• The upcoming Luann storyline...

    From Freezer@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 21 03:19:36 2023
    Well, the August 18th strip showed that the happy return of Bets
    and Gunther was a dream of Gunth's.

    The Aug. 19th comic showed that Gunth returned A) Alone B) Not
    wanting to talk about it.

    In anticipation of fan uproar, Evans and Evans issued this open

    "Do you trust us?

    We hope so! Bets and Gunther’s road trip story is about to take a
    sharp U-turn and we want you, our dearest LUANN Fans, to be
    assured that there is a story unfolding we believe is worth

    Life doesn’t take us in straight lines and neither has Bets and
    Gunther’s road trip. Buckle up! We will have more to share with
    our LUANN FANS in the next few days.

    ~Karen and Greg

    p.s. do you recognize the driver from today’s strip? He first
    showed up WAY back when Gunther when to Peru after high school
    graduation. Read that storyline in the Featured Collection on

    Frankly, no. I don't trust them. Especially given E&E's
    tendency to build up significant moments between cast members,
    then straight up ignore it, either having both characters refuse
    to even acknowledge ANYTHING happened or just having one of the
    two disappear.

    If they put all that time and effort into Bets, just to write her
    off as Black Rosa... At the risk of a pre-emptive flounce, this
    might be the end of my readership of this strip.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Brian Henke@21:1/5 to Freezer on Mon Aug 21 01:37:49 2023
    On Sunday, August 20, 2023 at 11:19:39 PM UTC-4, Freezer wrote:
    Well, the August 18th strip showed that the happy return of Bets
    and Gunther was a dream of Gunth's.

    The Aug. 19th comic showed that Gunth returned A) Alone B) Not
    wanting to talk about it.

    In anticipation of fan uproar, Evans and Evans issued this open

    "Do you trust us?

    We hope so! Bets and Gunther’s road trip story is about to take a
    sharp U-turn and we want you, our dearest LUANN Fans, to be
    assured that there is a story unfolding we believe is worth

    Life doesn’t take us in straight lines and neither has Bets and Gunther’s road trip. Buckle up! We will have more to share with
    our LUANN FANS in the next few days.

    ~Karen and Greg

    p.s. do you recognize the driver from today’s strip? He first
    showed up WAY back when Gunther when to Peru after high school
    graduation. Read that storyline in the Featured Collection on

    Frankly, no. I don't trust them. Especially given E&E's
    tendency to build up significant moments between cast members,
    then straight up ignore it, either having both characters refuse
    to even acknowledge ANYTHING happened or just having one of the
    two disappear.

    If they put all that time and effort into Bets, just to write her
    off as Black Rosa... At the risk of a pre-emptive flounce, this
    might be the end of my readership of this strip.

    Now when will Delta return?



    Judge Parker, One Big Happy, comics you can read

    - Name three things that used to be in Cincinnati you can now find in Atlanta and San Antonio

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)