    on not , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just
    be shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has
    since been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current
    member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    OK, I believe you are "staff" at SSA, does the info on "SSA.ORG" match the info at "members.SSA.org"?
    If so, I have found issues in info. I run a device that is slow on the Internet, so I use "members" to skip the flashy stuff.
    If anyone has a current and valid SSA membership card, it should (within a month?) reflect on ANY SSA website.
    Just asking.
    BTW, I have been a life member since mid/late 70's. yes, I have kicked some dollars to cover the magazine and other stuff over the years...

    So, what say you/SSA?
    I'm Region 9 Director and on the SSA EXCOM and have some additional voluntary roles, like others who post to RAS occasionally. The SSA and its supported/sanctioned activities engage up to 350 volunteers. The members area of www.ssa.org is essentially a
    blog. members.ssa.org is authoritative WRT memberships. I'm easy to reach.

    Frank Whiteley
    Frank, maybe you could stop patting yourself on the back and be part of the solution to fix the website instead of being part of the problem. If the Society budgeted funds to get a professional web development it certainly would benefit the overall
    membership. Old Bob, The Purist

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hank Nixon@21:1/5 to Frank Whiteley on Thu Dec 1 13:11:26 2022
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:06:25 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 2:51:52 PM UTC-7, Charlie M. (UH & 002 owner/pilot) wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our
    newly rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member
    on not , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just
    be shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has
    since been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current
    member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    OK, I believe you are "staff" at SSA, does the info on "SSA.ORG" match the info at "members.SSA.org"?
    If so, I have found issues in info. I run a device that is slow on the Internet, so I use "members" to skip the flashy stuff.
    If anyone has a current and valid SSA membership card, it should (within a month?) reflect on ANY SSA website.
    Just asking.
    BTW, I have been a life member since mid/late 70's. yes, I have kicked some dollars to cover the magazine and other stuff over the years...

    So, what say you/SSA?
    I'm Region 9 Director and on the SSA EXCOM and have some additional voluntary roles, like others who post to RAS occasionally. The SSA and its supported/sanctioned activities engage up to 350 volunteers. The members area of www.ssa.org is essentially a
    blog. members.ssa.org is authoritative WRT memberships. I'm easy to reach.

    Frank Whiteley

    The authoritative SSA.org site caused me to have to order my 2023 calendars by phone because of a 404 error. This is the first time in several months that I tried to use the site and it went clunk. To be fair, when I used the new system to process badge
    leg applications earlier this year it worked really well.
    I'll stick with Members for my other needs.
    I fail to understand why an inquiry on either site would not access the same database, especially related to members.
    UH- 25 year SSA volunteer.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Hank Nixon on Thu Dec 1 13:57:43 2022
    On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 4:11:29 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:06:25 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 2:51:52 PM UTC-7, Charlie M. (UH & 002 owner/pilot) wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following
    in the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our
    newly rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member
    on not , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just
    be shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has
    since been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current
    member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    OK, I believe you are "staff" at SSA, does the info on "SSA.ORG" match the info at "members.SSA.org"?
    If so, I have found issues in info. I run a device that is slow on the Internet, so I use "members" to skip the flashy stuff.
    If anyone has a current and valid SSA membership card, it should (within a month?) reflect on ANY SSA website.
    Just asking.
    BTW, I have been a life member since mid/late 70's. yes, I have kicked some dollars to cover the magazine and other stuff over the years...

    So, what say you/SSA?
    I'm Region 9 Director and on the SSA EXCOM and have some additional voluntary roles, like others who post to RAS occasionally. The SSA and its supported/sanctioned activities engage up to 350 volunteers. The members area of www.ssa.org is essentially
    a blog. members.ssa.org is authoritative WRT memberships. I'm easy to reach.

    Frank Whiteley
    The authoritative SSA.org site caused me to have to order my 2023 calendars by phone because of a 404 error. This is the first time in several months that I tried to use the site and it went clunk. To be fair, when I used the new system to process
    badge leg applications earlier this year it worked really well.
    I'll stick with Members for my other needs.
    I fail to understand why an inquiry on either site would not access the same database, especially related to members.
    UH- 25 year SSA volunteer.
    Exactly!!! Information is information. Maybe the SSA should budget the same funds for the website as they did OGN that only serves a few. Old Bob, The Purist

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to Frank Whiteley on Sat Dec 3 15:02:14 2022
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in the
    foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    Two more youth potential members arrived today at TCSC, thank you Steve Shields for giving these kids their introductory rides. Tomorrow our newest 14 tear old is scheduled to take her first flight after her ground school session. I was happy to spend
    another day in the seat of the Pawnee getting new youth involved in the activity of soaring. Old Bob, The Purist

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From youngblood8116@gmail.com@21:1/5 to youngbl...@gmail.com on Sat Dec 10 14:14:50 2022
    On Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 6:02:16 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:41:28 PM UTC-5, Frank Whiteley wrote:
    On Monday, November 28, 2022 at 4:45:56 PM UTC-7, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 1:56:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Nixon wrote:
    On Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 3:52:05 PM UTC-5, youngbl...@gmail.com wrote:
    We did it again, Tyler Dewenter made his solo flight today here at TCSC, we seem to be adding a lot of good young glider pilots to our club. Also a young 14 year old girl showed up today and will be joining our youth program and following in
    the foot steps of the group of young glider pilots. Old Bob, The Purist
    Yoose guys are doin' good!
    Thanks Hank, we try very hard to develop young glider pilots and IMHO we have done extremely well. Just yesterday I towed 4 youth members at 15 years old and less on solo flights. Since June 8 I have made 450 tows for training flights in our newly
    rebuilt 2-33,AKA Sky Hag. A 14 year old was our last solo on his 14th birthday, yet Frank Whiteley took it upon himself to berate the achievement and claim that he was not an SSA member. Go back to R's thread to read his comments. Whether a member on not
    , and he is a member , and his 52year old father was listed as a youth member, how does that happen, maybe they could make me a youth member, that would be great. In six years our club has never had a month in the red financially, one might just be
    shocked at our financial standing and we are on the leading edge of a great influx of funds. I am just at a loss of words as to why anyone would diminish the achievement of a 14 year old on one of the most memorable times on their life. Bob Youngblood,
    SSA Member
    I never mentioned Tyler by name nor did I berate his accomplshment. I merely pointed out to you that the recent young solo pilot was not an SSA member following your comment that all your club youth were SSA members, Tyler's situation that has since
    been rectified. To that end, all should be aware that just because someone may appear in the member blog on www.ssa.org, is not proof of membership in the SSA. SSA Membership Data on https://members.ssa.org is the only valid source of current member data.

    Frank Whiteley
    Two more youth potential members arrived today at TCSC, thank you Steve Shields for giving these kids their introductory rides. Tomorrow our newest 14 tear old is scheduled to take her first flight after her ground school session. I was happy to spend
    another day in the seat of the Pawnee getting new youth involved in the activity of soaring. Old Bob, The Purist
    Well, we did it again, on a beautiful December day with the temps in the cool 80's we had a great day of flying gliders and teaching new YOUTH members the wonderful world of glider flight. Yes, today we had three new youth members to participate in our
    youth program. Taylor, a 14 years old girl along with Thomas and Wesley all took to the skies for glider training here in Vero Beach. Old Bob, The Purist

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)