• Re: "The boy and the heron"

    From septemberEnds0@21:1/5 to Spiros Bousbouras on Sun Feb 18 02:16:37 2024
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:53:14 -0000 (UTC)
    Spiros Bousbouras <spibou@gmail.com> wrote:

    I thought it was ok. The story was a bit incoherent or meandering ,
    somewhat like watching a dream rather than just a fairy tale. For this
    reason it would be hard and probably pointless to give a plot summary
    , best to go at it fresh. Various strands come together at the end
    but not enough to justify everything which has happened earlier.
    Still , I found the ending satisfying. Perhaps there are various
    kinds of symbolism behind the happenings (and the images and the
    creatures) but I don't have any specific interpretation in mind. The
    visuals are nice but I didn't see anything which made me go "wow".
    There isn't a lot of dialogue so , even if you have to read subtitles
    , you will still have plenty of time to pay attention to the images.
    The music I found indifferent for the most part with a few parts that
    I liked.

    Would you still recommend it overall? If so, was there any particular
    element or scene that really 'made' it for you?

    I have yet to watch this one, but have been wanting to just because
    Ghibli movies are my childhood

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