• My ratings to new TV anime shows of Winter 2022

    From Manbow Papa@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 16 10:41:50 2022
    This is the list of my ratings to new shows based on every
    first episode. Most of proper nouns in this list are my
    guess instead of official ones.

    Ratings may vary episode by episode.
    The number isn't the rank but only a sequence for
    convenience. Sorted by stars.

    [for k:kids, s:shoujo, g:grown-ups]
    *:fair, **:enjoyable, ***:must see
    a:good animation/artwork, d:good drama/story,
    h:humorous/hilarious, m:good music, v:violent
    w:heartwarming, +:outstanding (e.g. a+ means
    outstanding animation/artwork)

    1) Heike Monogatari (Science SARU): ***, a+d+
    Based on Heike Monogatari, 700 year old book, about historic events in
    the late Heian period. Members of Heike (Taira clan) occupy a lot of
    important positions in Heian Royal Court. Common people suffer under
    Heike's despotism. Shigemori becomes the head of Heike. Since he
    suffers from nightmare of clan's destruction, he allows an orphan
    biwa-houshi (Japanese lute minstrel) live in his house to get advice
    from her prophecy.
    Japanese still enjoy reading very old books like Man'yo-shuu (8ct),
    Taketori Monogatari (9ct), Kagerou Nikki (10ct), Makura-no-soushi
    (10ct), Genji Monogatari (10ct), Houjouki (13ct), Tsurezuregusa
    (14ct), Oku-no-hosomichi (17ct) etc. Because school teaches students
    these books. There are books translated into contemporary Japanese if
    you prefer. Man'yo-shuu uses Man'yo-gana writing system of which only
    kanji is used to simulate sounds of Japanese since no kana was
    invented at the time. It's facinating to know what was ancient
    Japanese saw, thought, felt and did. There are old picture scrolls to
    illustrate buildings, outfits, tools etc of the past as well.
    2) Sabikui Bisco (OZ): ***, adh
    A large crater is in the central Tokyo and the Kanto region is covered
    by rust sand. People are dying from the rust disease. Bisco, a wanted
    man, ventures out into the desert. In Imihama, Miro who is a doctor
    tries to make medicine for his sister Pawoo caught by the rust
    disease. Bisco attacks the city by mushroom arrows by which large
    mushroom grows explosively. Pawoo is a vigilante and goes out to
    suppress the terror, while Bisco breaks into Miro's clinic and sees
    3) Rymans Club (LIDEN FILMS): **, adh
    Mikoto fails to win a badminton match that was the last chance for him
    to stay in the team. Luckly, he is called by the director of another
    company's team. The team doesn't look good and the training is very
    tough. Although he wants to be a singles player, Tatsuru defeats him
    and makes Mikoto a doubles palyer. It's not a bright start for Mikoto.
    4) Doll's Frontline (Asahi Prod.): **, ad
    In the WW-III, tactical dolls were used for battle. After the war,
    those TDs of a large munition company Tekketsu Kobo revolt against
    human, while a private military farm Griffin's AR platoon tries to
    find the cause and intercept them. In Calpatia mountains, AR breaks
    into a TK's base and takes documents signed by Riko stored in a main
    frame. But TK's high-end TD intervenes the Griffin's communication
    line and sends a large number of TD to destroy AR.
    5) Sono Kisekae-ningyou wa Koi wo suru (CloverWorks): **, ah
    When Wakana was a kid, he was so impressed by grandpa's handiwork of
    Hina-ningyo (doll for Girl's Festival) as he begun to learn the work.
    When he makes a doll's kimono by a sweing machine of the high school,
    a classmate Mari who is a cosplayer sees him and praises his work.
    Her dressmaking is awful and she asks him to make a costume for her.
    6) Hakozume (MAD House): **, dh
    Because the only public office Kawai got employed was police, she
    became a policewoman working at a koban. One day, Fuji is moved to
    the koban due to a blame for power harassment in her previous section.
    Fuji is beautiful woman but very strict. Later, Kawai will have
    regrets for this encounter in many occasions.

    7) Baraou no Souretsu (J.C.Staff): *, am
    In the period of Wars of the Roses, York and Lancaster had conflicts
    over sovereignty of England. Warwick swars Richard of York to make him
    the king because Lancaster stole the throne from York. His son,
    Richard III is still a boy but he wants to fight by his father's side.
    A few years later, Richard wins against Lancaster but he has to stay
    to be regency. Richard III tempts him to kill the king and take back
    the throne. His mother blames him and calls him Devil's child. There
    are many omens about his birth and he bears heavy burden of guilty. He
    also has a secret in his body. Richard III is neither boy nor girl.
    Anime adaptaion of a manga based on Shakespeare's "King Henry VI"
    and "King Richard III".
    8) Jikou Dairinin -LINK CLICK- [g](Ran Eiga): *, a
    Chao has ability to go back time through a photo of which person's
    mind he takes over and controls for 12 hours. Chedar Game Comany has
    the largest share in computer game industry. Chao takes control of
    the CFO's secretary to uncover the windowdressing of their financial
    report. The result: the CFO is arrested and the secretary is murdered.
    9) Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku [s](CloverWorks): *, a
    Komachi wants to be an idol at junior high school she has passed its
    entry exam. Its sailor suit is what she looking forward to, because
    her mother looks cool in an old photo taken at the same school. Mother
    makes her a sailor suit. The first day at the school, however, Komachi
    finds that the current uniform isn't a sailor suit but a blazer.
    10) Leadale no Daichi nite (Maho Film): *, h
    When Cana wakes up, she finds herself as a high elf in a familiar game
    Leadale. She suspects that her real body was unplugged from the life
    support system and dead in the hospital, but only her spirit fleed
    into the game. In the game's world, 200 years have past since her last
    visit. She goes to Silver Tower to know what's happened since then. On
    a way to return to the inn, she kills a horn bear to save a man. Cana
    can use powerful magic.
    11) Tokyo 24-ku (CloverWorks): *, d
    A man-made island in Tokyo bay is named 24th Ward. It's a district
    of entertainment goverened by extraterritorial rights and dangerous
    place to live. Asumi goes into a burning school to save Kozue. Shouta
    follows, but Asumi dies. Kozue is survived but mentally illed. A year
    later, Shouta and friends gather at the memorial ceremony of the
    affair. They get a false phone call from Asumi that tells them a
    prophecy of a train accident. How could they prevent the accident?
    12) Slow Loop (CONNECT): *, h
    Hiyori has learnt fly fishing from her late father. In an early
    spring, while she is fishing on a pier, Koharu tries to jump into the
    cold sea to swim. Hiyori stops her and prepares her fresh sashimi of
    Mebaru she just got. Later, she finds that Koharu is a daughter of her
    new father.
    13) Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saiken-jutsu (Yokohama Animation): *, a
    After the emperor of Arswald died, the royal court is thrown into
    chaos of power struggle. In the Natora Kingdom, retainers entrust
    prince Weine to survive the country. But it's not easy. The empire
    army has withdrawn from Natra and the protection of the country is
    weak now. The army of adjacent country Marden attacks Natora to

    14) Isekai Bishoujo juniku Ojisan to (OLM team Yoshioka): h
    Tsukasa and Hinata, both man of 32, take part at a goukon [dating
    party] with cabin attendants. Tsukasa wants to date nobody and no CA
    wants to date Hinata. After the party, at a park, a goddess appeares
    and puts Tsukasa and Hinata into a wonderland where Hinata turns into
    a woman. The goddess tells them that if they could defeat Satan, any
    wish will come true. Problem is, Tsukasa and Hinata are attracted by
    each other.
    15) Kenja no Deshi wo nanoru Kenja (studio A-CAT): h
    In Ark Earth online game, everything depends on player's will. Many
    kingdoms emerged and wars arose everywhere. A savior appeared: Solomon
    the king of Arkite. Among his nine sages, Danbulph was the strongest
    sorcerer. By Solomon's order, he destroyed ten thousand monsters.
    Soon after the battle, however, he suddenly disappeared. 200 years
    later, Danbulph wakes up as a girl. She names herself Dunbulph's
    16) Sasaki to Miyano [s?](studio DEEN): h
    As Miyano witnesses a bullying at school but hasitates to intervene,
    his senior Sasaki comes to help the victim. His behavior impresses
    Miyano deeply. Afterwards, Sasaki becomes dangerously friendly to
    Miyano who is a hidden BL manga otaku.
    17) Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san (Quad): h
    Agastia is a black organization to conquer the world. But heroes have
    destroyed their troops everytime. In their RD center, Dr. Sadamaki and
    assistant Kuroitsu develop a new artificial warrior that looks like
    a weak girl as Acasic, the head of Agastia, ordered.
    18) Futsal Boys (diomedéa):
    Haru is a fan of Tokinari who is a futsal player of Japan's U18 world
    cup team. A gang try to take up city ground from kids. Haru plays a
    futsal game with the gang, wins the game and drives them away. After
    Haru joined futsal club of high school, the gang come to the school
    to take their revenge on him.
    Fights between groups of rebellious boys, called Tribe, become firece.
    Neo Tokyo government restricts their fight only by extreme baseball
    game. Taiga and Haru join Minato Tribe after Minato's leader Shun
    saved them from gangs' bullying. Shinagawa Tribe challenges Minato,
    but Shun fights back them.
    20) Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja (J.C.Staff):
    Matius has three magic crests. But he needs fourth crest to destroy
    the demon's kingdom. He leaps 100 years ahead and gets rebirth as a
    14-year old boy to learn advanced magic in achademy. By demon's plot,
    however, magic has degraded in the period. He begins to revive magic.
    21) Orient (A.G.C.T):
    In the year of Eiroku 8, Kishin, a kind of UMA, descended on Japan and
    humans became their slave. Only a group of bushi keeps to resist
    Kishin's domination. In a mine, Musashi and Kojiro kill supervisors
    that torture workers. Then, a Kishin comes down from the sky.
    22) CUE! (Yumeta Co.+Graphinica):
    Although Haruna fails to adapt voice acting for an anime heroine, she
    joins a brand new voice actor's production AirBLUE. Kirika, the lesson
    coach, asks a dozen of new actresses to play Hamlet. Haruna plays
    Hamlet with Maika as Ophelia and the CEO, Masaki, praises their play.
    23) Koroshiai (Platinum Vision):
    Chateau is a bounty hunter working for Ritzran Support company. One
    day in a building's basement, she faces another bounty hunter Soun who
    kills her target. Ever since, Soun keeps stalking her.
    24) Shuumatsu no Harem (Gokumi+Axsiz):
    Reito who suffers from cell sclerosis gets into cold-sleep to wait for
    a cure near future. Five years later, he wakes up and his disease has
    cured. But he is told that a pandemic attacked the world three year
    ago that killed all men except a few patients in cold-sleep. Now, he
    has to be a sire of mankind.

    Sequels/Another stories/Spin-offs/Remakes:

    Arifureta Shokugyo de Sekai Saikyo 2
    Genjitsu Shugisha no Oukoku Saikenki 2
    Hanba Baki
    Jojo no Kimyona Bouken Stone Ocean
    Karakai jouzuna Takagi-san 3
    Kimetsu no Yaiba Yuukaku Hen
    Princess Connect! Re:Dive 2
    Saiyuuki Reload Zeroin
    Shingeki no Kyojin Final Season
    Vanitus no Shuki 2

    / Ishikawa Kazuo /

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