• **2021 Pool** Drive and Constructor championships - Result

    From Ar@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 12 15:39:05 2021
    Looking through the predictions made for the 2021 Driver and Constructor championships, NOBODY managed to get both predictions right. Most
    entries managed to pick one of the two right, so below are the names,
    and what they picked.. Congratulate yourselves for all being joint first
    place in this weird 2021 season.

    Only Phil Carmody and Ar got the drivers champion correct.

    Driver: Max Verstappen, Constructor: Red Bull

    Martin Harran
    Driver: Lewis Hamilton, Constructor: Mercedes

    Driver: Lewis Hamilton, Constructor: Mercedes

    Mark Conmy
    Driver: Lewis Hamilton, Constructor: Mercedes

    Driver: Lewis Hamilton, Constructor: Mercedes

    Sreekumar A
    Driver: Lewis Hamilton, Constructor: Mercedes

    Phil Carmody
    Driver: Max Verstappen, Constructor: Red Bull

    Driver: Lewis Hamilton, Constructor: Mercedes

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