• Pseudonyms for Jeffrey Rubard (1990s-2020s)

    From Jeffrey Rubard@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 1 17:31:26 2022
    Writing pseudonyms used by Jeffrey Rubard, US, during a period from the 1990s to the 2020s:

    (Some names were shared with another individual, or a group of people)

    Colum Mccann (not the journalistic writings)
    Jacques Roubaud
    Paul Auster (less *Country of Last Things*)
    John Wray
    Jeffrey Lent
    Jeff Noon
    Andy Weir
    Cixin Liu
    Frank Tallis
    Tom Rob Smith
    Wayne Johnston (group)
    T. Jefferson Parker (group)
    Pascal Mercier
    Jamie Ford
    Martin Solares
    David Leavitt
    Adam Rapp (shared)
    John A. Heldt
    Kim Stanley Robinson
    Russell Rowland
    Edward Rutherfurd (shared)
    Abdelrahman Munif (backdated to Intifada times)
    Laszlo Krasznahorkai (shared)
    Simon Sebag Montefiore
    Francis Spufford
    Richard Russo (less *Mohawk*)
    Richard Flanagan
    Matthew McIntosh
    Jonathan Littell
    Roberto Bolano
    Mark Z. Danielewski
    Arturo Perez-Reverte
    Brendan Mathews
    Yann Martel
    Roddy Doyle (less first three novels)
    Douglas Stuart

    Gordon S. Wood
    Alan Taylor
    John Ferling (shared, 70s-80s books by another hand)
    Jon Meacham
    Ted Widmer
    Scott Reynolds Nelson
    David W. Blight (shared)
    David Priestland
    Leslie Holmes
    Ian Bell
    Michael Dobbs (not *House of Cards*)
    Robert W. Merry
    H.W. Brands (group)
    Tristram Hunt (group)
    Richard White
    Stephen Greenblatt (shared)
    Matthew Stewart
    Arthur Kempton
    RJ Smith
    Michael Azerrad
    Nelson Lichtenstein
    Timothy Egan
    Tracy Daugherty
    Peter Hall

    Craig Calhoun
    William Rasch
    Randall Collins (group)
    Goran Therborn (group)
    John Roberts (not John Roberts, US)
    Don Ross
    Derrick Jensen
    Gerd Baumann
    Enzo Traverso
    John Bellamy Foster
    Stathis Kouvelakis
    Richard A. Lanham (shared)
    Joseph Carroll
    Gerd Baumann
    Jens Rubart
    Hans-Georg Moeller
    Michael Bentley
    William H. Sewell Jr.
    Jeffrey Alexander (less *Theoretical Logic in Sociology*)

    Herman Cappelen
    Tim van Gelder
    Peter Carruthers
    Jeff Malpas (group)
    Paul S. Macdonald
    Manuel Delanda
    John Heil
    Quentin Meillassoux (group)
    Kojin Karatani (group)
    R.J. Lipton
    Patrick J. Hurley
    Peter Godfrey-Smith
    Huw Price
    John T. Roberts
    Evan Thompson
    Kevin Lynch
    Alexander Stern
    Leonard Mlodinow
    Ian Hacking
    Gerard LeBrun (shared)
    Alain Badiou
    Ted Sider
    Axel Honneth (less *Critique of Power*)
    Detlev Claussen
    Gilles Dowek
    Jean-Luc Nancy
    Jean-Pierre Dupuy

    Weird, right?
    The volumes total ----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeffrey Rubard@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Rubard on Mon May 2 18:08:35 2022
    On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 5:31:27 PM UTC-7, Jeffrey Rubard wrote:
    Writing pseudonyms used by Jeffrey Rubard, US, during a period from the 1990s to the 2020s:

    (Some names were shared with another individual, or a group of people)

    Colum Mccann (not the journalistic writings)
    Jacques Roubaud
    Paul Auster (less *Country of Last Things*)
    John Wray
    Jeffrey Lent
    Jeff Noon
    Andy Weir
    Cixin Liu
    Frank Tallis
    Tom Rob Smith
    Wayne Johnston (group)
    T. Jefferson Parker (group)
    Pascal Mercier
    Jamie Ford
    Martin Solares
    David Leavitt
    Adam Rapp (shared)
    John A. Heldt
    Kim Stanley Robinson
    Russell Rowland
    Edward Rutherfurd (shared)
    Abdelrahman Munif (backdated to Intifada times)
    Laszlo Krasznahorkai (shared)
    Simon Sebag Montefiore
    Francis Spufford
    Richard Russo (less *Mohawk*)
    Richard Flanagan
    Matthew McIntosh
    Jonathan Littell
    Roberto Bolano
    Mark Z. Danielewski
    Arturo Perez-Reverte
    Brendan Mathews
    Yann Martel
    Roddy Doyle (less first three novels)
    Douglas Stuart

    Gordon S. Wood
    Alan Taylor
    John Ferling (shared, 70s-80s books by another hand)
    Jon Meacham
    Ted Widmer
    Scott Reynolds Nelson
    David W. Blight (shared)
    David Priestland
    Leslie Holmes
    Ian Bell
    Michael Dobbs (not *House of Cards*)
    Robert W. Merry
    H.W. Brands (group)
    Tristram Hunt (group)
    Richard White
    Stephen Greenblatt (shared)
    Matthew Stewart
    Arthur Kempton
    RJ Smith
    Michael Azerrad
    Nelson Lichtenstein
    Timothy Egan
    Tracy Daugherty
    Peter Hall

    Craig Calhoun
    William Rasch
    Randall Collins (group)
    Goran Therborn (group)
    John Roberts (not John Roberts, US)
    Don Ross
    Derrick Jensen
    Gerd Baumann
    Enzo Traverso
    John Bellamy Foster
    Stathis Kouvelakis
    Richard A. Lanham (shared)
    Joseph Carroll
    Gerd Baumann
    Jens Rubart
    Hans-Georg Moeller
    Michael Bentley
    William H. Sewell Jr.
    Jeffrey Alexander (less *Theoretical Logic in Sociology*)

    Herman Cappelen
    Tim van Gelder
    Peter Carruthers
    Jeff Malpas (group)
    Paul S. Macdonald
    Manuel Delanda
    John Heil
    Quentin Meillassoux (group)
    Kojin Karatani (group)
    R.J. Lipton
    Patrick J. Hurley
    Peter Godfrey-Smith
    Huw Price
    John T. Roberts
    Evan Thompson
    Kevin Lynch
    Alexander Stern
    Leonard Mlodinow
    Ian Hacking
    Gerard LeBrun (shared)
    Alain Badiou
    Ted Sider
    Axel Honneth (less *Critique of Power*)
    Detlev Claussen
    Gilles Dowek
    Jean-Luc Nancy
    Jean-Pierre Dupuy

    Weird, right?
    The volumes total ----

    Possible extra pseudonyms ----

    Robert B. Jordan
    Gary D. Schmidt
    Nick Hornby
    Michael Bentley
    William Eric Perkins
    Wallace Cochran
    T.J. English
    Mark Fisher
    Jan-Werner Mueller
    Greg Grandin?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeffrey Rubard@21:1/5 to Jeffrey Rubard on Wed May 4 15:15:39 2022
    On Monday, May 2, 2022 at 6:08:36 PM UTC-7, Jeffrey Rubard wrote:
    On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 5:31:27 PM UTC-7, Jeffrey Rubard wrote:
    Writing pseudonyms used by Jeffrey Rubard, US, during a period from the 1990s to the 2020s:

    (Some names were shared with another individual, or a group of people)

    Colum Mccann (not the journalistic writings)
    Jacques Roubaud
    Paul Auster (less *Country of Last Things*)
    John Wray
    Jeffrey Lent
    Jeff Noon
    Andy Weir
    Cixin Liu
    Frank Tallis
    Tom Rob Smith
    Wayne Johnston (group)
    T. Jefferson Parker (group)
    Pascal Mercier
    Jamie Ford
    Martin Solares
    David Leavitt
    Adam Rapp (shared)
    John A. Heldt
    Kim Stanley Robinson
    Russell Rowland
    Edward Rutherfurd (shared)
    Abdelrahman Munif (backdated to Intifada times)
    Laszlo Krasznahorkai (shared)
    Simon Sebag Montefiore
    Francis Spufford
    Richard Russo (less *Mohawk*)
    Richard Flanagan
    Matthew McIntosh
    Jonathan Littell
    Roberto Bolano
    Mark Z. Danielewski
    Arturo Perez-Reverte
    Brendan Mathews
    Yann Martel
    Roddy Doyle (less first three novels)
    Douglas Stuart

    Gordon S. Wood
    Alan Taylor
    John Ferling (shared, 70s-80s books by another hand)
    Jon Meacham
    Ted Widmer
    Scott Reynolds Nelson
    David W. Blight (shared)
    David Priestland
    Leslie Holmes
    Ian Bell
    Michael Dobbs (not *House of Cards*)
    Robert W. Merry
    H.W. Brands (group)
    Tristram Hunt (group)
    Richard White
    Stephen Greenblatt (shared)
    Matthew Stewart
    Arthur Kempton
    RJ Smith
    Michael Azerrad
    Nelson Lichtenstein
    Timothy Egan
    Tracy Daugherty
    Peter Hall

    Craig Calhoun
    William Rasch
    Randall Collins (group)
    Goran Therborn (group)
    John Roberts (not John Roberts, US)
    Don Ross
    Derrick Jensen
    Gerd Baumann
    Enzo Traverso
    John Bellamy Foster
    Stathis Kouvelakis
    Richard A. Lanham (shared)
    Joseph Carroll
    Gerd Baumann
    Jens Rubart
    Hans-Georg Moeller
    Michael Bentley
    William H. Sewell Jr.
    Jeffrey Alexander (less *Theoretical Logic in Sociology*)

    Herman Cappelen
    Tim van Gelder
    Peter Carruthers
    Jeff Malpas (group)
    Paul S. Macdonald
    Manuel Delanda
    John Heil
    Quentin Meillassoux (group)
    Kojin Karatani (group)
    R.J. Lipton
    Patrick J. Hurley
    Peter Godfrey-Smith
    Huw Price
    John T. Roberts
    Evan Thompson
    Kevin Lynch
    Alexander Stern
    Leonard Mlodinow
    Ian Hacking
    Gerard LeBrun (shared)
    Alain Badiou
    Ted Sider
    Axel Honneth (less *Critique of Power*)
    Detlev Claussen
    Gilles Dowek
    Jean-Luc Nancy
    Jean-Pierre Dupuy

    Weird, right?
    The volumes total ----
    Possible extra pseudonyms ----

    Robert B. Jordan
    Gary D. Schmidt
    Nick Hornby
    Michael Bentley
    William Eric Perkins
    Wallace Cochran
    T.J. English
    Mark Fisher
    Jan-Werner Mueller
    Greg Grandin?

    A "megalith", of which there are historical and contemporary examples "beneath mention"
    (i.e., it's a contentious thing but could you grow up about "wish-fulfilment" meeting all needs?)
    Locally, you could bill it as "The world's biggest PSU Capstone project --
    only it wasn't destructive enough to get the degree."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)