• [Review] I Am Stone: The Gothic Weird Tales of R. Murray Gilchrist

    From Onorio Catenacci@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 16 11:15:16 2023
    This is a book from the "British Library Tales of the Weird" series.
    Here's a link to the book should anyone wish to check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Am-Stone-Gothic-Murray-Gilchrist-ebook/dp/B09B3WX639/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2NG3QV8ESJ9G2&keywords=i+am+stone+the+gothic+weird+tales+of+r.+murray+gilchrist&qid=1697468431&sprefix=I+Am+Stone%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-1

    This book is a collection of reprinted short stories of the mostly
    forgotten author R. Murray Gilchrist. Mr. Gilchrist wrote in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods.

    It's hard to characterize Mr. Gilchrist's writings. He intentionally
    embraces the use of archaic language which makes his stories a bit
    difficult to follow. On the other hand I've added a few interesting
    words to expand my vocabulary--e. g. cheeseparing. A really cool new
    word (at least to me) to say "extremely stingy with money".

    He also seems to revel in obscuring details with a level of obfuscation
    that would do H. P. Lovecraft proud. While Lovecraft seemed to never
    have met an adjective he didn't like, Gilchrist seems to have never met
    a plot point that he couldn't make hard to decipher.

    I might be able to tolerate those authorial quirks but the last section
    of the book "Peak Weird" has three stories written with a dialect
    seemingly local to some region of the UK which is fairly difficult to read.

    Unlike most of the other books I've read so far in the British Library
    Tales of the Weird series (indeed I've also read most of the Wimbourne
    Book of Victorian Ghost Stories series) this book was really a chore to
    read. The stories seemed to ramble without much point and the
    denouement of most of the stories only seemed to add to the confusion.

    Others may find this book entertaining but as for me, I only finished
    this book due to a determination to reduce my habit of failing to finish
    what I start.


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