• "killed by google" website for deleted google services; we need a "kill

    From weary flake@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 6 14:30:33 2021
    XPost: rec.arts.tv, soc.culture.african.american

    So there's a website:


    that appears to list services formerly offered by Google,
    and then deleted, updated within days.

    What we need is coverage of Amazon, because Amazon is showing
    increasing hostility to it's customers, we need a "killed by
    amazon" website to reveal the products and services deleted by
    amazon, as journalists avoid reporting Amazon downgrades that
    are not announced in official press releases by Amazon:

    In the last few months worldwide Amazon has deleted all
    comments in all reviews, unannounced, so no possibility to
    recover the deleted comments.

    In the year 2020 Amazon deleted the possibility of finding
    specific reviews for specific products, in books, movies, etc.,
    so that now there can be thousands of reviews of different
    products jumbled together (formerly if you clicked "see all
    reviews" there was five columns with the fifth column being the
    Format column which you would select and click the item of the
    dropdown menu and then see the specific reviews. This is a
    severe downgrade for reading user reviews of books, movies,
    music, etc., and was unannounced.

    Before this, was a deletion of all entries for books like The
    Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews. There are
    book-length polemics attacking the book, but not the book itself.
    This Jewish motivated censorship was done before the New York
    Times 1619 slavery project was announced, which also censors any
    mention of the book. How many books formerly offered by Amazon
    were banned? Dozens? Thousands? Since the list of books
    banned by Amazon is secret, it is an unannounced deletion.

    Before this, Amazon had forums that were more general than
    individual product reviews but were linked in a general way
    with categories of specific products. These were deleted,
    but it was announced, so far as I know, so there was a chance
    of recovering posts before they were deleted.

    Sometime in the past Amazon quit including product names in
    their order confirmation or shipping confirmation emails.
    This along with the random seeming mixing of orders in shipping
    causes so much confusion I only order one item at a time, so
    as long as I have free shipping. Match order number in the
    emails with the online order numbers to make sure to delete
    the email of what I receive and keep emails of what I haven't
    got yet. I don't suppose the Amazon policy of sending dumb
    emails was announced, but know that that is the sort of thing
    that would have been mentioned and discussed in the forum
    topics, had it still existed at the time.

    Before this, Amazon had a useful recommendation feature in
    addition to clicking on lists of recommendations. At the top
    of the page of a particular item, if it was recommended,
    would note that that item was recommended, both that page and
    in the lists of recommendations would have a button to click
    that would show why it was recommended, and show the purchases
    and browsed pages I read that led to the recommendation. Much
    more entertaining and useful than the current secretive
    method that has so many dumb responses, with nothing revealed
    about what led to the recommendations.

    All of these things I noticed by personal use of Amazon, as
    a customer. How many other negative alterations of Amazon
    are there that I didn't notice or didn't directly concern me
    or I've forgotten? That's another reason we need a website
    that lists the products and services formally on Amazon but were
    later taken way. Hey, we need websites that are descriptively
    critical of Amazon and other corporations, from a consumer
    perspective, encouraging the public to read the articles, not
    merely what we have, the tiny groups that make their posts
    secret to the public, hosted by user-hostile platforms:
    yahoo, facebook etc.

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