• I gave a little aide to homeless person yesterday

    From ScottW@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 21 09:08:21 2023
    And it made me feel helpless. I was heading to my son's place with my old hound in back and as I left our private road I saw a guy walking down the street.
    Actually, staggering down the street. He was sweating profusely but it was early morning and not very hot. I paused in my car and watched him struggle down the road. He went about 50 feet and almost fell over and dropped a pack. At that point he
    started walking in circles and appeared to be rambling to himself. He finally got his pack back up and seemed to look into a creek bed/brush area to rest. He had a strange appearance, certainly wasn't starving as he was mildly obese but his legs and
    arms were larger than normal.
    He started moving down the road again so I went ahead and turned the other direction heading to my destination. I didn't make it very far before I turned around and went back. I drove up next to him. The pack was on the ground again and he was
    obviously in distress.
    I asked him if he was ok and was kind of surprised that he gave a coherent response. It was at first yes...but then my legs hurt too much to walk.
    I asked where he was going and he said to a hotel not far where he had a room. So I offered a ride. He was reluctant at first but I said I don't think you can walk there even if it's not that far to which he agreed.
    I told him I was gonna go home and drop off my dog but I'll be right back.
    I went home and called my wife and kid to tell 'em what I was up to and I'll be a little late. Grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went back.
    He look surprised to see me but grateful. We threw his pack in the car and he wanted to sit in back but it was full of tools and junk so I told him to sit up front. He said he'd been hit by a car, put in a coma, woke up in the hospital with IV's in his
    leg which he ripped out cuz he was out of his mind and now he has infections and open wounds down to his bones. No idea if any of this was true but he was definitely not well as close up I could see even his fingers were swollen. As we drove toward the
    hotel we passed a few other homeless on the street and he started warning me about them. That guys crazy, and that guy steals stuff. When we got to the hotel he said drop him at the gas station/mini mart next door. I'm pretty sure the room was a lie
    and I know a drain canal across the street hides a homeless camp. He offered me a couple bucks for gas which I declined. I asked him if there was anything else I could do and he said no. Thanks for the ride and the water, you really saved me.
    I was thinking I didn't do shit and I don't know what else to do.
    It's haunting.


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  • From Art Sackman@21:1/5 to ScottW on Fri Jul 21 09:23:11 2023
    On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 12:08:22 PM UTC-4, ScottW wrote:
    And it made me feel helpless. I was heading to my son's place with my old hound in back and as I left our private road I saw a guy walking down the street.
    Actually, staggering down the street. He was sweating profusely but it was early morning and not very hot. I paused in my car and watched him struggle down the road. He went about 50 feet and almost fell over and dropped a pack. At that point he
    started walking in circles and appeared to be rambling to himself. He finally got his pack back up and seemed to look into a creek bed/brush area to rest. He had a strange appearance, certainly wasn't starving as he was mildly obese but his legs and arms
    were larger than normal.
    He started moving down the road again so I went ahead and turned the other direction heading to my destination. I didn't make it very far before I turned around and went back. I drove up next to him. The pack was on the ground again and he was
    obviously in distress.
    I asked him if he was ok and was kind of surprised that he gave a coherent response. It was at first yes...but then my legs hurt too much to walk.
    I asked where he was going and he said to a hotel not far where he had a room. So I offered a ride. He was reluctant at first but I said I don't think you can walk there even if it's not that far to which he agreed.
    I told him I was gonna go home and drop off my dog but I'll be right back.
    I went home and called my wife and kid to tell 'em what I was up to and I'll be a little late. Grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went back.
    He look surprised to see me but grateful. We threw his pack in the car and he wanted to sit in back but it was full of tools and junk so I told him to sit up front. He said he'd been hit by a car, put in a coma, woke up in the hospital with IV's in his
    leg which he ripped out cuz he was out of his mind and now he has infections and open wounds down to his bones. No idea if any of this was true but he was definitely not well as close up I could see even his fingers were swollen. As we drove toward the
    hotel we passed a few other homeless on the street and he started warning me about them. That guys crazy, and that guy steals stuff. When we got to the hotel he said drop him at the gas station/mini mart next door. I'm pretty sure the room was a lie and
    I know a drain canal across the street hides a homeless camp. He offered me a couple bucks for gas which I declined. I asked him if there was anything else I could do and he said no. Thanks for the ride and the water, you really saved me.
    I was thinking I didn't do shit and I don't know what else to do.
    It's haunting.


    I know exactly who this guy is.

    walking in circles
    rambling to himself
    strange appearance
    mildly obese
    legs and arms larger than normal

    It's Mr. Natural !!!


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)