• Disney+ Uses Drag Queens To Promote & Fund LGBTQ Curriculum In Public S

    From zinn@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 24 07:49:27 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics
    XPost: oc.general

    The agenda becomes as clear as day when you follow the money trail.

    Ever since publicly taking a stand against the state of Florida, its
    Governor Rob DeSantis, and the Parental Rights in Education law that bans
    the teaching of gender identity and transgender ideology to children in kindergarten through third grade, the tentacles of the LGBTQ lobby over
    the Walt Disney Company have revealed a deep-seated agenda to get as much access to children as possible.

    Earlier this month, it was uncovered that a portion of the sales expected
    from Disney’s upcoming 2022 Pride Merch collection will be donated to
    GLSEN (pronounced “glisten”), a lobbying firm with the goal of pushing an
    LGBTQ curriculum in the U.S. public school system. In 2020, Disney donated $100,000 to GLSEN in support of their work as part of that year’s “Pride Month.”

    School advocacy group Parents Defending Education reports on their website
    that GLSEN’s work has directly influenced “teacher trainings,” “school
    policy guides,” and “curriculum” across schools nationwide. Last year,
    Disney used their Disney+ special called “This Is Me,” a gay pride special
    to encourage kids to support the gay and transgender activist group GLSEN.

    “This Is Me” featured an assortment of drag queen performers, as well as
    other “gender non-conforming celebrities.” The show offered performances
    of popular Disney songs re-imagined with LGBTQ themes.

    During the special, Andrew Levitt aka Nina West encouraged viewers to
    support GLSEN stating that Disney+ is so proud to support this wonderful organization before directing viewers to the organization’s official site.

    GLSEN was founded by Kevin Jennings, who is a former Obama administration official that served under the U.S. Department of Education.

    GLSEN Executive Director Melanie Willingham-Jaggers was one of the many progressive voices who condemned Disney CEO Bob Chapek for his initial
    decision to remain silent over Florida’s passing of the Parental Rights in Education Bill, which has since been enshrined into law.

    “We have an expectation that those we partner with would not work against
    us, but the silence against this hateful bill from Disney CEO Bob Chapek
    until public pressure forced a reaction speaks volumes and we are angry
    and deeply disappointed,” she said.

    In January 2022, Willingham-Jaggers told NBC News that she sees schools as
    a “breeding ground” for activism.

    “LGBTQ+ young people in schools and their student groups, like GSAs, have always been the hub, kind of the breeding ground, the soil from which
    these sparks of activism come up,” she said. “What we understand is that
    young people are going to help us understand the vision forward and the
    way forward to the future.”

    Disney CEO Bob Chapek declared that he’s fully on board with the LGBTQ+
    agenda and that he promises to be an outspoken champion for their

    “To my fellow colleagues, but especially our LGBTQ+ community, Thank you
    to all who have reached out to me sharing your pain, frustration, and
    sadness over the company’s response to the Florida “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Speaking to you, reading your messages, and meeting with you have helped
    me better understand how painful our silence was,” Chapek said.

    “It is clear that this is not just an issue about a bill in Florida, but instead yet another challenge to basic human rights. You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am
    sorry,” he added.

    Disney’s stock price has tumbled 29% in 2022 from $155 to $109 as of
    Friday. The fall is largely by the corporation’s dive into progressive
    left wing politics and concerns that the company’s multiple streaming
    services (ESPN+, Hulu, & Disney+) could be losing ground in the face of
    record inflation hurting America wallets.

    What do you make of this revelation that Disney was actively promoting an organization that is attempting to groom young children?

    https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/05/27/disney-uses-drag-queens-to- promote-fund-lgbtq-curriculum-in-public-schools/

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