• Please Hakeem, Save our seats from democracy!

    From ScottW@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 17 20:22:47 2023
    In a closed-door meeting at party headquarters last Thursday, the three lawmakers who lead the Progressive Caucus’ PAC met with Jeffries and Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.), the head of House Democrats’ campaign arm. They told the Democratic leader he
    needed to keep the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee out of Democratic primaries.


    “If we have to spend a lot of money to keep our incumbents in office, then that’s less money that gets spent on frontline districts and districts we can pick up, so it is a real problem,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), a co-chair of the PAC.
    And that’s why it’s really important to be clear to AIPAC that they need to stand down and that we are going to vigorously defend our members.”

    Hmmm, I wonder if, in a party that is all about winning and holding seats, if bankrolling these POS anti-semites primaries is in the best interest of the party.
    Wasn't too long ago, IIRC, they were calling Biden guilty of genocide.


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