• Re: Not a good place to have unreliable Energy

    From mINE109@21:1/5 to ScottW on Tue Jan 23 14:52:18 2024
    On 1/23/24 11:22 AM, ScottW wrote:
    According to the report,

    What report?

    the region managed by Midcontinent Independent System Operator
    (MISO), which oversees much of the Midwest including Minnesota and
    South Dakota, faces some of the highest grid risks as a result of
    coal generation retirements that are projected to outpace new green
    energy development at certain points in the future.

    Yes, Jar Jar is unreliable.

    You have the "grid" operator tasked with providing reliable power to
    consumers. And then you have the energy producers, in this case Xcel
    Energy based in Mn. which is pursuing a goal of being a carbon free
    producer as dictated by the Biden DOE. But Xcel has no obligation
    to meet any "reliability" requirements that the grid operator (MISO)
    may have. MISO and independents are projecting a grid that will be increasing unreliable and particularly so during extreme weather
    events when renewable outputs are least reliable. A reasonable
    compromise would be to require Xcel to convert their existing coal
    plants to Nat gas to use as a supply buffer in hard times. Expensive? Yes...but necessary if you want a reliable grid when it's subzero in
    the great North. Now...how do you do this without making electricity
    costs skyrocket? I would ask the Feds to pick up the bill for the nat
    gas conversion or even better, a nuclear option. But Joe dumps it
    on the back of consumers which is why his method is going to be a big
    fat FAILURE.

    I applaud your intimate knowledge of Midwest energy management practices.

    Looks like this was in the works back in the Trump days:


    "Some 18,300 MW of MISO’s coal generation have retired since
    2015...Although disturbing enough by themselves, these figures do not
    include retirements that will result from new EPA regulations. Unless
    steps are taken to minimize retirements, more than half the MISO coal
    fleet is likely to retire earlier than 2030 because we expect the
    largest number of coal retirements due to expected EPA regulations will
    take place in the 2026-2028 timeframe."

    Please, blame Biden for MISO's bad planning.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mINE109@21:1/5 to ScottW on Wed Jan 24 09:49:00 2024
    On 1/23/24 11:11 PM, ScottW wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 12:52:21 PM UTC-8, mINE109 wrote:
    On 1/23/24 11:22 AM, ScottW wrote:
    According to the report,

    What report?
    the region managed by Midcontinent Independent System Operator
    (MISO), which oversees much of the Midwest including Minnesota and
    South Dakota, faces some of the highest grid risks as a result of
    coal generation retirements that are projected to outpace new green
    energy development at certain points in the future.
    Yes, Jar Jar is unreliable.
    You have the "grid" operator tasked with providing reliable power to
    consumers. And then you have the energy producers, in this case Xcel
    Energy based in Mn. which is pursuing a goal of being a carbon free
    producer as dictated by the Biden DOE. But Xcel has no obligation
    to meet any "reliability" requirements that the grid operator (MISO)
    may have. MISO and independents are projecting a grid that will be
    increasing unreliable and particularly so during extreme weather
    events when renewable outputs are least reliable. A reasonable
    compromise would be to require Xcel to convert their existing coal
    plants to Nat gas to use as a supply buffer in hard times. Expensive?
    Yes...but necessary if you want a reliable grid when it's subzero in
    the great North. Now...how do you do this without making electricity
    costs skyrocket? I would ask the Feds to pick up the bill for the nat
    gas conversion or even better, a nuclear option. But Joe dumps it
    on the back of consumers which is why his method is going to be a big
    fat FAILURE.
    I applaud your intimate knowledge of Midwest energy management practices.

    Looks like this was in the works back in the Trump days:


    "Some 18,300 MW of MISO’s coal generation have retired since
    2015...Although disturbing enough by themselves, these figures do not
    include retirements that will result from new EPA regulations. Unless
    steps are taken to minimize retirements, more than half the MISO coal
    fleet is likely to retire earlier than 2030 because we expect the
    largest number of coal retirements due to expected EPA regulations will
    take place in the 2026-2028 timeframe."

    Please, blame Biden for MISO's bad planning.

    MISO doesn't run the plants that supply the energy needed by the grid dumbass.

    Who did you think would "require Xcel to convert their existing coal
    plants to Nat gas"?

    I clearly pointed this out and showed how the producer side is going to leave the other side
    f'd. And it's Biden that's pushing hard on EPA regs to end coal and every other fossil fuel
    supplied energy production.

    Has to be done. And I saw the references to independent producers but
    chose to make a simpler point.

    He's the one the forcing producers to shut down plants before they have a reliable alternative source.
    It's going to be tragedy and you'll see people forced to heat with wood again.
    I already see that here in Ca. They do it to avoid utility bills. Firewood is cheaper than electricity.
    But not so good for the planet....but still 100% legal.

    MISO does have alternatives but the bottleneck is "long distance
    transmission capacity."



    Thanks, Joe!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)