• Re: "Spider-Man: No Way Home" Suggests Movie Fans Are Fed Up With Woke

    From Otto J. Makela@21:1/5 to Ubiquitous on Wed Feb 9 12:50:10 2022
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.correct
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, rec.arts.movies.current-films

    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Some critics are saying that the massive success of the new movie, "Spider-Man: No Way Home," shows beyond a doubt that movie audiences
    are seeking films with substance and heart, not woke messaging that's
    nothing more than thinly veiled propaganda for Leftist causes.

    Someone claiming Spiderman, Superman, X-Men and other US comics have not contained political messages as parables from the very first issues
    seems to me to be intentionally denying reality.

    From time to time we receive letters from readers who wonder why
    there’s so much moralizing in our mags. They take great pains to
    point out that comics are supposed to be escapist reading and
    nothing more. But somehow, I can’t see it that way. It seems to
    me that a story without a message, however subliminal, is like a
    man without a soul. In fact, even the most escapist literature
    of all – old time fairy tales and heroic legends – contained
    moral and philosophical points of view. At every college campus
    where I may speak, there’s as much discussion of war and peace,
    civil rights, and the so-called youth rebellion as there is of
    our Marvel mags per se. None of us lives in a vacuum – none of
    us is untouched by the everyday events around us – events which
    shape our stories just as they shape our lives. Sure our tales
    can be called escapist – but just because something’s for fun,
    doesn’t mean we have to blanket our brains as we read it!
    -- Stan Lee: Stan's Soapbox column

    Followup-to: rec.arts.movies.current-films,rec.arts.comics.misc
    /* * * Otto J. Makela <om@iki.fi> * * * * * * * * * */
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  • From Cyber kNight@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 17 11:19:53 2022
    I don't think moralizing is a problem. It's when it crosses
    the line into politicizing that I think it is a problem. Or
    at least it becomes something I don't want to read. That
    line is not always easy to define but I know it when I read


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