• The Jailer

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 20 21:46:11 2023
    The worst relationship situations I have seen were ones in which someone has become the jailer. The man decides that his partner is a bad person; but he won’t leave her and he won’t let her leave. Instead he feels it his right, and sometimes even his
    duty before God or society, to grind the woman down.

    I never quite understood that. Why would you want to be with someone you think to be a bad person? If she is bad, fine, leave her and save both her and yourself. Being with someone you don’t like is a stupid way to live. Find yourself a nice
    conservative woman whom you can respect and be with her.

    I have been with three women who had these kinds of situations with men before me. The men thought terribly of the women, and I did not. As they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. If you are with someone you think to be trash, then by
    all means leave her. Give her a chance to be with someone who might like her. And give yourself a chance to be with someone whom you would respect.

    People lose their way a lot. It is so easy to get entangled in a situation without seeing it objectively. Men would fixate on whatever flaws they see with the partner while completely forgetting the good about her and forgetting why they got together
    with her in the first place. They would adopt a prosecutorial attitude, deluding themselves into thinking that it is their right or even their duty to beat the woman down. Once again, if you think that about the woman, you should not be with her at all.
    Leave her, and save the both of you.

    Life is too short to waste it on witch hunts and persecution campaigns. It is also too short to waste it on being with someone you don’t value. A Western man has options – many options. For one thing, there are many good-looking women with
    traditional attitudes around the world who want to marry a Western man. Forget the woman you dislike. Give someone good from another country a chance at a better life, and give yourself a chance at a better life by being with such a woman.

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