• Witless "logic"

    From Fascist Flea@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 4 10:06:56 2023
    Have you noticed how deeply fixated on Biden's "lies" stupid scottie
    has become? Coincidentally, the mutt also claims to fear and loathe
    Biden's "policies".

    On the other paw, Dumpster's tens of thousands of lies - while Prezzing,
    never mind his private-sector huckstering - are weightless for Witless.
    Also coincidentally, duh-Scottie avows unstinting approval for the "policies" enacted by Dumpy and his band of crooks and criminals.

    It would be refreshing for Witless to just admit they don't give a rat's ass about what's a lie, or a "lie", or a hedge, or a half-truth. Their only standard
    of approval is how backward-looking and reactionary a politician is.

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