• Republican Pedophile Perverts Are Obsessed With Children, Sex and Gende

    From Lynch Rightist PEDOCONS Now!@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 24 18:12:55 2023
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    Organized Coverups of Sexual Child Abuse by Priests, Clergy and Christian Institutions

    United Kingdom (UK)

    National abuse unit for Church (BBC News 2001)
    Police investigating that a known paedophile resumed as a priest in 1985
    (BBC News 2000) Catholic church shaken by sex scandals (BBC News 2002)

    The United Kingdom has seen many cases of paedophile priests, including
    many cases where Bishops and other senior Christians have protected paedophiles, moving them from post to post when accusations surface.

    Child abuse priest housed by Church (BBC News 2002)
    Archbishop defends paedophile move (BBC News 2000)
    Father Michael Hill was a known paedophile, who was jailed for a
    20-year span of sexual child abuse. "Archbishop Cormac Murphy-O'Connor
    ignored the advice of doctors and therapists that Father Michael Hill
    would carry on assaulting children" and reinstated him in 1985. Father
    Michael Hill then went on to indecently assault more altar boys before
    being jailed in 1997. His other victims included retards and homeless
    boys. When he was released, the Church again took him back under its
    wing, and he lived rent-free in a £100,000 flat a few minutes from a
    primary school. The Church argued that it wanted him to be in a
    position where they could supervise him, but I rather think that the
    Church is last organisation I'd trust to 'supervise' a paedophile,
    and, that when people give to church they'd rather their money went to
    good causes. Not many working people can even afford such a flat!

    UK Church ignoring rules on child abuse (BBC News 1999)
    An investigation a year earlier, in 1999, found similar results: "An
    investigation for Radio 5 Live found one priest under investigation
    who was still working. Another, recently suspended, was allowed to
    work in a primary school while under suspicion of abusing children. He
    had been accused of abuse twice before. Since 1996, six priests have
    been convicted of child abuse. In each case, the church knew of
    previous allegations". This was before the horrific explosion of
    exposés that occurred in 2002, when the world truly learnt that
    paedophilia and child abuse was rife within the Christian hierarchy.

    London's Ealing Abbey and St Benedicts School: "The Charity Commission
    has issued an unusually strongly-worded criticism of the monks of
    Ealing Abbey in west London, when one of their number, who was known
    to have abused children, was allowed to have contact with a teenager
    at the abbey, who he then sexually assaulted. "Father" David Pearce, a
    former head teacher at St Benedict's Junior School, was jailed in
    October after he belatedly admitted 10 indecent assaults and one
    sexual assault. Complaints of abuse against Pearce had already been
    heard in a civil court and damages were awarded against him. He was
    allowed to return to the Abbey, but was arrested in 2008 for sexually
    assaulting a sixth-form pupil who was employed to wash up for the
    monks. [...] The report said that the Diocese of Westminster was well
    aware of the allegations against Pearce and had told the trustees to
    keep him away from children or young people. The trustees failed to do
    this, and the consequent assault took place"27.

    As of 2011 November, two perpetrators of sex crimes against children
    have been convicted, and another has jumped bail. In 2009 Oct, Father
    David Pearce "was jailed for eight years over a string of sex attacks
    on five young boys, four under 14, at St Benedict's over a period of
    36 years. Earlier this month police revealed they were hunting a
    Catholic cleric wanted over allegations of child abuse reported to
    date back to when he taught at St Benedict's. Father Laurence Soper,
    who was abbot of Ealing Abbey from 1991 to 2000, failed to return to a
    police station for questioning. He is believed to have been living in
    a monastery in Rome and was due to return to London to answer bail in
    March, but he failed to turn up".28

    Buckfast Abbey in Devon was under investigation for clerical child
    abuse, and the Catholic Church had appointed Christopher Jarvis to
    lead their inquiry. "The scale of abuse now being uncovered at
    Buckfast Abbey is disturbing. Paul Crouch 'Father Benedict' had
    already been jailed for ten years in 2007 for a string of offences
    with boys stretching over 20 years. One victim had been 'so terrified
    that he hid in his locker' and had 'complained to the school Matron in
    1987', After an internal investigation, Crouch was allowed to carry on
    teaching and the police were not alerted. Father William Manahan,
    called 'Daddy Prior', was jailed, also in 2007, for 15 months for
    abuse between 1971 and 1978". Unfortunately, the safeguarding officer
    Chris Jarvis has now himself been jailed "for having 4,000 child abuse
    images on his work laptop computer, including ten involving sadistic
    violence, the most serious category"29 and including making and
    distributing child porn28.

    That's not quite the end due to another case unrelated to Buckfast
    Abbey. A now-deceased monk Father Edward Stewart 'is alleged to have
    repeatedly abused a young boy over three years. Even worse is that it
    has become clear that Stewart was moved around parishes in Britain and
    Scandinavia despite (and of course because of) 'frequent complaints
    about his behaviour'.'

    Buckfast Abbey brought in a replacement safeguarding co-ordinator,
    Father James Courtney, who has happened to previously 'discovered a
    trunk of photographs of adolescent boys engaged in sexual activities
    belonging to Stewart but neither he nor the Abbot reported them to the
    police, and the incriminating material was destroyed.' Such inactivity
    in the face of such serious immoral and criminal behaviour is hardly a
    good sign for a safety officer whose job it is to look after
    children's welfare against sexual abuse, especially as that person is
    replacing the previous safeguarding officer because he's been
    convicted for the type of offense he was supposed to be stopping!29

    Keith Porteous Wood of the National Secular Society again highlighted
    his common-sense argument that no-one in the Church should be a child
    protection officer, and that all current plans to try to curb child
    abuse by Church officials lack independence. Clergy suicide during sex
    abuse investigation (The Guardian 2003) John Pugh, 54 was a minister
    of the United Reformed church in Stowmarket, Suffolk. Accused of
    indecently assaulting a teenage boy on multiple occasions, he
    committed suicide rather than try to defend himself in court.

    Child porn charge priest in court (BBC News 2002)
    Priest jailed on child porn charge (BBC News 2003)
    The Dean of Reading, the Catholic priest "Michael O'Kelly, 46,
    appeared at Newbury Magistrates Court on Wednesday charged with
    possessing indecent photographs of children" (BBC News 2002). He was
    found with 18,000 indecent photographs of children that were
    "disturbing, degrading and disgusting" and spent up to £1500 a month
    downloading these images and talking in chat rooms. He described it as
    his "guilty secret" and said he couldn't control it.

    Eight years' jail for sex priest (BBC News 2000)
    "Father Jordan, who was Cardiff City Football Club's chaplain, kept a
    hoard of hard core child porn on a personal computer at his presbytery
    in St Helen's church, Barry". This Roman Catholic priest was
    eventually convicted for 8 years for a "string of sex offences"
    including indecent assault. But a major complication was the fact that
    when the investigation started, someone in the Church warned him a
    week before he was arrested. He used the time to hide evidence - it
    was months after the (first) trial before police knew of the Priests
    computer, which contained hundreds of pictures of boys.

    Abuse inquiry at top Catholic school (BBC News 2000)
    Father David Martin was a chaplain at Catholic school in London. An
    investigation into 6 cases of abuse in the attached Church follows
    even though he died from a disease related to a STD which he was
    alleged to also have passed on to two of his victims.

    Paedophile cases haunt the church (BBC News 2000)
    "In October 1999, Pope John Paul II sacked Father John Lloyd, who
    raped a 16-year-old girl and indecently assaulted two altar boys in
    south Wales".

    Paedophile priest jailed (BBC News 1998)

    The paedophile Roman Catholic priest, Father Eric Taylor, was
    convicted on 16 charges of indecent assault. He worked at an Orphanage
    in Staffordshire. He already had previous convictions for indecent
    assault in 1975, where he abused four boys at his vicarage. Some of
    his victims had committed suicide "because they could not live with
    what the priest had done to them".

    Father Anthony McSweeney, a Catholic priest aged 68, was under
    investigation for abusing 3 boys. He owned a "large collection" of gay
    porn, which he admitted to Southwark Crown Court, and, John
    Stingemore, a friend, had previously shown him porn including some
    child porn, and he did not think to do anything about it, and did not
    tell anyone about it, even though Mr Stingemore is a care home
    manager.30. Together, they preyed on children at Grafton Close
    children's home in Hounslow, London. McSweeney was also "a member of
    the governing body of a Catholic school. [...] He was also found
    guilty of three counts of making indecent images of children between
    2012 and 2013". Two Bishops in the Catholic Church had "ignored at
    least two clear warning signs of his sexual interest in children" but
    he was merely made subject to internal disciplinary procedures - he
    was sent for therapy and not reported to the police. He was jailed for
    three years.31. If the Bishops involved acted properly, the police
    could have obtained more timely evidence and the conviction could have
    been somewhat longer, and sooner.

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