• Re: NYPD Officers Arrest And Pepper Spray Queer Liberation March Protes

    From Elvis Brodie@21:1/5 to Loon"@.us on Sun May 15 13:24:39 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns, alt.politics.democrats.d XPost: nyc.politics

    In article <XnsAC0EB4D6EF725abb2ga@>
    Wayne "Rudy" LaPierre <"Reckless Dumb Loon"@.us> wrote:

    There is a need for education to eliminate homosexual pedophiles.

    NYPD officers arrested and pepper sprayed protesters at the
    Queer Liberation March Sunday afternoon while attempting to
    arrest two people for graffiti, according to witnesses.

    Numerous videos shared on social media show a crowd of officers
    shoving outraged protesters where arrests were being made near
    Washington Square Park.

    As two were being arrested for graffiti, protesters intervened
    in an attempt to free them, at which point police responded with
    pepper spray, multiple witnesses told Gothamist. A legal
    observer said at least four people were arrested and 10 others
    pepper sprayed—including someone running a fruit stand nearby

    Speakers at the Queer Liberation March for Black Lives Matter
    told protesters they got word that officers were pepper spraying
    people nearby after marching from Lower Manhattan to Stonewall
    Inn and ending with a rally at Washington Square Park. NYPD
    helicopters circled above during the march.

    "The NYPD is going ballistic," said a witness livestreaming on
    Facebook. "The situation was at a point where this was almost
    Stonewall 2," the narrator added, referencing the uprising at
    Stonewall Inn in 1969 nearby Sunday's protest on the weekend of
    Pride and 51st anniversary of the uprising.

    "There was an excessive amount of police once the march got
    here," the livestreamer said.

    Witnesses described a dance party before arrests began—a
    celebration and march led by the Reclaim Pride Coalition.

    "We were dancing right in front of the arch on 5th ave and out
    of nowhere, cops started storming into the crowd," Mike Perles,
    a 29-year-old city employee, told us. "They pushed everyone in
    front of them out of the way and onto the ground. They pushed a
    reporter who was taking photos down and started randomly pepper
    spraying people. I couldn't see anyone instigating. It seemed
    like they felt out numbered after entering a huge group and
    panicked and started beating people up."

    "gay" is a personal choice.

    Don't make bad choices.

    https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-officers-arrest-and-pepper-spray- queer-liberation-march-protesters

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