• Re: Queers for Palestine' Block Entrance to Disney World, Then Florida

    From roger@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 12 20:22:50 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns, alt.disney
    XPost: alt.gaza

    On 12 May 2024, John Smyth <smythlejon2@hotmail.com> posted some news:dlj14jh6q404cvn7eboaq71dkd6tqv1rbi@4ax.com:

    Watch these short videos to see real men, not freaks, in action.

    These idiot queers are too stupid to realize that they wouldn't last a
    day on the Gaza strip before being tossed off a building because they
    are despised.
    The true examples of useful idiots.

    Oxygen thieves. If you commit to a cause, your sexual preferences have no bearing on the outcome. Unless of course the opposing forces use it as motivation for your defeat.

    'Queers for Palestine' Block Entrance to Disney World, Then Florida
    Men Show Up'

    <https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/05/11/watch-queers-for-palestine-bloc >k-entrance-to-disney-world-then-florida-men-show-up-n2174085>

    'In their never-ending quest to be the most insufferable people on
    earth, Hamas supporters from the group "Queers for Palestine" decided
    to block the entrance to Disney World on Saturday. Multiple videos
    showed the "protesters" holding giant banners across the road while
    traffic piled up. '

    Disney probably paid them to do it.

    'It wasn't long, though, before the tables turned. Florida men arrived
    in the form of angry motorists and the police. That's when the Hamas
    simps learned (once again) that Florida is not New York.

    The first confrontation happened between a ticked-off father who was
    just trying to have a fun day with his kids. Hit got out of his car
    and lit into the "protesters."'

    'My favorite part of that video is when the Hamas supporters hear
    police sirens and immediately try to run to their cars. Unlike liberal bastions in the Northeast or West Coast, Florida doesn't play around
    when it comes to illegal demonstrations blocking traffic. Their
    instinct to run shows just how effective it is when a state enforces
    its law. '

    The problem is George Soros DAs who won't prosecute.

    'Unfortunately for most of the "protesters" (and fortunately for the
    rest of us), they weren't able to escape the scene. One officer
    immediately got traffic moving again, and when backup arrived, the
    handcuffs came out. '

    'According to Bryan Griffin, who serves as Ron DeSantis'
    communications director, the entire incident was taken care of in just
    11 minutes. That's a huge contrast from the multi-hour blocking of the
    Golden Gate Bridge that occurred some weeks prior. In that case,
    Californian police stood around, apparently not allowed to take down
    the "protesters" and clear the road. '

    Again, the problem is George Soros DAs who won't prosecute.

    'There's no waiting for executive approval in Florida, though. Time
    and again, we've seen police arrive within minutes with no inhibitions
    about making arrests. Further, you can bet the Hamas supporters taken
    down outside of Disney will be facing actual charges instead of being
    back on the street within hours. That's the Florida difference.'

    Gavin Newsom is a pussy.

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