• Feminism and Arrogance

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 21 18:10:40 2022
    Participants in social movements – such as the hippies of 1960s and feminists of 1990s – have a reputation for being arrogant. I have a fair idea as to why that is.

    These people have figured out things that others around them have not figured out. The hippies figured out that the system was corrupt, and the feminists figured out that there were many things wrong with the Western civilization. Because they figured
    out what other people had not, they thought that they were better than other people.

    This kind of arrogance is dealt with best by being confronted with people whose insight is just as strong but who take a different view than they do. I have written material critical of feminism that is reasoned well enough. Of course there have been
    people describing me as a bigot and a misogynist. I am neither. I think things through as well as any feminist. As for misogyny, I generally see women as being better than men, which a misogynist does not.

    Insight is a useful thing, and one that neither of these movements owns however much they think that they do. What I have seen with these people is completely unjustifiable behavior. They believe that people who think the way they do are smart and that
    everyone else is stupid. I have news for them. I am as smart as they are, and I think differently from them.

    So we have for example the feminists claiming that women who want to be beautiful or want to be loved or want to have families are weak and stupid. They obviously haven’t met many women from Russia. These women want to be feminine and have families;
    they are also smart and strong. Russian women are as strong and as smart as the best of feminist leaders, and much more so than most of their followers.

    One of the best things that happens when cultures mix is them correcting each other’s errors. Once again, women in feminism who think that they are the only smart and strong women out there can no longer make that claim when confronted with women from
    Russia. This is a way to defeat that particular kind of arrogance. Once that is done, it then becomes possible to consider these people’s legitimate arguments and confront the civilizational wrongs that these people correctly see.

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