• A ghostlike scene is glimmering

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 23 14:51:45 2022

    A ghostlike scene is glimmering
    Weak choirs of shades remain
    With silk has draped Melpomene
    Her temple's windowpanes
    Frost crunches in the yard
    Black chariots stand in row
    People and objects are disheveled
    Street crackles with hot snow.


    Bit by bit the servants pick apart
    The abandoned heap of bear furs
    A butterfly flies over and departs,
    And rose plants are draped in furs.
    Gnats and boxes fashionably shimmer
    From the theater light sweat moves in streams
    On the street the flat lamps glimmer
    And like clouds arises heavy steam.


    Coachmen have grown tired of their voices
    And the night is black as if with coal.
    Do not worry, darling Eurydice,
    That our winter is unearthly cold.
    Sweeter than the song of the Italians
    Is the sound of Russian tongue to me,
    For the sounds of harps from foreign countries
    Clamor in it with great mystery.


    Smell of smoke rises from lean mutton
    With the mounds of snow the street is ringed
    From a blissful songlike semitone
    Flying at us is immortal spring,
    That this aria will sound forever:
    "To green meadows you will return"
    And to our feet falls a living sparrow
    On the snow that is so hot, it burns.

    By Osip Mandelshtam
    Translated from Russian by Ilya Shambat

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