• Re: Jewish homosexual heritage museum staff attempt to ban DeSantis fro

    From FFP@21:1/5 to Molly Dolt Fucked Up on Sat May 7 08:23:33 2022
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.business, alt.politics.democrats
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    In article <bdd52c73-a83c-441f-babc-
    Molly Dolt Fucked Up <solletica@gmail.com> wrote:

    Amazing Answers wrote

    Enjoy your Ass Injected Death Sentence.

    Staff at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City
    attempted to ban Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) from speaking at a
    Jewish Leadership Conference, according to its organizers.

    Elliott Abrams and Eric Cohen, two executives of the Tikvah Fund
    and conference organizers, planned to host the event at the
    museum. The staff there reported to them that DeSantis wouldn't
    be allowed on the museum grounds.

    Staff reportedly told Abrams and Cohen that "DeSantis didn’t
    'align with the museum’s values and its message of
    inclusivity,'" the two wrote in an opinion piece Thursday.

    When the two confronted museum CEO Jack Kliger, he reportedly
    told them, “Don't do politics ... whether left or right.”
    Meanwhile, it hosted Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and then-
    Councilman Bill de Blasio in 2009, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    (D-NY) in 2018, and then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2020.

    The museum has since denied all allegations in a string of
    tweets Friday, claiming the situation was "not a free speech or
    censorship issue."

    "Today we responded to a factually inaccurate opinion piece in
    [the Wall Street Journal] about a proposed rental event. Let us
    be clear: No one was banned or cancelled," the museum's tweet
    read. "No contract with the Tikvah Fund was ever signed for this
    rental event to be held at the Museum and no deposit was ever

    "The Tikvah Fund is trying to create a fight where none exists,"
    the thread continued. "We welcome Governor DeSantis and elected
    officials from across the spectrum to visit the Museum of Jewish
    Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust for a tour."

    Abrams and Cohen wrote that they still plan to go on with the
    event, with DeSantis as a speaker. They claimed to have picked
    the Florida governor "to discuss how the 'Florida model' has
    contributed" to the recent "Jewish renaissance underway."
    Florida is home to the third-largest population of Jewish people
    in the nation, according to data from 2020.

    https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/jewish-heritage-museum- staff-attempt-to-ban-desantis-from-premises-report

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