• Jimmy Kimmel's honorary Emmy...

    From Fascist Flea@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 20 20:37:32 2023
    ... and Dumpster's un-statesmanlike demeanor.

    In early 2018, the American national security apparatus was fixated
    on reports that North Korea was building nuclear weapons that could
    reach the U.S. or that Russia was plotting chemical weapons
    assassinations in Europe. Meanwhile, Prezzie Idiot Baby was busy targeting his idea of an enemy of the state: late night host Jimmy Kimmel.

    According to two former Dumpster enablers, Fatboy was so upset by
    Kimmel’s comedic jabs that he directed WH staff to call up one of
    Disney’s top executives in D.C. to complain and demand action.

    In at least two phone calls that occurred around the time Dumpy was
    finishing his first year in office, the White House conveyed the
    severity of his fury with Kimmel to Disney. WH staff said Dumpster
    demanded the billion-dollar company rein in the Dumpster-trashing
    ABC host for being “very dishonest”.

    The pressure campaign ultimately failed, but the previously
    unreported effort marked yet another moment in which Dumpy
    showed an eagerness to wield the immense powers of his office for personal gain and very petty reasons.

    Some paraphrasing by moi, but only for brevity. This is from an
    article in a major magazine. Not Atlantic, not Vanity Fair, and
    not the Moonie Times.

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