• Sue's May 2022 Hilton Head Trip - Day 5 of 6

    From Sue/WDW1972@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 8 15:45:30 2022
    DAY 5 – Sunday 5/8/22
    Who: Sue (63), DVC Member
    SB (64), my husband

    Plan: Beach, Poseidon?

    Actual: I slept really well, waking up by 5 but not getting up until closer to 5:30. SB was already up at that point. I made my cappuccino and took it back to bed. The weather looks too cool for a beach day today, which is disappointing. It feels
    like upper 50’s now and is only expected to hit a high around 71 or so by mid-afternoon.

    We both lounged around, with SB falling back asleep for a while. Around 8 I got up to make breakfast – the usual stuff for both of us. We’ve got some leftover food – some will come home with us and some may get dumped in the trash (it’s not
    unopened so can’t offer it to strangers).

    This morning it’s cloudy – partial sun is expected around noon. It’s 61 degrees. I’m sorry to miss having one last beach day, but I’m thankful for the past 3 mornings. But, the cool weather means instead of laying on the beach I can walk on
    the beach. SB wasn’t interested in that so a little before 9 I drove over to walk on the beach. When I get back we may go over to the pool here at the resort.

    At the beach house it was very gloomy, with thick dark clouds hanging low. If I didn’t know better I’d expect it to start pouring rain at any time. Once past the dune I could see the sky above the ocean was a bit better. Quite a few people were
    out walking, and near the Marriott they had a fitness class happening on the beach. I turned left to head north, since the winds were blowing from NNE and prefer to walk into the wind first (then have an easier walk back). I walked for about 30 minutes
    before turning around to head back.

    I had the 2 pool towels in the trunk so I returned them to the used towel bin up at the Beach House pool before heading out. At this point I noticed my DCL windbreaker zipper was not working right. I couldn’t get it to go down no matter what! It
    would go up slowly, but not back down. I was careful to not pull it up so far I wouldn’t be able to take the jacket off lifting it over my head.

    After a detour to Kroger gas station to fill up the tank I was back at the resort. SB tried to help and although I told him do NOT pull it up, what do you think he did??? Yep, he pulled it up, sure that then he’d be able to pull it down. Thank
    goodness I’d already taken it off at that point. But now it was zipped up so high it would not fit over my head if I wanted to wear it again. I also tried spraying some Pam on the zipper, rubbed a bar of soap on it, and even threw it in the washing

    At that point we walked over to the Big Dipper pool, where SB enjoyed the water and I sat on a nearby lounge chair. The air was a bit cool but in the heated water he was fine. When we got back to the villa the laundry was done, but the zipper was still
    not budging. It’s so strange because nothing is caught up in it. I love this jacket, and since DCL is part of my past cruise life I wouldn’t be able to replace it even if they still carried it. However, a similar jacket that says Hilton Head will
    be a good substitute, so I’ll check over at Shelter Cove Harbor once the shops open today.

    It wasn’t noon yet but walked over to Shelter Cove Harbor to check out the shops with clothing. One doesn’t open on Sunday, one opened at noon and the other 2 were already open. Much of the merchandise is the same between all 3 shops. Nobody had a
    windbreaker or any other type of jacket. For zip-up my choices were fleece (light or heavy) or this other weird fabric. One of the shopkeepers suggested the Ships Store (under Ela’s so I even walked over there but found nothing.

    I went back to 2 of the shops and in one I tried on a blue weird material one but kept getting drawn back to a pale coral fleece with Hilton Head embroidered across the front (on either side of the zipper). I liked that one better, and it’s not too
    heavy, so I bought it. I had the girl cut the tag off so I could wear it home. I was out there in skorts & a tank while almost everyone I saw was wearing a jacket or sweatshirt of some kind.

    I was back in the villa around 12:30 and made lunch – reheated leftover spaghetti & meatball plus reheated leftover chicken quesadilla for SB. He actually liked the quesadilla – go figure. I fixed a plate of cheese and crackers, poured a glass of
    wine and took it all out to the porch along with my tablet. I wore the sweatshirt, so it was very comfortable out there. It’s so peaceful out there too! I imagine in summer you’d have noise from kids but this time of year it’s blissful! There
    aren’t many kids to be seen here right now.

    Around 2 I came inside to start the dreaded chore of packing and then updated the report. SB thought the walk to Poseidon feels too long today (whatever), so we agreed to drive over. At 3:45 we were out the door. I was thrilled to see Poseidon wasn’
    t a madhouse. The bar was pretty busy, with most seats taken. One of the high top tables was empty so we grabbed that.

    We ordered drinks (beer for SB, pinot grigio for me) and SB started with 5 jumbo shrimp. He said they were very good. For dinner he got the prime rib French dip sliders, which came with fries. I got the pimento cheese again. His sliders were very
    good, and I ate the last couple bites since he got full. I brought home most of the pimento cheese and pieces of naan bread – now I know it will travel well so no need to stuff myself. A man from another table walked by and was eyeballing my cheese.
    Later I saw an order delivered to his table, so he must have liked what he saw <g>.

    We settled the check, and found a $15 reward credit had been applied so it was a much cheaper meal than the first time. I buy Serg gift cards when they run a promo giving bonus cards for buying gift cards, and I’m a member of their loyalty club. SB
    went to leave a cash tip and found his cash was missing from his money clip. Thinking maybe it fell out in the car (for what reason, I can’t imagine) he went to check. It wasn’t in the car, and wasn’t visible in the villa, but he found it in his
    backpack where he’d put it earlier, lol.

    He settled back down to watch baseball on the MLB package while I quickly updated the report and headed out to the porch with a glass of wine and my tablet. Once again it was wonderful out there – nice weather, peace & quiet, and with the clouds the
    sun wasn’t shining in my eyes. I stayed out until about 6:30 and came back inside. SB mentioned tonight was 90 Day Fiance night, lol! I’ve watched that trash for a few years now, and he’s gotten sucked into this season. Sunday nights I’m up
    until 10, since the new episode is on from 8-10. It’s such a train wreck!

    Despite the crappy beach weather and the jacket zipper fiasco today was another great day. It was nice walking on the beach again – sometimes in January it’s too cold/windy and usually in May I don’t want to give up my sunning time. SB enjoyed
    the pool and we both enjoyed our down time (him watching sports & horse racing, me on the porch). I really like the Hilton Head sweatshirt I bought but never would have bought one if the jacket zipper hadn’t crapped out. As usual, Poseidon was
    excellent – I’m so glad we started and ended the trip there. I remember last year Pete & Judy stayed another 3 nights after we left and they ended up at Poseidon every one of those nights! Pete would text me pictures!

    Tomorrow we’ll have our traditional breakfast at Hilton Head Diner before hitting the road to get back to Gainesville.


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  • From JG@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 13 10:04:36 2022
    On Sunday, May 8, 2022 at 5

    It wasn’t noon yet but walked over to Shelter Cove Harbor to check out the shops with clothing. One doesn’t open on Sunday, one opened at noon and the other 2 were already open. Much of the merchandise is the same between all 3 shops. Nobody had a
    windbreaker or any other type of jacket. For zip-up my choices were fleece (light or heavy) or this other weird fabric. One of the shopkeepers suggested the Ships Store (under Ela’s so I even walked over there but found nothing.

    I went back to 2 of the shops and in one I tried on a blue weird material one but kept getting drawn back to a pale coral fleece with Hilton Head embroidered across the front (on either side of the zipper). I liked that one better, and it’s not too

    Both Florida and Fleece start with F.

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