• Re: Go Woke go Broke---Ask Disney why they are tanking.

    From rb@21:1/5 to Glock"@localhost.com on Tue Jul 11 09:43:03 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote in news:A04rM.184833$edN3.130510@fx14.iad:

    On 2023-07-11, bigdog <geowright1963@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Monday, July 10, 2023 at 9:29:55 PM UTC-4, Paul Ragna wrote:
    Pretty soon the mouse is going to be out of a job.
    That's what they get for having men dressed as girls outside their
    Snow White store where little girls buy costumes to look like Snow
    White. Sick!
    I hope they go out of business.

    ey- theme-park-attendance-down-report/>

    "According to a Wall Street Journal report, Walt Disney theme parks
    are seeing a dip in attendance despite shorter wait times and more
    discounts. Folks are choosing cruise ships and European vacations
    over the House of Mouse.

    From The Wall Street Journal:

    Travel advisers and industry analysts say the slowdown is the latest
    sign that Disney’s recent price hikes and changes to park
    operations have soured some families on visiting the Most Magical
    Place on Earth.

    Disney faces a unique set of challenges right now, from streaming
    losses to executive succession to a political and legal fight with
    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Revenue from its parks division has long
    been a bright spot for the company, buoying overall earnings. Disney
    declined to comment on recent attendance.

    “People might be a little bit fatigued with price increases based
    on the economy at the moment,” Oprea says, noting that some
    clients have considered cruise or beach vacations rather than
    returning to Disney’s parks due to recent price increases.

    At Disneyland, the company increased the cost of multiday tickets by
    9% or more in October, with the price of a two-day ticket rising
    from $255 per adult to $285.

    To attract more visitors to Main Street U.S.A., Disney has rolled
    out promotions, including discounts for return visits and savings of
    up to 40% on rooms at some Disney World hotels for annual
    passholders on certain days in December near Christmas, which is
    typically one of the busiest and most expensive times to visit.
    (Disney has offered discounts to passholders during that time period
    in the past.)

    Meanwhile, Disney isn’t faring much better at the box office, with
    recent bombs like Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and

    Disney lost $200,000,000 on Elemental alone.

    Fox News contributor and OutKick founder Clay Travis shared the
    story on Twitter.

    “Disney World hit a ten year low in July 4th guests & company is
    now discounting Christmas hotel rooms as attendance collapses at
    parks. Combine this with ESPN disaster & movies losing money like
    crazy & it’s now clear Disney is getting Bud Light’d.”

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    First they turn their back on their core customer base, families, by
    going woke. This caused a downturn in business, both at their theme
    parks and their movies. In the wake of declining attendance, they
    raised prices which runs counter to the law of supply and demand.
    When demand drops you should be lowering prices.

    Disney's market capitalization has been cut in half in a little more
    than two years and shows no signs of making a recover. The Mouse
    isn't dead, but he's pretty sick.

    I can remember when it caused something of a scandal when Disney came
    out with an R rated movie, the Devil and Max Devlin starring Bill
    Cosby. It was the first time Disney produced a movie that wasn't G
    rated. They would be wise to try to recapture the reputation they
    once had. Disney needs to clean house at the very top, from the CEO
    to the board of directors and replace them with people that will
    return the company to what it once was.

    What I can't figure out is why these mega companies don't learn from
    other's mistakes? Budweiser is the poster child for going woke and
    killing their market share yet other companies, like Target are doing
    the same thing. It makes no sense.

    They have no intention of learning. Some wrongly believe their fortunes
    are tied to ESG and DEI, others have underlings whispering that it's a momentary blip which will be over in a few weeks.

    ...Except, it's not happening.

    People in red and blue are closing their wallets. Corporate America has
    done something Trump and Biden both failed to do, unify the American
    public to focus on irritating issues that were being kicked under the rug previously.

    They all targeted children to force gay acceptance and sell the notion
    that it's normal. They didn't count on the kids fighting back and being reinforced by parents.

    It started with Disney several years ago, spread to the schools, then
    retail businesses thought they'd get in on the act. There's going to be
    some corporate death spirals before it's all over.

    The resistance has even spread to California of all places - in the form
    of parental fist fights at schools.

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