• Sue's May 2022 Hilton Head Trip - Day 4 of 6

    From Sue/WDW1972@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 7 16:46:00 2022
    DAY 4 – Saturday 5/7/22
    Who: Sue (63), DVC Member
    SB (64), my husband

    Plan: Beach, Black Marlin or Nectar

    Actual: I don’t think it ended up raining at all last night, unless it was briefly while we were in the show. Comedy Magic Cabaret is a small venue, with an eclectic décor. I don’t think there’s really a bad seat in the house, although clearly
    being off to the side would be less desirable than center. There are 2 rows of seating at small tables (the 2nd one raised a bit higher than the first). Then there’s an aisle with the raised booths making the 3rd row – that’s where we sat.
    Behind that the 4th row is up another step or 2 and has barstool seating. It’s owned by husband & wife team Kerry & Kelly Pollack.

    Kelly greeted us and took us to our table, and stopped by to chat a bit later – as she does with all her guests. They have a small menu – full bar, few hot sandwiches, few snack food items and a few desserts. We ordered the hot pretzel, which now
    is 2 warm soft pretzel breadsticks. SB had a seven & seven, and I got a glass of wine once the show was about to start.

    Kerry is the primary performer, although at times he’ll bring in a guest performer from somewhere. Tonight we had one – a guy who lives in Las Vegas but used to live here. He did a section of stand-up comedy with some of the humor being about
    Hilton Head. He was ok but I thought Kerry was better. The whole theme of the shows here are “funny not filthy”. It’s not comedy where every other word is an expletive or F bomb – that’s not funny, it’s tiresome.

    Besides comedy Kerry does magic, and it’s all rolled up into one. He interacts with the audience, improvising as he goes along, and it’s just a lot of fun. The good natured humor combined with the tricks he does amazing people is a good combination.

    One trick involved the entire audience. Each table had 4 playing cards in a little clip. Each table is 2 people, so 1 person was the dealer (me) and the other was the player (SB). The dealer took the cards and shuffled them up however much they wanted
    to. Then each table had to swap a card (unseen) with another table – in our case there were 3 of the raised booths in our section so the middle couple swapped with both sides. After shuffling more, the player carefully tore the cards in half, then
    shuffled some more. Fanning them out, the player picked one and put it in his pocket. From there it was a little more shuffling, then we held our pile of half cards (always face down). We alternated dealing 1 card (upside down still) onto the table
    and the next to the bottom of the pile until everyone was left with 1 half card. The players were told to take their card out and the dealer/player turn the cards over onto the table – and every table had both halves of a single card (each table’s
    card was different). I don’t know how he did it!

    It was past 10, probably closer to 10:30 when the show ended. Kelly was near the door thanking everyone and Kerry and the guest comedian were outside the door shaking hands and thanking people for coming. I was glad we’re only a mile away, as we were
    home in no time. Overall I really enjoyed the show. SB thought it could have gone a little faster, but I enjoyed the pace.

    Since it was so late I didn’t bother getting on the computer at all – I just went to bed and didn’t get up until 5:30. It was after 7 before SB was up. Not unsurprisingly, he decided to take a day off today – preferring to lay around the villa
    vs going to the beach. Seems like once we get a few days into a trip he’s ready for it to be over. He didn’t want breakfast either, saying he’d make a sandwich later. I puttered around until 8 and then got up to make my breakfast.

    Earlier I’d tried to make a reservation for brunch when they open at 10am tomorrow since the morning temps are expected to be too cool for sitting on the beach. Of course with it being Mother’s Day there was no availability. I’ll call when they
    open today – the worst they can say is no. If we can’t get in, I have a “plan B” in my head.

    I was at the beach around 8:30 and set up my chair in the usual spot. The tide was lower this morning, so some of the tidal pools Ari used to enjoy playing in were visible. The sun was shining and there was a nice breeze again today – it was lovely
    out there! By mid-morning the beach was getting busy, and not wanting to overdo the sun too much I decided to head back to the resort just after 11:30.

    While on the beach I’d called Black Marlin about a brunch reservation tomorrow but they were all booked up. Actually they had one opening for a party of 2, but it was a time that didn’t work. I need to start avoiding this Mother’s Day stuff, but
    changing the week doesn’t work with other plans I have. I may shift the trip to arrive Tuesday and go home Sunday (Mother’s Day) rather than arriving Wednesday and going home Monday.

    I found SB watching tv and his mood wasn’t the greatest. We’ve never fully been on the same page in terms of doing vacation trips and tension arises eventually. I guess when it does the best plan is simply co-exist and let each person do their
    thing – hopefully it’ll pass.

    I wanted to walk over to Kroger to check out the small pieces of cheese and SB decided to come along. I was shocked, since he claims to hate walking. When we got there he commented that it wasn’t that far (or that bad) at all, lol. I selected some
    cheeses while he looked for a green dot card to do some horse race betting. Kroger has a huge selection of gift cards, but not that one.

    We headed back to the resort and relaxed for a while. He had no preference for what, where or when we’d go to eat – but then 15 minutes later was talking about wanting prime rib, lol. I did find it on the Frankie Bones and Poseidon dinner menus,
    with Poseidon being my preference since it’s closer and I can get their fabulous slider.

    I offered him his carrot cake from the bakery and after he took the first bite I heard “oh my god, that’s fabulous”, lol! I tried a bite and thought it was good, but I prefer Publix <g>. I cut us each a bite of my almondine tart, and we agreed
    that was excellent! He ate a little more than half of his, and the rest is in the refrigerator for later or tomorrow. I’ll nibble of mine over the rest of the trip and take home any leftovers!

    I spread the rest of the pimento cheese from Poseidon on a few crackers to get rid of that. While I was out there SB asked about Nectar, but looking at the menu I really didn’t think it was his kind of place – and I don’t want to go somewhere and
    have him hate it. We ended up deciding on Black Marlin at 4pm – forget the prime rib.

    I took my crackers and a glass of wine out to the porch and played with my tablet for a while. It’s shaded this time of day and there was a nice breeze blowing. It was actually somewhat chilly with the wind, but at least my ice cubes lasted a long
    time! I came in around 2 and took my shower. Housekeeping came around 3:15 to do our trash & towel service. She wasn’t the friendliest but she was fast! Around 3:45 we went to the car and drove over to Black Marlin. Their dinner, early dining and
    happy hour all start at 4, so that was a good time for us to arrive. It’ll let us get back here for SB to watch the Kentucky Derby – I might go for a walk, or maybe sit on the porch some more.

    At Black Marlin they asked if we had a reservation and I just looked at her. There was hardly anyone there, lol! I said no and it wasn’t a problem. We opted for happy hour, which was the high top tables by the bars and the full menu would also be
    available there. I liked our table and the bartender who took care of us did a great job. Here for happy hour it’s $2 off the appetizers, $1 or $2 off wines, beer, etc.

    I ordered the house pinot grigio (smaller size) figuring the happy hour $$ off was the same regardless of the price so might as well go with the smaller (cheaper) one and if I wanted a second glass that would be discounted too. But, I ended up only
    drinking the one glass. SB ordered a pina colada – the 22 ounce “tall” version. His pina colada was outstanding – perhaps the best one we’ve ever tasted!

    We started with an order of hushpuppies with pimento cheese ($2 off) and SB got a bowl of the seafood chowder. The hush puppies were very good, and he loved his chowder. For meals I got the blackened chicken quesadilla ($2 off) knowing most would be
    going home with us for SB to eat tomorrow. He got the smash burger, which has 2 patties of beef along with all the toppings. Sadly, neither of us was thrilled with our choices. His burger looked good but the patties of meat were much smaller than the
    bun – so it looked really stupid. My quesadilla tasted a bit too salty or greasy – I ate one piece and that was enough. I did package up the rest for him. When the check came I saw the smash burger was only $14 and he agreed for that price it was
    reasonable. I may have mentioned that burgers at Disney are running $21-22 now.

    We settled the check and went back to the resort. He settled down to get ready for the Derby and I sat out on the porch playing a game on my tablet. It was breezy enough to feel a bit cool, and I came inside around 6:45. The race hadn’t started yet
    so I sat down and watched it with SB. He’d picked the winning horse to “show” on a $2 bet so he won a little bit.

    After the Derby I poured a glass of wine and retreated to the bedroom – getting under the covers and finishing up the report. I think I might be asleep a little earlier tonight. Today was another nice relaxing day – loved the beach time, and will
    really miss that when we have to leave.

    Tomorrow it’s supposed to be cooler, so I’m not sure what that will mean in terms of the beach. We have food here so I’m thinking we probably won’t bother going out until Poseidon happy hour at 4. I want to get their pimento cheese one last


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  • From Steve Soares@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 8 08:55:14 2022
    I may have mentioned that burgers at Disney are running $21-22 now.

    I'd recommend the French Bistro Burger: Gourmet Beef Blend, Caramelized
    Onions, Bacon, Brie, Mushrooms, Dijon Mayonnaise, Toasted Brioche Bun -
    $12.99 at the new Connections Eatery in Epcot. It's located in the front
    of the park.

    I want to get their pimento cheese one last time!

    Have you tried the pimento cheese at Chicken Salad Chick? It's described
    as "A blend of freshly grated sharp cheddar & pepper jack cheeses
    combined with just a smidge of our creamy house dressing." I don't know
    if they have any locations in your area.

    Steve S.

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  • From Sue/WDW1972@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 8 16:16:59 2022
    Thanks Steve - I'll remember Connections Cafe on a trip when SB is with me. We do have a Chicken Salad Chick in our city - I've heard good things about it but have never gone there. I love the cranberry almond chicken salad I buy at Aldi, but now you'
    ve given me a reason to visit Chicken Salad Chick ;-)


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