• LNH: Looniverse Fight Chronicles Trading Card Game #22: Imperilus the E

    From Drew Nilium@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 03:51:38 2023
    XPost: alt.comics.lnh

    Imperilus the Exterminating Son (Determination Driven)
    <Punch Dude> <Wildcard>
    Root Directory: SW-10
    Source Key: Scott Eiler
    First Appearance: Cauldron

    Fight! Fight! Fight! - At the beginning of each turn, Imperilus matches Determination with a random character in the Scene. If he wins, Kick Out that character and move Imperilus to another Scene at random. If he loses, Kick Out Imperilus.

    Wit: 0
    Whimsy: 1
    Determination: Ω
    Charm: 0
    Puzzle-Solving: 0
    Elbow Grease: 7
    Edge: 5
    Nonsense: 5
    Groundedness: 1
    Chill: 0

    "Well *all righty*! Who's down for a good old-fashioned *ass kicking*!?"


    Drew "this is the Hungry, Hungry Sabertooths version" Nilium

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