• To burn my heart

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 15 15:44:07 2022
    To burn my heart out for my love
    Each day, each night, each dawn, each evening
    To seek the treasures up above
    And conquer all that is deceiving

    To burn my heart out every day
    And in the night it to replenish
    Means catching forces as they play
    And making them serve what I cherish.

    Burn, my heart, burn: You're still alive
    Embrace the essence of each minute
    From it eternity derive
    And find all that's contained within it

    Bring it to sunlight, make it bloom,
    Twist past and future into present
    Make it eternity consume
    And let it blossom, iridescent.

    In minute - tear it, mold it, burn
    Fill it with incandescent passion
    Make it scream shattered; make it yearn
    For rapture - give it a concussion

    That it would break and spill its core
    And, broken, blend into forever -
    My heart! Beat faster, I implore
    And every minute do dissever:

    Course time like lifeblood through my veins,
    Wring truth from it and make it feed me
    Flush out the rest - all that remains -
    And make truth bleed - yes, make it bleed me -

    Until I'm dry and, like dry wood,
    I burn with passion every minute
    For all that's true, for all that's good,
    And for love as my eyes have seen it.

    Ilya Shambat

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