• Nature, civilization and the Incas

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 28 21:21:25 2022
    There are people who see the civilization as evil, and there are people who see nature as only resources. Both are wrong.

    Both nature and civilization have produced great things. The butterfly is an amazing accomplishment. So is the Internet. Both deserve to be valued. And both deserve to be treated with respect.

    The rational stance will therefore see value in both nature and civilization, and it will do what it can to be of greatest benefit to both worlds. It is not one or the other. It is both working together.

    The Incans understood this very well. They respected nature; they also built an advanced civilization. They had high technology even as they took care to be less obtrusive to nature. They terraced mountains in such a way as to prevent erosion. They
    created magnificent structures that look like extensions of the mountains on which they were built. In their world, nature and civilization existed together.

    The wisdom of the Incas should be informative today.

    Most people will want to have comforts and conveniences of the civilization. Moving away from the civilization or going off the grid would be possible only for a few. There are however solutions to this problem. It is moving to better technologies.
    Technologies that fulfil the civilization in a way that is less ruinous to nature, and that fulfil the world of the civilization that man has created without being destructive to the world of nature that man has not.

    We have a lot more scientific knowledge now than did the Incas, and it is wrong that on this matter we be less intelligent than were they. The project of engineering and technology in the world today should be to move to technologies that fulfil people’
    s material needs and wants in a way that is less destructive to nature. That being done, people concerned with the well-being of nature will no longer be disaffected rebels and will be doing something beneficial for the civilization. The result will be a
    better society, better civilization and better world.

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