• Re: Disney's hiring of convicted child molester, Victor Salva: A QUESTI

    From Kneel Young@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 11:44:19 2022
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    by Jeffrey Wells,
    with additional reporting by Lisa Karlin
    Entertainment Weekly
    November 10, 1995
    Pg. 37

    THERE WAS SHOCK, anger, and some compassion for the ex-convict when
    news broke Oct. 24 that Victor Salva, Powder's writer-director, had
    served time for molesting the 12-year-old male star of his 1988
    feature Clownhouse. As Disney clammed up and a Powder producer
    claimed they hadn't learned of his record until after shooting
    started, others who know Salva—or know about pedophiles—wonder at
    the film's release with several sexually suggestive scenes intact.

    David Gersh, Salva's agent, says, "There is only one thing in this
    film that relates to Victor's life," a deathbed scene that recalls
    the passing of Salva's mother in 1985. But even costar Mary
    Steenburgen (who says she learned of Salva's history only after a
    public protest by his victim, Nathan Winters, now 20, made it hot
    news in Variety) acknowledged before the controversy flared that in
    some sense Powder "is very personal for Victor...he wrote this
    straight from his heart."

    Some therapists agree. According to Sandra Baker, executive director
    of the Child and Family Institute in Sacramento, Calif., child
    molesters think "they are more perceptive and beautiful than other
    people. They feel misunderstood." Salva's having made Powder a pale,
    hairless, sensitive outcast fits "what pedophiles can relate to,"
    she adds. "They want their victims to be hairless usually. They
    don't want adult sex characteristics."

    L.A. family therapist Lisa Hacker notes that when a teacher (Jeff
    Goldblum) tells Powder that he's "never had better sex" since being
    touched by him, and then later strokes his bald head, the conduct is
    "very intimate and inappropriate."

    Salva declines to comment, but Powder producer Daniel Grodnik says
    everyone felt "the issue was already out [due to 1988 press coverage
    in California] and didn't have any heat. Doesn't the fact that these
    scenes remained show that nobody thought [they] were a problem?"

    Baker condemns that attitude. "By dismissing this as old news, the
    movie studio participated in the secrecy and the cycle of abuse,"
    she says. "They are what I call enablers. They underestimated the
    seriousness of it."

    Winters, who is urging a boycott, is equally emphatic about Salva.
    "I don't care what he does with his life," he says, "but he should
    never be around a child again."

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