• Explaining myself

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 21 19:22:56 2022
    There have been people describing me as being power-hungry. I am not looking to rule anyone and I am not looking to kill anyone. I don’t seek to be in power, and I don’t care who is in power for as long as things that need to be done get done.

    What I do seek however is to have influence. I have many original thoughts on many subjects, and they are thoughts that can be useful for many other people. I have them up on the Internet at https://sites.google.com/site/ilyashambatthought .

    I see many things that are wrong in the world, and I seek to correct them. I also have an idea as to how things should be. In particular, I want to see created a golden age comparable to Italian Renaissance or 1920s America. I want to see a technological
    boom and a cultural blossoming existing side by side. This would vitalize humanity’s productive potential and humanity’s creative potential, making the best of all worlds. Both anti-business ideologies and anti-culture ideologies are wrong. Both
    business and culture constitute accomplishment; and civilizations owe vastly to both.

    I also want to see a transition toward better technologies. Both nature and civilization add to human existence, and both need to be in the best shape that they can be. It is wrong to see civilization or technology or science as evil; it is also wrong to
    run roughshod over nature with no eye to posterity. There are many good things that have come out of the civilization, and even the anti-civilization people benefit from them. As for nature, whether it be a product of billions of years of evolution or a
    creation of God, it contains vast wisdom and richness that is beyond anything that man has created, which means that blindly plundering it is destroying what one has not created and cannot recreate. Both anti-civilization and anti-environmentalist
    thinking is wrong. We owe to both nature and civilization; both nature and civilization need to be in the best shape that they can be.

    Nature and civilization should not be forces hostile to one another; they should work together. In the Incan civilization, there were very impressive things that were produced while taking care to be less burdensome to nature. They terraced mountains in
    such a way as to prevent erosion. They created buildings that looked like extensions on the mountains on which they were built. Here are people who supported both nature and civilization. I do not see why the wisdom of the Incas should not be influential

    I have ideas on these subjects and many, many others. I believe that there is merit in these ideas. I don’t have letters after my name, but I do have a brain, and I have ideas that are original. These ideas should be useful to many other people. And I
    hope that more people make use of them, whoever and wherever they may be.

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