• Sue's July 2022 BLT Trip - Day 4 of 5

    From Sue/WDW1972@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 3 16:41:57 2022
    DAY 4 – Sunday 7/03/22
    Who: Sue (63), DVC Member

    Plan: Pool/Beach, Possibly Grand Floridian Café, Fireworks w/Mary Jane

    Actual: Last night I watched tv until it was time to sit on the balcony at 9:20 for the Enchanted fireworks. That was the last night for that (for me), since tonight will be the special July 3rd & 4th show. After the fireworks I hung out on the
    balcony for a while and just before 10 went downstairs for Electrical Water Pageant.

    I first went to the sky bridge, where I could see it still playing at Fort Wilderness. I could clearly see the floats that made up the dragon and was happy to see that working again. Since I had time, I decided to go down further and watch it from the
    end of the boat dock. When it came around and got started I was surprised to not have the first several floats light up – no dragon, no octopus, etc. Why does it work elsewhere but not here? The music was the same, so some of the images used more
    than one piece of music since there was less to light up. Very disappointing.

    When it was about to end I went back up to the studio and went to bed. As usual I slept well and this morning got up just before 5:30. I made my cappuccino and turned on the local news – they’re saying rain should start earlier today (possibly noon).

    Eventually I got up and made breakfast – egg, slice of bacon & English muffin – taking it out to the balcony to eat while watching the boats arrive for the day. It’s such a peaceful way to start the day. Around 7:45 or so I left the studio,
    stopping by the fountain where the founding members’ names are to check out a fellow MouseOwner’s tile before continuing to the quiet pool behind Contemporary. I walked around the whole thing and never saw his tile, although I did spot a couple
    other people I “know” from DVC/online stuff. There were many tiles that were not even visible so most likely the one I was looking for was one of those. It's a shame Disney doesn’t correct that.

    Once again, I set my chaise lounge up along the railing at the lake (between the 2 cabanas). Speaking of the cabanas, yesterday both were reserved by a family with the same name. They never showed up at either one by the time I left just before noon
    and by 2-3pm the area was shut down due to thunderstorms for several hours – what a waste of money that was. Today the same family had both, but today they showed up around 10:45. Unfortunately the first part to arrive was a husband, wife, toddler
    and whiny crying baby. I got my butt up and moved to the far corner, as far away from them as possible – securing the shady table again.

    The toddler was allowed to wander around the pool alone, and even went into the pool where thankfully an adult woman was sitting on the steps reading and kept an eye on him. Heaven forbid mom or dad should do that – although to be fair, mom was
    dealing with the crying baby. By 11 the other half of the family was here – with several more kids. You’d think kids would do better in the main pool, so a cabana over there would have been better. Lots of people were arriving by 11:30 so I took
    that as my cue to leave. I’d had enough sun and was ready for air conditioning since even sitting at the shady table was a bit too warm.

    I went up to the studio and was pleased to see they’d already done my trash & towel service. I updated the report and puttered around a bit, not sure of exactly what I’d be doing but knowing a shower would be in order beforehand! I was glad I came
    in when I did, because when I looked up at 12:15 it was pouring out there! So much for the cabana people (again).

    Just after 12:30 I got up and took my shower. I packed up what I wouldn’t need tonight or tomorrow and made a trip to the car to drop it off before walking over to the Contemporary. Today there was no podium at the entrance to Steakhouse 71 so I
    walked right in. However, they had ropes up on both sides where you’d enter the bar area. I told a cast member I was hoping to sit in the lounge, she asked how many people, then checked around the corner and told me to come on in. There was plenty
    of seating. She directed me to any seat along the end of the bar (1 occupied on the left, a couple on the far right, and probably 6 in between them that were empty). I took a seat next closer to the party of 2 vs the party of 4 that were at the 2

    That was probably a mistake, as the 2 women were far louder than the group of 4 women! The 4 women were also further along and left while I was there. The loudmouths were setting their check as I left. The wine here in my opinion is overpriced even by
    Disney standards. It’s cheaper to get a cocktail, but I know nothing about cocktails really. I decided to try a vodka gimlet (first time for me) after talking with the bartender. He described it as “earthy”, which I couldn’t quite figure out
    but when I tasted it, that’s exactly right. I didn’t love it but it was ok. I certainly didn’t hate it, so that’s a plus.

    I also ordered the onion rings since they looked so good yesterday. Several other parties did the same, but generally as an appetizer for 2-3 people to share prior to a burger or other meal. There were 5 large onion rings with a spicy ranch sauce (the
    sauce was not my favorite – had better options other places) and I didn’t quite finish them. The bartender told me I looked like Emma Thompson, and although I’ve heard the name I can’t say I’d be able to pick her out of a lineup. Evidently
    she was in Cruella and some other movie he mentioned – I’d seen neither.

    My longtime Disney email friend Paula texted at 1:45 to say she & her adult daughter were having lunch at the Boathouse and after wandering around Disney Springs would head over here so we can finally meet in person. I texted back saying I was looking
    forward to it.

    After lunch I settled the check (passholder discount on the onion rings) and then headed up to the studio. The pools are still closed, although it’s not actively raining. It’s supposed to storm off and on until at least 7. Paula texted when they
    arrived and I went down to meet them in the concourse of the Contemporary. The seating in there was occupied so we went up to my balcony and spent time chatting out there.

    Her daughter Lauren is lovely – very pretty young lady, and very nice. I was happy to finally meet Paula after all these years and we had a nice time visiting. They left around 6 to pass through Epcot and go to their resort. I sent a text to the
    person from MouseOwners to see if she’d made it here and if we were still going to meet for wine & fireworks. I then updated the report and watched the end of the local news.

    By 6:30 the pools were open and by 7 the rain had ended. While Paula, Lauren & I were on the balcony we noticed another boat coming from out back to join the fleet – either they’re adding boats or need to replace one for maintenance reasons. Later
    I saw another ferry heading out, so I think they’re increasing boats for this very busy evening at Magic Kingdom. Tonight and tomorrow only they’re doing the special 4th of July fireworks show, which is so much better than Enchanted. I haven’t
    been impressed w/Enchanted’s fireworks and it was interesting to hear both Paula and Lauren say that they prefer the previous show much more, for a number of reasons.

    I got ice and opened the bottle of wine I’d brought to share with the MouseOwner’s person. I hadn’t heard back from her, so it looks like I’ll be bringing at least half the bottle back to Gainesville (good thing I have the big cooler) since I
    can’t/won’t drink a whole bottle myself. I was interested in one of the salads from Steakhouse 71 but was not at all hungry – plus I still have flourless chocolate cake to finish. If I can book here next year for 4th of July I’ll be sure to get
    it then (mobile ordering “to go”).

    In the interest of not being up later than I want, I’ll post the report and finish up tonight’s stuff at the start of tomorrow’s installment. Today was another lovely relaxing day here at Bay Lake Tower! Pool time was great, and I didn’t mind
    the screaming baby making me move to the shady corner table since 45 minutes later it was pouring and thundering. I don’t understand that cabana family - they pay big bucks and then don’t show up until just before it shuts down for the rest of the
    day due to lightning!

    Steakhouse 71 Lounge was a nice choice for lunch, and the full restaurant menu was also available. The onion rings were very good but they’re not something I’d get very often – the next thing on my list is the salad. I do think SB would love the
    turkey club sandwich or the burger – but he commented it wouldn’t feel right to get a burger when he & Pete used to share the burger at Le Cellier. Of course that was 10-20 years ago, when LeCellier had the steak burger on the menu – the “good
    old days”. I think Pete would be ok with SB ordering a burger <g>.

    Getting to meet Paula finally was an unplanned bonus – that came up right before my trip. She lives up in Massachusetts, where I’m from, and I think she’s in the same town as my cousin Karen. Small world.

    Tomorrow I head home, and have a bunch of stuff I need to do in the office unfortunately. I look forward to retirement, when I won’t have to deal with work, but for now I do. Before I leave though, I’ll head to Disney Springs and wait for Gideon’
    s to open. They actually have 2 special cookies this month – orange pecan chocolate chip and banana bread chocolate chip. The orange one is what I got my first time there and it’s great. That’s probably what I’ll go with.


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