• Re: DeSantis Tosses Out Idea for State Prison Next to Disney World

    From Queer Blight@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 18 21:52:48 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.transgendered, fl.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 31 Aug 2021, Yak <yak@inbox1.com> posted some news:sgm3tk$6t8$3@news.dns-netz.com:

    Rudy Canoza wrote

    Shoot those idiot "transgender" queers and feed them to the 'gators.

    Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ongoing feud with Disney heated up on Monday. The
    Florida Republican hosted a news conference in Lake Buena Vista, where he
    said that lawmakers would be revoking the company’s self-inspection of
    rides and monorails at Disney World and allowing the state to investigate potential safety hazards there. He also declared that the state would
    retake control of Disney World’s Reedy Creek Improvement District, and
    floated ideas to develop land nearby. “People are like, ‘Well, there’s
    what should we do with this land?” DeSantis said, grinning. “People have
    said… Maybe create a state park, maybe try to do more amusement parks?
    Someone even said, ‘Maybe you need another state prison?’ Who knows? I
    just think that the possibilities are endless.” A plethora of Disney-
    related bills in the state legislature could change the company’s
    relationship with Florida in the coming weeks. DeSantis has publicly
    feuded with Disney since last year, when the company opposed the Parental Rights in Education law, otherwise known as “Don’t Say Gay.”

    <https://www.thedailybeast.com/ron-desantis-tosses-out-idea-for-state- prison-next-to-disney-world>

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