• Sue's Nov F&W Trip - Day 3 of 4

    From Sue/WDW1972@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 12 18:36:23 2022
    DAY 3 – Saturday 11/12/22
    Who: Sue (64), DVC Member
    Chris (36), my son
    Amanda (34), my daughter-in-law
    Ari (6), my grandson

    Plan: Pool/Beach, Terralina lunch

    Actual: When I heard the fireworks at 9pm last night I stepped out onto the balcony and found I could also hear the music. The trees blocked a lot of the fireworks, but they were still somewhat visible from the balcony and from my bed. If the trees
    were shorter (or not there at all) it would have been a front row view! I only stayed outside for the beginning, then watched the rest from bed.

    It was lights out around 9:30 and I slept well, getting up around 5:30. I made my cappuccino and watched a HAL ship sail into Port Everglades. I watched some local news, did some online stuff, and rebooked our excursions for the November/December
    cruise. The itinerary had gotten reversed after I booked everything, and that messed up a couple things so I made adjustments. That left me with excursions 2 days in a row, which I wasn’t happy with. Just like my Disney trips are more about the
    resort than the parks, my cruises at this point are more about the ship than the ports. Although most of these ports are new to SB he’s content staying on the ship, so I decided to use our excursion credit to book 2 excursions but on days that aren’
    t consecutive (Costa Rica day 4 and Aruba day 8).

    My head cold is still causing my nose to run constantly, so I definitely need to get another box of Kleenex today. I have some nighttime cold medicine (which I didn’t take last night – didn’t seem to need it as I slept fine) but Chris said it
    would make me drowsy. Maybe I’ll consider it later if I’m just laying by the pool. It’s very foggy here this morning, but hopefully that will lift by the time I head out.

    A little before 8 I had breakfast, then took my shower & got dressed for the day. By 9 it was still humid/foggy the fog had lifted enough to make driving safe so I headed out to the car in search of daytime cold medicine. Amanda texted saying Magic
    Kingdom was packed – so disappointing but also so predictable. With closing early so many nights for the overpriced Christmas party it makes the other days that much worse! I don’t regret my decision to switch to the Monday – Friday pass! Later
    she mentioned they’re filming part of the Christmas day tv show, so that’s a big part of the reason.

    I didn’t feel like driving around in strange places so I went to the Publix across from the Premium Outlets. I was surprised to find they don’t have a pharmacy in the store, but they did have an aisle with basic over the counter meds. The cold/flu
    section was pretty sparse – not much to pick from. I did get some cold/flu caplets that should both help with the runny nose and also suppress cough.

    On the way back to the resort I filled up the gas tank at the station across from Boardwalk, then returned to Beach Club Villas. I asked the first housekeeping cast member I saw for a box of Kleenex and went to my room. I was confused to find the light
    and TV were on, when I know I hadn’t left the room that way. The trash was still there, but then I noticed the section f wall covering the air handler was removed (and the air filter had been leaning outside my door) so evidently maintenance was here
    and had to go get something.

    The maintenance guy came back, explaining he had to go to another building to get the new filter. Once he put that in and screwed the piece back onto the wall he was gone. Chris’ family left Magic Kingdom about 10:30 to catch the bus back here. He
    got his car keys & they picked me up from my room for the drive to Disney Springs.

    We parked in the Orange garage and went immediately to Gideon’s to join the virtual queue. The expected wait time at that point was 170 minutes (almost 3 hours) and it’s not likely we’ll still be here. We had about 30 minutes before our noon
    lunch reservation so we wandered around some of the shops and then went to Terralina around 15 minutes early. I was surprised to find the door open and a couple people sitting at the bar since the website says they open at noon. I checked in and within
    a few minutes we were seated.

    Our server was excellent, and overall we had a nice lunch. I wasn’t going to bother with wine so I had Ari’s meal put on my check to help use up my credit. He had kid’s spaghetti and seemed to enjoy it. I got the appetizer bruschetta and
    although it was nicely prepared and presented I won’t get it again. There are too many other better choices for me, but I wanted to try something different so no regrets. Amanda got an adult portion of the fried cheese ravioli and Chris got some
    pasta dish with chicken & stuff.

    At this point it had been 75 minutes since we joined the 170-minute virtual queue so I texted my cancelation. We all settled the checks and drove back to Beach Club Villas. They headed to Stormalong Bay but I decided to just hang out at the quiet pool
    Ari enjoys the slide and lazy river, but I knew I’d just be sitting on my chaise lounge and sometimes it’s just so crowded over there. Amanda texted to express frustration at the many rude guests she encountered – “saving” empty chairs with
    nothing on the, rushing over to the table they were headed for and declaring it taken, etc. I miss the old days when if you went somewhere nice you’d be surrounded by other nice people behaving nicely. Now there are too many absolute buffoons with no
    class or respect for anything.

    At the quiet pool people came and went but everyone was pleasant & respectful. A family with 2 young boys arrived and I cringed a bit but they were great. The parents kept an eye on them all the time and corrected their behavior (once – they started
    to run) without having to scream across the pool! Another member from the MouseOwners board spotted me and came over to say hello. We chatted for a bit – it’s always nice to meet in person!

    It was really warm out there – bordering on hot! Within an hour I’d moved to a shady chair, but positioned it so I could still get my legs in the sun while I felt comfortable due to the rest of my body being in the shade. Overall it was a nice 1.5
    hours out there – and tomorrow should be cooler so even nicer!

    I went up to the studio at 3 and changed back into clothes, then sat down to update the report. Amanda reported Ari had enjoyed the big slide and then he & Chris floated around the lazy river. They were back in their room by 3:30. We agreed to meet at

    We walked over to the Skyliner and rode it to Hollywood Studios. Once there we took a bus to Grand Floridian to see the gingerbread house. The gingerbread house just opened up November 9th and it’s always an impressive sight to see the level of
    detail that goes into it. Quite a few people were hanging out in the lobby and there was a long line of people waiting to buy the various treats they sell there. We passed on the treats but took some photos and then bought a couple things in the Basin
    store upstairs before heading out to the monorail.

    We rode the monorail to the Magic Kingdom, and then to complete our utilization of the various forms of Disney transportation we took the boat to Wilderness Lodge. Ari & I sat out back, while Chris & Amanda found a seat inside (it was crowded). Ari
    befriended the guy next to him and his 2 buddies on the seat behind us. They were good sports and carried their end of the conversation very well, and even showed shock and admiration when Ari showed them his muscles, lol. Amanda could hear it all
    through the open window and was cracking up.

    At Wilderness Lodge we went inside to Territory Lounge, which was also quite busy. However, a big party who’d pulled 2 tables together had just left, so we were in luck! They separated the tables and pulled 4 chairs around ours and we were all set.
    There’s a relatively new menu here, which includes a s’mores old fashioned (cocktail) that is only sold here. Chris wanted that, so we traveled using 4 forms of transportation to get his drink <g>. I got a glass of wine, Ari had apple juice and
    Amanda stuck with water.

    Chris liked the old fashioned – he said it smelled and tasted like chocolate. It sure didn’t look like chocolate to me, and I didn’t taste it. The server threaded some mini marshmallows on a stick and torched them to toast them, before laying
    them in the drink. There really aren’t any kid food items here, but the server said she could get chicken fingers and French fries so we ordered that. We also got the charcuterie, which was really good. That had 4 different types of hanging meat, 4
    different cheeses and various accompaniments. The meats included prosciutto, salami, something we had at Jambo House concierge lounge, and something spicy. Ari also ate some of the meat, but didn’t want the spicy one. It was plenty of food and
    everything was high quality.

    Chris got a second s’mores old fashioned before we left, and poured it into a carryout cup to take with us. We went down to Roaring Fork for the magic cookie bars but the shelf was empty! Amanda asked a cast member if there were any more, and just
    then another cast member brought a tray of them to place in the case. I bought one for me and one for Chris, then we headed out to the bus stops.

    We rode the bus to Hollywood Studios, stopping at Contemporary along the way. At the Studios we hopped back on the Skyliner for the ride back to Epcot/International Gateway. From there we walked over to Beaches & Cream so they could get the pumpkin pie
    shake. It’s a milkshake with a piece of pumpkin pie on top – looks over the top to me, but between the 3 of them they finished it! I didn’t even try it.

    After the milkshake we headed up to our rooms and I gave them one of my extra magic bands. They’ll drop their stuff off in my room before catching an early bus to Animal Kingdom. If they get back while I’m out, they can grab their stuff and leave
    the magic band behind to hit the road.

    Today was another delightful day! I’m not a fan of the bruschetta at Terralina but it’s still a good restaurant choice for me. It’s been great spending time with Chris, Amanda & Ari – but also nice that when it makes sense we go our separate
    ways (me to quiet pool, them to Stormalong Bay) for a bit. The transportation adventure in search of the s’mores old fashioned was fun, and we had a really nice time at Territory Lounge.

    Tomorrow it’s Animal Kingdom then home for them. I’ll used my other birthday credit at either T-Rex or Lava Lounge at 11 when they open, then spend time by the pool before I have to start packing up my stuff for an early Monday morning departure.


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