• A Christian Case for Environmentalism

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 12 19:09:37 2023
    Environmentalism is lead by people on the Left. It should involve Christians as well. I make the case that environmentalism is a Christian value.

    The first reason is that nature is the creation of God. To blindly plunder it for gain that stands to be realized much better using smarter technologies is spitting in the face of God. You have not created nature and you cannot re-create nature. Nature
    possesses things of far greater intricacy and complexity than anything that people have ever created. Disrespecting nature is disrespecting God, and there is nothing Christian about it.

    Another Christian value is responsibility, and responsibility means being accountable for what you are doing to the world. To leave the world a worse place than you have found it is being irresponsible. Some people think that responsibility is about
    having a huge house and a Hummer. In fact that is completely irresponsible. What we see here is reckless consumption. That is more irresponsible than even drug addiction. A drug addict hurts himself and the people who love him; the reckless consumer
    hurts everyone.

    Another Christian value is family values. That means bequeathing to your children a liveable world. If you are bequeathing your children a worse world than you have found, you are doing the wrong thing by your children. Which means that, according to the
    Christian logic of family values, you fail.

    Another Christian value is compassion. Compassion means being good to other people; it also means being good to life. The beautiful, innocent plants and animals that are being blindly slaughtered have done nothing to deserve what is happening to them.
    There is cruelty in nature; there is also kindness in nature. There was a photo on the Internet of a polar bear hugging a wolf. If animals can be more compassionate than we are, boy do we have a lot to learn.

    Environmentalism therefore should be a Christian cause. Christian values demand better treatment of the environment. Blindly plundering nature when we can achieve the same gain through better technologies is failing by logic of Christianity. And a true
    Christian would do what he can to make sure that environment is being treated better.

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